Chapter 32

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Hey quick note before chapter. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I've had a lot of stuff going on and besides i've got terrible writers block. I tend to get that a lot. Just my luck I guess hah. Anyways.. thanks for sticking with me. I'm thinking about ending this book on chapter 50? With an epilogue or something. I don't think i'm gonna do a sequel. But aye, things change!! idk lol anyways for now, ENJOY CHAPTER 32!!


        Lets just say that the day I woke up was one to remember.. Matt woke up around 7pm and literally screamed when he felt something beside him. 

Then realization of the past few events set in.. and it hit him like a train on full speed. 

I was actually kind of funny to see him flip out. Yes that sounds mean but it was a happy kind of flip out. Well, happy and really confused. 

After having a very long discussion with Matt about what exactly happened and him weeping into my shoulder for the unteenth time that day, the others walked in. 

Just as assumed, they're reaction was exactly the same. Half of them thought they were seeing my ghost. Heh. 

The bed sheets are still damp from all the tears shed. But aye.. i'm back, once again. I'm still pretty weak but my power is growing stronger and stronger each day. 

Matt and I still have yet to complete our bond. Trust me we both want to, but we decided to wait until i'm fully healed. Lord knows what could happen. 

It was about 9:00 am now on a gloomy Sunday morning and we were all spread out across the couches, my head resting on Matt's chest, because we're too lazy to get up and do something. 

"Why don't we go out and play in the rain?" I asked with a yawn. They all turned to me with excited eyes before zooming outside and into the puddle-filled back yard. 

"Well?!" Cam shouted at me with a smile on his face. I chuckled as I stood up and ran after them, almost tripping on the way. 

"All's come here! I wanna dance! Like in the movies and crap?!" Matt managed to say over the hard sound of droplets pelting the gutters. I smiled at him and walked over to Jack G. 

"Nah Jack is my dancing buddy! Your my cuddle buddy!!"" I yelled back. His smile turned into a pouty frown and Carter ran to him, taking him in his arms. 

"It's okay Matty-poo I'm your dancing buddy!" He said. Matt's pout disappeared as they started doing the salsa in the mud. 

Okay then. 

I took Jack's hand and spun him in circles until we both almost fainted. "Got some arm's there All-pal." He laughed. All-pal? The heck? 

"Nice nickname.. I bet you get your talent from Cam." I grinned. "HEY!" Cam shouted as him and Nash struggled to master the waltz. 

I shrugged my shoulders and we continued are performance. Mud and water was flying everywhere.. just lovely. 

I looked over to Matt and he gave me the Let's get out of here look. I chuckled at his expression and walked over to him, leaving Jack alone with a rock. 

"Hey" Matt said, taking my petite hand in his enormous one and leading me towards the forest. Once we were clear of view, Matt shifted into his gorgeous wolf, as did I. And we took off. 

The scenery was much more beautiful than I remember. It's been so long since I just.. took a run. I was faster than Matt but I kept a slow pace so he wouldn't feel puny. Hehe. 

At the most random of times, Matt chose to tackle me to the ground and hover over me like he accomplished something. I took it as an opportunity to mess around so I shoved him off with all my force and bolted. 

We always ended up making our way back to each other in a matter of time and resume our lovely adventure. 

Once the sun started getting lower to the horizon, I shifted back to human and waited for Matt. Minutes passed and I started growing worried. What could of possibly happened I was only about ten feet ahead of him the whole time. 

I was lost in thought when I felt two strong arms grab me and I let out a loud as hell scream. 

I heard fits of laughter and turned around only to be face to face with a hysterical Matthew. "Oh so that's how it's gonna be eh?" I teased. 

Well that shut him up. I put on a pouty face and crossed my arms, turning away from the boy on the grass. 

"Aw come on baby girl, don't ignore me.." He whined. I huffed and started walking back to the house. I heard Matt chuckle and seconds later, a small growl invaded my ears. 

I turned back to Matt to see he had a smirk on his face. Ugh that face though.. I gave in and cracked a smile. 

"Your impossible." I said to him. "I know" He retorted. He took a step closer to me, that smirk never leaving his face. 

He pinned me up against a tree and started kissing my neck as I let out a small gasp. 

"Matt" I giggled.. "Really? Here? Now?" I managed to say between the soft moans escaping my mouth. He only grunted as his lips made they're way up to my chin, then my mouth. 

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that fireworks were going off like it was the 4th of July. Our lips moved in sync as my arms wrapped around his neck, his resting on my torso. 

"Jump" he mumbled in between breaths. I did as told and jumped into his now open arms. He looked into my eyes and leaned in once again, reconnecting our lips and reigniting the sparks. 

We found our way back to the house very easily, not once breaking contact. I guess the other boys went inside because it was quiet as night. No screaming, no obnoxious laughter, no shouting at one another to move their ass out of the way. 

It was just us. 

"Wanna go upstairs?" Matt wriggled his eyebrows, causing me to fall to the ground in fits of laughter. 

"What the hell." I simply stated as I stood up and grabbed Matt's hand, dragging him inside the huge house. 

When I walked into the TV room, I saw all of the boys once again piled on top of one another. I giggled lightly to my self before continuing my voyage up the stairs. 

I walked into Matt's room and sat on his bed, waiting for him to arrive. After another 5 minutes of nothing but the smooth sound of my breathing, I gave up and leaned back on the soft cushion. 

My eyes grew heavy and I made no attempt to change out of my now mud-stained clothing. Right before I completely drifted off, I heard the sweet sound of Matt's voice saying,

"Get some sleep my beautiful mate." 

Then it all faded into darkness.

Only this time.. the light would return in a matter of minutes as it seems. 



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