forty - one

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"I can't believe it. I just can't...

I stood before my mom as she took pictures of me in my gown. She can't believe I'm graduating and honestly I can't either.

My mom fastens the buckle around her heel before standing back up, "Well, let's go! I need to get a good seat and you need to get to your spot."

"Okay, okay."

We got in my mom's car, much to my disappointment and we drove to the school. The graduation was to be held on the football field so she pulled to the front of the field to drop me off.

"Okay, this is good. I'm meeting the others first and then we're walking to our seats."

"Okay, I'll meet you after in the same spot."

"Sounds good."

"Oh, wait don't forget your crown."

Our school had this tradition where whoever won the crown at Winter Ball was supposed to wear the crown at graduation. It was stupid but it's fine.

I close the car door and walk through the gates. Naomi stood leaning against the brick wall, playing around on her phone. Her white gown was unbuttoned to show the little black dress she wore underneath; Her velvet shoes matched. She also wore her crown on top of her straightened hair.

"Hey." I plant a kiss on her cheek. "You look beautiful."

"And you." She returns my kiss. "Look very handsome."

I intertwine my fingers with Naomi's as we begin to walk, "So, you ready to do this?"

Naomi shrugs, "Yeah I'm ready, just don't want to trip on stage."

I let out a small laugh, "I highly doubt that."


"I have a hunch that we should make it to our seats, " I joke.

Naomi nudges me playfully, "Its funny because I thought the same thing."

We walk to our seats before we separate. Naomi sat a few seats ahead of me due to the alphabetical seating the school had set up. Naomi began talking to people who sat next to her and I began talking to Xavier who sat behind me.

"Dude, this is taking forever. I just want to get that diploma and dip."

"I feel you, man. You going to Naomi's after?"

"Of course, I can't pass up on good food, you know that."

I laugh, "Yeah, yeah, I know."

We continued to talk while our principal continued to talk alongside former students. This went on for some time before we started to walk for our diplomas.

"Melanie Bradshaw."

Melanie walked quickly across the stage with a smile across her face. After receiving her diploma her smile quickly dropped and she walked off the stage.

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