thirty- nine

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I laid in Naomi's bed as she examined herself in the mirror. She started at the scar that crossed her body, which was the result of her crash. Her eyes scanned it over, causing me to cross the room and wrap my arms around her.

"Are you self conscious about it," I ask, choosing my words carefully so I didn't make her upset.

She sighs as she replies, "Yes, unfortunately."

"Don't be; it doesn't change anything about you."

She breaks away from grasp and pulls me onto the bed with her, "I can't help it."

Naomi has been out of her coma for two weeks. She got out of her wheelchair, which she had to take with her in case she collapsed suddenly. She's walking fine though; everyone is with her at all times.

"It's a survivor wound; you survived."

"You're right. I'm a survivor."

Naomi's positivity always transmits to me; I have no choice but to be positive with her.

"Hey, graduation is soon," She voices, looking up at me. "Are you excited?"

Not at all. I don't want her to leave my sight. It's not because she can't take care of herself; It's because she takes care of me without knowing it.

"Yeah, I'm ready to move past high school," I respond, matching into her gaze.

We fall into silence as Naomi shifts against me, her upper leg crossing mine as she got more comfortable.

"I don't want to leave, Damian. I'm scared."

I look at her amazed, "You? Scared? Why?"

"I want to be with you and Melanie and Xavier and Lana and Teddy. Especially, my mom; You all are my everything. I just don't think I can be at college knowing we are scattered everywhere."

I rub circles into her back as I play with hair, "You are going to do great things while you're off at college. You don't have anything to worry about."

She sits up quickly, her hair falling into my face as she does so, "Damian, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I was taken back with happiness. She was always doing this; Going around and saying what's on her mind with no second-guessing. I did the same thing before I wanted to die, but she's doing this because she wants to live. The girl I love just confessed her love for me with no hesitation. "You mean, like, you want to marry-"


"Give me one second."

I gently pushed her off me before I began to search through my backpack.

"Damian, what are you doing?"

I didn't mean to ignore her, but I did as I searched for the promise ring I gave her. After finding it, I quickly got back in bed with her and ignored her questioning looks.

"Damian wha-"

"They found this on your finger when you got in the wreck and I honestly thought it would be broken but it wasn't. I kept it so that when you woke up, I could give it back to you. I want you to wear it until I get you a real ring until we're really married."

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