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This is the fucking worst.

I stared at the scene before me. My mother's boyfriend, Neil, was drenched in his red wine. His face was contorted in anger as he stared at Naomi. My mother sat next to me in the circular both; confused. Everyone in the restaurant was staring, except the few who actually knew how to mind their business.

"What is going on," My mom yells. "You all have been going back and forth all night, is there something I'm missing here?"

Mom you have no idea.

But let me start at the beginning.

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I dropped Xavier off first before both me and Naomi headed over to her house. Since I said I would meet Neil and my mom at the restaurant, I brought my clothes over as well.

"Mom, Melanie" Naomi announces her presence as we both walk in. "We have arrived."

"In the kitchen, you two," She yells back.

Naomi walks into the kitchen and I sit beside Melanie. Little did she know that I knew all about her and X; they've been talking for weeks.

"So I hear you two are going on a date," Tara, Naomi's mom says.

Melanie chokes on apple slices and I have to pat her on the back, "Date? Are you two going out?"

Naomi and I both shake our heads. "My mom wants me to get to know her boyfriend and he said I could bring a friend along so it isn't as awkward," I explain.

"Well whatever is, you two have fun tonight," Tara says getting up. "I'm going back into work to cover a shift, so I'll see you all later." She grabs her keys and puts on her shoes. Before leaving she pauses, "No funny business Damian."

Naomi laughs, "He knows better mom, love you, see you when you get back."

Tara waves one more time before leaving and I let out the breath I've been holding. "Tell me why your mom thinks I'm going to get into your pants all the time?"

"Because you're a boy," Melanie states. "That's just what boys do."

"Not all boys."

"Most boys," Naomi corrects.

I nod in agreement, "You're not wrong." I look down at my phone to check the time and see that it's already five thirty. "Maybe we should start getting dressed Naomi, it's five thirty."

"It's already five thirty? Damian you should've told me what time it was earlier," Naomi begins panicking and runs up the stairs; Melanie and I run up the stairs after her, but we're met with a
locked door.

"Melanie can you get my straightener from the bathroom and plug it up in there," Naomi yells from inside the room.

"On it," Melanie replies and goes into the bathroom.

I sigh and go downstairs to change into my clothes. It was just a black button down with black dress pants, nothing too special.

I walk back upstairs after I'm finished to see if Naomi is done getting ready, only to find her in the bathroom straightening her hair.

She's not even dressed.

"Naomi," I draw out. "You're not even dressed and you're straightening hair? We're so late."

"We're going to be fashionably late," She retorts. "And what's so bad about me straightening my hair?"

"Because your hair is already fine the way it is."

She looks at me through the mirror and send me a smile, "It's fine, I'm done anyways. I just need to put on my dress and I'll be ready."

"You're lying, you take forever..."

"No, I'm not," She laughs. "Actually, you know what? Go sit in the car."

I cross my arms, "No."

Naomi stops straightening her hair, gets up from in-front of the mirror, and stands in front of me.

"Damian Austin Parker," She begins. "I believe you're a smart boy but you're not being very smart right now. So if you want me to go to this dinner, you're going to get your ass in the car." She smiles before walking past me and I begin to walk down the stairs to my car.

It took Naomi ten more minutes to walk out of the house, but it looked like she took another hour. Her hair fell to her hips, that were outlined by the red, satin dress she had on.

She looked stunning.

But nothing could've stunned me more when she poured that drink on Neil.

On her dad.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Parker, but your boyfriend will leave you after he says he loves you. I'm telling you now because I don't want you to be surprised that after all the things you have been through he doesn't come back to you. He'll call you his little girl and your mom a queen and then he'll say that he found something new and he'll run off." 

Naomi wasn't looking at my mom, or me, but at her dad; focusing on the problem at hand. Neil stood wiping away the red wine, cursing under his breath.

"I'm glad I left."

Naomi flinched as though she had been slapped, teetering back in forth like she could fall at any moment, "You're glad you left me, is what that translates too."

Naomi walks toward the bar and pulls a bottle of vodka off the shelf and begins to walk toward the door, "They say you don't get to choose your father, but you could've chosen to have me, so I just want you think to yourself how you could've saved your only daughter some pain."

And she walks out the door.

My moms eyes were bloodshot, Neils tie was stained red, and my feet were up and running. I ignored my mom's calls as I focused on following the girl in the red satin dress.

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To be continued.

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