Chapter 29: Dreamland

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(In Hannahs dreamland:
(Starla in the middle, Mark on the left and Melanie on the right)
HANNAH: i ran in the field of flowers as my mom called out to me, "heyyyy get back here!" she yelled as a bunch of giggles came out of my mouth. my long, flowy white dress danced with the wind as i ran away from my mother who has been trying to catch me for the last hour or two. we were running in a field of yellow daisies and blue periwinkles in the beautiful bright sun. i'm finally back with her, "gotcha princess!" she shouted as she picked me up by my waist and tickled me as i wiggled around trying to break free while breaking into a fit of laughter. "stop it mommy, i'm going to pee my pants!" i giggled as she tickled more. she was wearing the same white flowy dress as me except its longer because she was a lot taller than me. she let go of me and ran her hands through her long curly hair. she has big emerald green eyes just like i did and the most beautiful smile in the world. her skin was a light caramel color and her lips were thin in her tight smile that she never seemed to lose. she is exactly how i remembered her. absolutely beautiful. my mother was my best friend before she died, she was everything to me. we used to stand in the kitchen belting out the lyrics to random songs as we baked my favourite peanut butter and chocolate chip brownies. we would just stand there the entire day singing, laughing, dancing and just being with each other. she was there for me through all my ups and downs and i could never get annoyed with how she smothered me with love. my dad and Eli also ran into the field and called out my name. "D-daddy!?" i stumbled away from my mother and ran to my father who i don't really remember. he looked the same as when i first met him but a lot more healthy and alive. he pulled me into a tight hug and pushed my head into his chest as we both cried the happiest tears we have ever cried. Eli looked at my mom before my mom started crying as well and engulfed him in a big ole mama bear hug. we were all just hugging and crying. i usually don't cry but my family is back together, i'm just so damn happy. i giggled as Melanie came up to me with a big grin, "mommy, mama said for you to come home" Melly said, she was very sassy for a 4 year old but what can i say, she's Aryns mini me. "okay Mel, you wanna say bye to granmama first?" i asked picking her up and kissing her chubby little cheek. "why of course, granmama hugs!" she said bouncing in my arms. i handed her to my mom as she held Melanie with so much pride in her eyes. "she's beautiful babe" she said to me as she laid a big sloppy kiss on my cheek. i groaned and snatched Melly away from my crazy mother. "Starla, come dance with us" my father called out to my mom as he swayed along with the song "baby" by Justin Bieber. i chuckled as my mom basically floated over to him and Eli with glee. "Coming Mark, my love" my mom called out to him. Eli came over to me and poked Melanies stomach making her giggle. "you're silly uncle Elly" Melanie said in her cute high pitched voice pushing his hand away. she can't really say his name properly so she calls him "uncle Elly" for now. "and how's my little cutie pie niece?" Eli asked, "she's perfectly fine. now if you excuse me i have to get to my wife and i also have to take her with me. he groaned as he took Melanie out of my arms and hugged her before putting her on the ground. "she can walk you know" he deadpanned, i rolled my eyes and picked her back up. "yes but i don't want her dress getting all dirty, i paid good money for that" i stated as i fixed up her dress and frowned. her once white princess dress is now stained with several dirt marks. she pouted at me as i looked at her and shook my head, "so much for having a girly girl" i mumbled. "mommyyyy i hate dresses they make me look silly" she whined. i rolled my eyes, why did Aryn have to turn our daughter into a tomboy? "come on we're going to see mama" i said walking inside our three story modern design house. "honey we're home" i shouted as she ran over to me, i was expecting a kiss or hug but instead she slapped me across the face softly earning a giggle from Melanie. "Melanie go into the room please. mommy and mama will be there soon" she said scaring our poor princess by glaring at her. Melanie nodded running into her room still giggling.  "i love you" i muttered in her neck before kissing it softly, i wrapped my arms around her waist from behind her and buried my face in her neck. "shut up, you did this to me. you said you wanted another kid. you made me fat you bitch" i groaned and moved away from her. she's so moody when she's pregnant, she is about four or five months pregnant right now. she isn't that big, at least not to me. "you aren't fat you're beautiful" i mumbled in her neck. "i'm ugly and sweaty and moody" she whined, i bit her neck lightly earning a smack upside my head. "that's for calling my wife ugly" i deadpanned while glaring at her. "mama stop hitting mommy you bully" Melanie chirped in from behind us. Aryn rolled her eyes and turned to me, "why'd you have to turn her into this?" she asked me still glaring. i kissed her nose, "she got it from you" i walked over to Mel and picked her up before kissing the top of her head. she had short curly blonde hair and a cute little button nose with emerald green eyes. her lips were the perfect heart shape just like Aryns. Aryn gave birth to her and i was going to give birth to the next one but Aryn insisted saying she liked pregnancy. that lasted about two minutes until she actually realized that she was pregnant, she's been pissy with me ever since talking about how i shouldn't have let her do it. but frankly i had no problem with another mini Aryn running around the house. i mean she had Melanie and that little girl is my pride and joy. my mom walked in and hugged Aryn with the biggest smile on her face? "oh please give me a grandson this time!" she exclaimed holding Aryns belly. Aryn laughed and nodded, "hopefully, i don't want another one of those" she said nodding to Melanie. me and Melanie both gasped as Melanie put her hand over her heart in fake hurt. "mommy, mamas being mean to me" she pouted i chuckled and kissed her forehead. "mommy i'm sleepy" she said with a sleepy grin. i nodded and put her in her little canopy toddler bed that she still fit in because she is tiny. Aryn came in the room and tucked her in before giving me a quick peck on the lips. i tried to deepen the kiss by adding a little tongue but Aryn pulled back and shook her head. "nope not until this baby is out of me." she said with a smirk as i pouted. "curse you unborn child" i mumbled. Aryn gasped and smacked my chest with the back of her hand, "don't speak about my baby like that!" she exclaimed. "apologize." i raised my eyebrow at her as she lifted her shirt up and revealed her belly. i leaned down so i was facing her belly before kissing it as she giggled. "baby stop that tickles" she giggled again. "i'm sorry little man or princess, mommy loves you and i can't wait for you to come out so me and your crazy mama can have some fun you know, do the do."  I said and kissed her belly as Aryn smacked me upside my head and glared down at me. "fuck you Hannah. i'm not crazy and our baby doesn't need to know about what its mothers do in private" she deadpanned. i chuckled and went back up to her kissing her forehead and running my hands through her hair. "i love you" i mumbled. "mhm i love you too" she said as she walked out of Melanies room and back into the living room where my mom was chilling and watching the newest episode of "greys anatomy" on our tv. i chuckled as a tear fell down my cheek, everything is so perfect and in place right now. i'm so happy...

(A/N: this is a coma dream type thing... not real but what Hannah was dreaming about in her coma. just wanted to make sure y'all knew that real quick)

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