Chapter 24

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Ally's POV

After a few hours of nonstop begging I finally agreed to stay with the boys, I mean there all fun.. why not? And I don't ever want to be separated from Matthew again.. Once we fully mate (by marking each other and you know.. ya) then he should become an alpha, simply because I'm and alpha and he's my mate. Which would make me a Luna too? Ugh I don't know this stuff is confusing. 

I can't wait til Matt and I start our own family.. wait a sec, family.... Ryan. 

"Hey Matt?" I called throughout the house. A few seconds later he walked right through the door and sat down beside me. "What's up?" he asked. "Well it occurred to me.. Ryan is still my family, and he's all alone.. maybe we should go see him." I said as Matt started rubbing his chin like an old wise man. 

"But he thinks your dead? What do we say when he sees you. That you fake died and you've been living in the woods for a year as a wolf and that I found you and you bit me?.... I don't know Als.." He said. Ugh he's right, but Ryan did know a little about how our family was different.. he'll understand. 

"Please Matt, I know what i'm doing.." I asked.. He gave in and nodded with that little smile I can never get over. I jumped up with a "yay" and gave him a hug before running out the door and too Matt's car. Seconds later he jumped in the driver's side and we were off. 

"Wait you told the boys where we're going right?" I asked Matt. He slightly turned his head, not letting his eyes leave the road. "Yeah I yelled to them before I ran out. I nodded and we went on our way to Ryan's apartment. I wonder what he's been doing for the past year. 

When we pulled into the building my eyes grew wide.. this place is huge! Oh yeah apartment buildings are suppose to be big.. i'm stupid.. 

Matt and I slowly walked hand in hand to the door to the lobby and Matt pressed that buzzer thingy. 



"Uh yeah, it's Matt, Ryan can you please let me up it's beyond important." Matt said into the screen thing. 


Then there was a ding and the door opened. Wow Ryan sounds drained.. ugh I feel worse now. We made our way to the elevator and stopped on the 4th floor where his apartment is. 

"His place is B24" Matt said as I ran down the hall. The closer I got, the more tension and eagerness built up inside of me. What will he say? Heck, what will he do? 

My feet suddenly came to a quick stop when my eyes glanced at the B24 sign on the door. This is it.. I waited for Matt to catch up before I knocked, and he was at my side within seconds. We both took a deep breath and he nodded at me as I raised my hand. 

knock knock knock

Moments later I heard the lock switch and the door slowly swing open to reveal a tired and depressed looking Ryan standing there in his pj's. He looked at me, then back to Matt with no expression at all.. does he seriously not recognize me? His own sister? Well he thinks i'm dead so.. I understand.  

"Yeah?" he said to Matt with his ragged voice that made me cringe. It never used to be this way.. 

"Ryan" I whispered as I tackled him into a hug, I couldn't take the suspense anymore. Surprisingly he hugged me back.... maybe all he needed was a hug, from what he thought was a stranger. I pulled away and just starred at him.. 

"Who are you?" He asked with curiousness and suspicion. I looked over to Matt and once again he nodded at me to keep talking. I took a deep breath and turned back to Ryan.. 

"Hay Ron Bon" I said to him, that was my old nick name for him when we were kids. I can't even explain the look on his face now.. somewhere between shocked and hopeful. 

"A-Ally? Is that you? No no no your dead.. What's going on?" He started pacing back and forth with his hands running through his hair. Well time to explain. I went over to Ryan and smiled at him, he had tears in his eyes.. "It's really me Ryan.. I was never dead.. I faked it because I couldn't take the stress anymore.. but I'm back now and I'm here to stay.." I said to him. 

More tears started falling from his eyes as he pulled me into a really tight hug... now to tell him the other news.. "Oh and Ryan.. I'm also an alpha werewolf and Matt is my mate and Beta.. hehe" I said so quick I didn't think he heard me. But judging by the look on his face I think he heard. Crap. 

"Huh? Werewolf? Alpha? Beta? MATE?!" he yelled and shot a glare at Matt. I touched his arm to calm him down a little and apparently it worked because he stopped breathing really heavily and sat down with his head in his hands. 

"This is not happening.. this isn't real, your not here, werewolves don't exist, Ally is still dead, i'm just dreaming.. and when I look up, all of this will be gone." He whispered while shaking his head back and forth. He looked back up at us and only panicked more. Well this is great. 

"Ryan.." I started but he cut me off, "No! This is not real! I'm loosing my mind and I'm seeing things that only make me more frustrated.. I'm sorry Ally I'm sorry!" He yelled. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground, but before his head hit the wood I caught him. 

"Ryan it is real, please look at me." I repeated as I rocked him back and forth with his head in my lap. When he opened his eyes I almost dropped him, why were they glowing blue? I shook my head and turned to Matt who had the same expression as me. 

I heard Ryan groan again and this time I did let go and run to Matt. He rolled around on the ground for a few seconds before a loud growl escaped his lips.. this isn't happening.. I thought only the first born daughter became the werewolf.. maybe I was wrong? But then why wouldn't Ryan have shifted before me? Ugh. 

I made my way closer to Ryan but he growled again, "Ally, get away from me, you don't want to see what happens next." He whimpered in a deeper voice. I backed up once again and waited for him to calm down, but he didn't.. I think he got more angry. 

'Ally I said go!!" He yelled, but I didn't listen. I stood my ground and prepared to shift. Ryan yelled once last time before curling up and shifting into a medium sized dark brown wolf right before my eyes. Wait how did he know he was going to shift? Did he change before me? Da fuq? 

He growled really loudly and started walking towards me preparing to pounce. But before he got the chance I quickly shifted into my wolf and so did Matt.. I'm surprised his neighbors haven't complained yet. 

His eyes widened and he stepped back as I growled back at him.. Aww poor baby's only an omega.. I'm surprised he's not an alpha.. wait! Maybe the first born girl is the alpha wolf or something and the other children are born omegas?? 

All of us shifted back and I took this opportunity to run right back into Ryan's arms. He was like me, and this means he's part of my newly formed pack. 

"I missed you Allybear..." He whispered and I giggled.. "I missed you too Ron Bon." 

And this my friends, was the start to a whole new adventure.. an adventure with Ryan and Matt. My brother and my mate.... and a ton of other human boys.. 

FUN.. (note sarcasm) 




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