Chapter 35: Home Alone

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Warningggggg: incoming sex scene.
March 2nd 2017
HANNAH: i wake up to Aryn snoring adorably as always which instantly puts a smile on my face. I kiss her on the forehead before getting up to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I grab my toothbrush and the toothpaste and quickly brush my teeth before stripping and heading into the shower. I let the warm water run over my body as the flashback of Aryn in the shower enters my mind, i still don't know what she was freaking out about. I'll ask Aubri later today maybe. I go through some song lyrics in my head as i put the shampoo in my hair not realizing it's Aryns. "Sorry babe" i giggle knowing she can't hear me. I'm weird like that. Its like when Aryn messages and i say "hey baby" out loud like she can hear me. I nod my head as i play the lyrics to "focus" in my head, "i know you don't know what you do to me, know you know you won't lose me, but when i see you, girl it gets hard for me to focusssss, focus yeah. Girl i can't even focus focus on anyone but you. Girl what i gotta do, to show how much i love you" i whisper and hum to the lyrics of my OLD song i wrote a few years back when i first met Aryn, i know it's cheesy as fuck but i had to find some way to get my feelings out. My cast is surprisingly water proof so it's actually pretty easy to shower with. I wash my body and finish washing my hair and then move on to shaving. Of course it's difficult as fuck to get in the positions i need to shave because of the leg and back problems that i have now but i somehow find a way. I wrap a towel around my body and carefully and slowly make my way out of the shower. I hobble over to my crutches and use them for the rest of the way to my closet. I pick up a pair of basketball shorts that Aryn so rudely dropped on my floor and then grab a red and black sports bra that i am pretty sure was Izzies actually. I go to put it on but am startled by Aryns adorable sleepy voice, "good morning lovely girlfriend of mine" her voice beams through the walls making me drop one of my crutches. Little did i know as the crutch fell down so did my towel, "oh wow what a great thing to wake up to" she chuckles shielding her eyes. I look at her puzzled before realizing i'm totally exposed. "Fuck, shit, damn it" i cuss trying to pick up the towel but obviously failing since i can't croutch or squat. I reach for it trying to balance on my other crutch but just end up looking like an idiot. Aryn shuts her eyes and feels around for the towel before grasping it and giving it to me. "H-here, lemme know when you're decent" she giggles all flustered and shit, god that's embarrassing. "I am so sorry" i deadpan wrapping the towel around my body. "I'm good now" i laugh awkwardly as she opens her eyes and smiles. "You want your crutch?" She deadpans trying to hold back a laugh. "Y-yes please" i say, ugh now I'M flustered. "Come get it" she teases bringing the crutch to the bed with her, just wow. "Come onnnnn" i whin. "Oh don't start with that. The doctor said you need to start exercising that leg a bit anyway. Or else its gonna hurt like a bitch when you get the cast off" she deadpans, i sigh before giving in and dropping the other crutch. "Fine, if i do this... you have to do anything i want" i deadpan as she looks down and blushes, such a dirty girl. "Fine" she agrees before smirking at me and holding her arms out. I start with my good foot and then switch onto my bad one which hurts like a bitch. I try to stay strong but end up whincing halfway through. One step, two step, three step, "you're almost there baby, you can do it" Aryn encourages, four step, five step, i'm so close, six step, seven step! I'm here! My knees buckle as i hit the bed and land on Aryn. She squeals and kisses my lips while running her hands down my back. "I knew you could do it. Now, what do you want?" She giggles, hmmm... what do i want? "I want you... to just lay there. For at least half an hour. And let me do whatever i want. No stopping me" i smirk. She blushes and nods her head before laying down and closing her eyes, what a good girl. "Don't do anything weird Hannah" she deadpans as i make my way on top of her. "Oh please girl. Don't you worry" i smile into the last sentence. I run my hand down her shoulder and down to her right side (since she hates being touched on her left side) and start tickling her sending her into a fit of adorable little giggles. "H-HANNAH! Stop your shit! This isn't funny!" She giggles out as i go harder and start giggling with her. Okay, time to stop messing around now. I stop tickling her and take my hand away. I kiss her passionately and she moans into the kiss as i graze her thigh with my hand. I slip my tongue in as she throws her head back as i take off her shorts making sure to touch her leg while doing so. "Hannah" she moans, i know she's going to say we can't but i want her so bad. I place a finger from my other hand on those marshmallow soft lips of hers and throw her shorts somewhere on the floor. I focus all my attention back on her as i kiss down to her neck making sure to leave some more marks, "baby" she moans, at this point i don't even care about my leg, i need her right now. "Shhhhhh" i whisper in her ear as she moans lightly , she's always had a weakness when it comes to whispering. "I'll be fine" i reassure her before taking off her boxers. "Fuck, you know you're going to regret this" she moans as i tease her by running my fingers over her inner thigh. Regret it? How could i regret something so amazing. I'm feeling things i never felt with Kahlani right now. "If it starts to hurt, i'll stop" i whisper as she nods her head. I bring my fingers up higher until i reach that spot making her eyes shoot open, "shit" she moans. I know she's had sex before, which is why i want to give her an experience she hasnt had yet. I keep my pace with my fingers as i kiss her jaw and up to her lips, "mmmm Hannah" she moans trying her best to keep control. We both know that i'm in control right now though, i'm on top. The moans keep getting louder and louder making butterflies swarm around in my entire body as she arches her back for one last moan, morning sex has always been a personal favourite for me. Watching it in the movies always made me wonder what it was like to wake up to something so magical, Although just waking up next to Aryn is a magic of its own. "I'm pretty sure 30 minutes is up" Aryn says out of breath trying to collect herself. I laugh and bring my hand up to lick my fingers making sure to keep a straight face while Aryn looks away and blushes. "You taste good" i whisper in her ear making her gasp. "That's nice" she says awkwardly and sarcastically. "I'm hungry, get up" she says looking down, i didnt even realize that my towel fell off at some point. I can't help but think maybe she took it off. "I got something you can eat" i whisper making her blush her ass off. "Later" she whispers back making fireworks erupt inside me. She gets up before i can say anything and looks down at herself. "I'm all wet and sticky" she whines and blushes. "Come back and i'll lick you clean" i deadpan, i would gladly help her out there. "Later, now i gotta take a shower" she says stripping the rest of her clothes and walking to the bathroom. "I could help you with that too!" I shout as she closes the door. She doesnt respond so i decide to get a head start on breakfast for her. I walk down to the kitchen and see a note on the fride. "Hey Aryn and Hannah me and the rest of the family decided to leave you two alone for a bit. We're at the amusement park down town for a bit and then we'll be at the beach house. You can come join us at anytime or just stay. Ebony was too young so we had to leave her there but she sleeps pretty late so you should be good. Her bottles are in the cuboard above the sink and the formula should be there too. Thank you so much! You two are the best. Have fun!" The note reads, the house to ourselves... that sounds nice. I get out the pancake mix, chocolate chips and the rest of the ingredients and mix them together. I pour the mix onto the pan and wait for them to get ready just as i hear Ebonys little cries from her room. I sigh as i quickly walk to her room and take her out of the crib. I sniff her diaper and she seems dry, which means she's probably hungry. I make my way back into the kitchen with Ebbie in my arms and flip the pancake with the one arm i have. I don't even realize i'm not using my crutch until i look down, damn as much as it hurts it feels good to be able to walk on my own. "Cuzzie can walkkkkkk!" I coo to Ebony as she babbles shit in my arm. "Babeeeeee!" Aryn shouts from the bathroom, i can't yell back or i'll scare the fuck out of Ebony so i just call her on my phone. "Really?" She asks dryly, "yes, i can't leave the pancakes or i'll burn them. And i can't yell back because then Ebony is gonna start crying again" i explain. "Ok ok, do you know what happened to the last of my shampoo?" She asks, shit. "Um yeah sorry babe i didn't realize it was yours. I'll buy you some more after breakfast" i say awkwardly as she giggles. "What's mine is yours" she says softly before hanging up the phone leaving me a goofy smiling mess. "Damn i'm gonna marry that girl" i say under my breath, "oh really now?" Her cute voice says from behind me. where the fuck did she come from? "Well no duh" i deadpan trying to make a smooth recovery, i did not think she would hear that. "I love you" she says contently drying her hair with her second towel. "Aw, i love me too" i tease as she gasps and whips my butt with the towel. "Meanie, your cousins a meanie Eb" she coos taking Ebony out my arm. "I love you too" i whisper while leaning over my shoulder for a kiss, she pecks my lips before walking into the living room leaving me alone in the kitchen. "Chocolate chip?" She shouts from the other room, "come find out" i say with a smile as i place the first batch on her plate. She kisses me passionately with Ebony on her hip and takes the plate. "I can smell the chocolate" she giggles. "She's dirty" she deadpans staring at me, no she isnt i checked. "No, i checked like five minutes ago, not even" i say as she takes off Ebonys onesie. "We'll be in the living room if you need us" she says, "by the way, i loved this morning. I was just tired, but damn you are amazing" she whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine and a big uncontrollable smile to my face. I peck her lips as she walks away to change Ebony, just as i flip the last pancake my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID and see Samias name so of course i answer, "hey Sammy" i hum. "Somebodys in a good mood, oh my god... did you and Aryn-" she starts but is interrupted by my gasping, how the fuck did she know? "Y-yes" i say sheepishly trying to control my stupid beet red cheeks. "Told you she was dirty!" Aryn exclaims making me laugh, "ugh babysitting" i say to Samia. "Girl, don't try getting off topic. I need details!" She exclaims making my cheeks flush an even deeper red looking back on it. "Okay fine" i give in. Even though it was brief it just felt so right, i can't wait till this leg heals so we can finish the job. I wonder what's going to happen today... home alone with my girl.... a baby that sleeps most of the day.... a bed to ourselves.... something is definitely going to go down.

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