Chapter 24: Late For a Very Important Date

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February 16th 2017

ARYN: When i got to school i immediatly felt eyes on me as i walked down the halls. a few people mutter some shit and others just glared. i wanted to say something... tell them i didnt like the way they were staring at me. but i decided to keep quiet as i head to first period, which of course i had with Tatiana.

7 hours later...

school went by fast, me and Tatiana forgave each other and talked most of the day since AJ was at home sick. i waited at the bus stop with Samia and Kaiah who just kind of stared at me. the bus came after a good 10-15 minutes of us sitting there and i got in. i felt a few more stares as my cheeks flushed a deep red, i hate having eyes on me. i put in my ear buds and litened to Ella Mai's "Boo'd up" on repeat until i reached my stop. the bus driver smiled which i returned with a shy wave and smile. i got off and headed home to take a quick shower before going to see Hannah. as i cleansed my body with my honey melon scented body wash on my hands i couldnt help but remenise about me and Hannahs kiss the other day. I sigh as i remember her touch... i can almost feel it now. i remember how i felt in that moment. why the fuck did i pull away!? I run my hands through my hair as my conditioner washes out. i close my eyes and listen to "location" after a while i find my self crying and belting out the lyrics to the song. "oh won't you send me your location lets-" suddenly my vibe is ruined by a knock at the door. "yes?" i ask annoyed, can't a girl sing in peace? "sorry to bother you, by the way you kill that song!" i hear aubri say which makes me smile. "thanks, what do you want?" i say quickly. "dad said to come down for lunch." "hey tell dad that i'm going to be home late and im going out with Hannah for lunch so i will be late. "Okay!" she says, i can hear her loud thumping as she runs down the stairs. i put back on my playlist and i hear "just the way you are" by bruno mars. i screech in excitment im about to kill this song. "oh her eyes her eyes make the stars look like they're not shinin," i sing swaying my hips around like a weirdo. "her hair her hair falls perfectly without her trying" I cant help but glance into the past and remember all the times i felt butterflies in my stomach when Hannah would pull out her ponytail or bun and reveal the true amazingness that was her long brunette locks. shit i missed the first verse, i snap quicly out of my memories and back into the song. "when i see you face, there's not a thing that i would change cuz girl you're amaz-" I belt out the chorus until i was so rudely interuppted by the music pausing and my phone ringing. i groaned and pulled the shower curtain back as i turned off thw facet and got my phone. i checked the caller ID, it was Hannah. "hey Han" I said, "where are you?" she sounded a little annoyed. "shit sorry i lost track of time, i was in the shower." i said as i quicly hopped out the shower realizing that i was late for out hang out. "mhm" she muttered into the phone before letting out a big exaggerated sigh", "i'll be there in ten" i said wrapping my light blue towel around my dripping body. "okay hurry up or i'm leaving i have been here for seven hours already." she said quickly. "SEVEN HOURS?!" i exclaim,why that long? she knew i was going to school first. "why?" " i had to get away from- oh shit sorry i just spilt a bunch of coffee on a waiter. gotta go." she said before hanging up. i sighed, i have five minutes to get ready. i brush my teeth, brush my hair since it's too short to put up, get dressed and head out of my room. i look into the mirror in the room, i look good. i have on black vans with some ankle high white socks, some black nike tight leggings, a white and black sports bra, a nike jogging sweater and  dark purple beanie to top it off. i know that the purple kind of throws the look off but i needed some type of color. i grabbed my phone and bag as i walked out. no one even looked in my direction as i pulled out of the drive way. thank god...

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