Chapter 25

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Ally's POV

We wanted Ryan to move into our house but he refused because he still had a job and he needed privacy to do work.... stupid personal space.

When Matt and I got home it was around 5:30 and we left the house at 12. Wow we spent alot of time talking to Ryan. 

I immediately went to the kitchen, what i'm hungry.. Werewolves gotta eat too! I took out some chicken and turned on the oven while placing it in. Then I got out some noodles and filled a pot with water then placed it on the stove. When everything was done I called all the boys in and we sat down and ate. 

"Wow Ally who knew the little werewolf could cook?" Cam said in surprise. I just giggled. The rest of the boys agreed and we just talked about random stuff until most of the food was gone. I still wasn't very full. I mean common I haven't had a full meal in days.. 

"Matt i'm still alittle hungry i'm gonna go outside and hunt alittle.." I said to Matt as I got up from my seat. He was still stuffing his face with extra chicken so all he did was nod. 

I quickly made my way to the doorstep and grabbed my shoes, slipping them on as I opened the door and headed outside into the woods. When I was a good distance out, I shifted into my wolf and ran to the nearest field. That's where the rabbits like to wonder during the day. 

Soon enough I caught the scent of a young, female, adult rabbit. My nose led me east until I spotted it eating something by a stream. Slowly, I moved my paws around anything that could make a crunch or snap without loosing sight of the little rabbit. 

When I was just about 5 feet away from it, I pounced, catching it's small body in my mouth and biting down on it's neck. I hate doing this to poor, defenseless animals.. but I can't help it. This is the only way to stay fed and be healthy. 

When I was satisfied, I left the scraps for other animals and started my journey back towards the house. I was about half way there when I caught another scent, but it wasn't a rabbit. It was another wolf....

I turned my ears in all directions waiting for a sound, but I didn't anything but a faint heartbeat. I shifted back to human and looked around through the trees and bushes. 

"Who's there?!" I called out.. no response. I flashed my eyes as a warning sign to them.. "Let me ask this one more time.. Who's. There??!!" I was getting angry. At first I thought it was Matt but the scent is unfamiliar. 

There was no reply, but the heartbeat was getting louder. This is frustrating.. I mind linked Matt: 

A- Matt?

M- Ally what's wrong? Why aren't you back yet? 

A- I was on my way back but then I smelled an unfamiliar scent.. I asked who's there but all I heard is a heartbeat and it's getting louder, I need your help. 

M- I'm coming as fast as I can.. 

Then the mind link ended. I heard a small *snap* behind me so I turned around, only to be face to face with a tall teenage boy with a dark brown quiff and piercing green eyes. He was also pretty well built, i'd say about 6 foot. 

I backed up a little bit and he smirked at me.. da hell? "Who are you?" I asked showing nothing but confidence. His smirk grew and he stepped forwards.. "Oh hun, I can't tell you that. It ruins the fun." He said as he grabbed my shoulders. 

I tried using my alpha strength to push him off but he was too strong. I was struggling and all he did was laugh with an evil grin plastered across his face. 

I tried mind linking Matt again: 

A- Matt help! I need you this guy showed up and he's really scaring me.

M- I got your scent, I'm almost there!! 

He ended the mind link again and I groaned in frustration. The mystery guy started pulling me somewhere and I struggled to get my arms free, but it was no use. I was also growling at him but he didn't even flinch. Ugh. 

After a little bit of struggling, I gave up and looked in the direction he was pulling me. I saw an enormous mansion alittle bit past a river and a big field.... is that where we're going? I couldn't smell my house anymore.. we've been walking for about a half hour so we're pretty far away im assuming.. 

And Matt still hasn't shown up.... did something happen to him? 

We made it to the river and he threw me across. I landed on the other side with a *thud*.... ouch. The second I realized what had happened, I got up and attempted making a run for it. I only got about 10 feet away before he grabbed me again. This is hard. 

Now we were walking across the big field.. It's actually quite pretty. 

After another 10 minutes of him walking and me being dragged behind, we got to the doorstep. He was about to push the door open when we heard a loud growl behind us. 

I turned back and saw an angry Matthew with yellow eyes and fangs showing. He was breathing really hard and snarling and the guy. He once again, only smirked. 

"Let. My. Mate. Go." He growled at the guy. The guy just tightened his grip around my arm and I whimpered in pain. He was really strong. 

"My alpha wants to see her, so I suggest you leave now.. before both you, and her get hurt.." He stated coldly. But Matthew stood his ground.. He wasn't leaving without me.

"Fine.." The guy said as he dropped me to the cold ground and kicked my stomach. I growled in pain and Matt started yelling at the guy. He swung a punch but the guy ducked and tripped Matt. He picked Matt back up by his collar and threw him about 15ft away.

Matt landed unconscious and the guy turned back to me. He grabbed my arm once again and pulled me into the mansion.. 

This is going to be interesting.. 




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