Fourty - four

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Naomi stood in front of the mirror as her mom, Tara, zipped her up. The strapless, V neck dress led into a tight bodice that fanned out at the bottom. Her train was long as it fell behind her. Her mom kisses her cheek, "You look gorgeous, baby."

"Thank you, Momma, " She responds, running her hands over the dress material.

Melanie comes running into the room, followed by Naomi's grandmother and Lana.

"I got your shoes, " She announces, sitting them down by Naomi.

"And I brought the Advil, considering the headache you might have from last night, " Lana chimes in.

They both wore champagne-colored dresses that followed a similar pattern to Naomi's own dress. They won't silver shoes to match her dress and their hair was pinned up to contrast Naomi's free-falling hair.

Naomi laughs, "Much needed." but she gives Melanie a knowing look.

"We are running on schedule, but I do need the bride in less then five minutes if we want this to go as smoothly as possible. Damian is already inside and the men are lined up and ready to go."

Annie, Naomi's grandmother, kisses Naomi on the cheek before walking out with Tara; Lana and Melanie stay behind.

"You guys, I'm nervous, " Naomi admits. " I mean, what if it's going to be different?"

Melanie shakes her head, "If anything it's going to be better."

Lana nods, "You guys are going to be, well, already bound to each other. This is going to be the best day of your life."

Naomi nods to reassure herself. "You all are right." She puts on her shoes and takes an Advil before taking her dress into her hands and marching out of the door. She makes her way over to her father, entangling her arms with his.

"You look beautiful, honey, " he says.

Naomi smiles, "Thanks, Dad."

Naomi and her father's relationship got better after she graduated high school. She wanted things to get better and so did he. If they hadn't, she didn't know who would be walking her down the aisle today.

"Naomi, your veil!" Melanie runs over to Naomi and quickly pulls the veils over her face. "You're a Queen.  Today's your day."

Naomi hugs her best friend before letting her go. Melanie quickly runs back to Xavier and he gives Naomi a thumbs-up before turning back around. The bride looked at her friends from high school and college as they began to walk down the aisle. Soon, it was Naomi's turn. She squeezed her father's arm tightly as she began to walk, the nerves starting to come back.

But they all fell away when she saw Damian.

He stood there, his eyes watering as he held in tears. He had been waiting for this moment ever since he first put that promise ring on her finger. Now seeing her walk towards him in the presence of their friends and family, made it all too real.

Naomi received a kiss from her dad before walking up the stairs so Damian could peel back her veil. He then took her hands into his.

Mikey looked at the young couple. He was pleasantly surprised when Naomi and Damian had asked him to officiate their wedding, but he had no doubt in his mind that this was an honor.

"Today we come together to view the joining of this young couple," Mikey starts. "We have watched their journey through high school and college and their time has come to be joined for the rest of their lives. At this time, I would like to ask the maid of honor and the best man for the rings."

His Name Was DamianWhere stories live. Discover now