twenty- seven

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Melanie and I sit across from each other in the food court. The mall wasn't too crowded but it definitely She chewed on a french-fry and I munched on my chips as I looked down at the promise ring I got for Naomi.

"Do you think she'll like it," I ask, staring at the ring.

Melanie gives me an incredulous look. "Are you kidding me? She's going to love it, Damian. No guy has gotten something like that for her."

"Wait a second," I ask. "Naomi has never had a boyfriend ever? Like not even a middle school boyfriend?" I begin to take a sip of my water as Melanie answers.

She shakes her head, "Nope, not before you."

I choke, "What do you mean before me?" We haven't told anyone we're dating and honestly, I don't even know what we classify as.

"Oh, don't play games. Everyone saw it when we all slept over after you got out of the hospital. I mean, a snack doesn't take that long to get."

Well she did have a point; we were gone for a while.

"Oh," was the only thing I could manage to get out.

"It's okay, Damian. Naomi really likes you, I like you; y'all should get together. I think you should make the first move though, Naomi hasn't been in a relationship so..."

I nod my head, trying to not let the complement that Melanie slipped out, get to my head, "I will. I should probably get you home though and I kinda want to ask Naomi to the dance, finally."

"Good idea."

When we arrived to her house, Naomi answered the door before putting a finger to her lips.

"A police officer is here right now for you Melanie," Naomi says. "I think they're talking about your dad."

"Fucking fantastic," Melanie mutters under her breath. "I'll see you guys upstairs, okay?"

We nod our heads as we watch Melanie enter the living room before we head upstairs.

Naomi flops onto her bed and I take a seat at her desk chair, admiring how neat her desk was.

"Melanie's dad wants her back."

My contact breaks from the brushes and markers to look at Naomi, "Wow, really?"

"Yeah but I don't think Mom is going to let him."

"What do you mean?"

"My mom loves Melanie; I love Melanie and we wouldn't put her back into an unsafe position, ya know?" She pauses and turns to me. "But how was the mall? Was it fun?"

I shrug, "Not really, it was more of a business trip."

"A business trip, Damian?" Naomi starts to laugh. "To the mall?"

"Hell yes a business trip," I reply, pushing her down as I sat next to her on the bed. "I needed Melanie's help though, I had to make sure I got something that you liked."

"What do you mean something I liked?"

I reach into my back pocket and pull out the black box that contained her ring. She looks at the box before looking back at me, "Holy shit, I love it."

"Naomi, you haven't even opened it up, yet."

She laughs quietly to herself, "Oh, right." She takes the box from my hands and opens it. "It's gorgeous, but you didn't have to spend this much on me."

"Of course I did because I need to propose to you.


I take the ring and get down on one knee. "Naomi, will you go to our winter dance with me?"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Naomi wraps her arms around me and I gladly accept her, loving the way she felt against me.

"And something else has been on my mind."

"I'm listening," She mutters against me.

"So, um, I've been thing about us for a while and where our relationship stands and I, um, want to be more? If that's okay with you? Like.... I'm basically asking if you would want to be my girlfriend? You can say no-"

Naomi cuts me off by placing a kiss on my cheek, "I would love to be your girlfriend." She stands up and brings me along with her. Were you nervous when you asked me?"

"God, yes. Could you tell?"

She shrugs, "Oh, yeah, for sure."

"Whatever," I sigh, pulling Naomi down with me onto her bed. She places her head as my chest and intertwines her fingers with mine. It was quiet for a moment before a knock came from the door.

"Hey, it's Melanie, can I come in?"

Naomi pops up from her position, but our hands remain connected.

"Yeah, of course," Naomi says as Melanie comes through the door.

Melanie takes a seat on the bed, forming a circle between the three of us.

"So, um, that was the police downstairs," Melanie starts. "And he basically explained that my dad wants me to come home. I'm turning eighteen in a few days, so I'm going to say here until then? If that's okay."

"Melanie, of course it's okay. It doesn't even matter if you're almost eighteen, we would've let you stay with us anyway."

Naomi is the most genuine person I know. She always says what's true and sincere and puts all her emotions out for the world to see. I wish I could be more like her.

"By the way, Naomi. I think I heard your mom talking to your dad. Actually, Damian, I think this applies to you too. I think your parents are going to move in with each other."

Naomi and I immediately turn to each other.

"This cannot fucking happen."

I fully expected those words to come out of Naomi's mouth, but instead they come out of mine with a string of curses.

What am I going to do?

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

I wouldn't say it's a filler chapter, but it definitely was kind of rushed, so I'll have another chapter up soon later in the week :)

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