Chapter 45: "God Created Everything"

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A/N sorry for the bible thing, I actually started reading it myself tonight cuz i'm bored out my mindddd. Hannahs thoughts are basically mine while i'm reading it.
March 6th 2017
HANNAH: Aryn's been acting weird since she came back from Sams room. Maybe even a little distant... they probably talked about Zander, my poor girlfriend. For some reason, Aryns bible is on her nightstand. She's asleep so i decide to pick it up. Within five minutes of scanning through the tiny words i realize there ain't no way in hell i'm gonna he able to read these micro-letters. I look for "bible" in the app store and so many apps pop up. None of them are really the bible... so i got to the next best thing. I google "the bible" on google and click the first link that comes up. My mom never made me read the bible but from what i hear it's rather interesting. I find it more entertaining than something to live by. Like shake spear in a really weird, twisted thought type of way. Not that shake spear wasnt also very twisted... i mean come on? Romeo and juliet was fucked. I used to be so confused about how you could take your own life for a person you barely even knew... but then i met Aryn. The link loads up and reads "genesis 1, the beginning" i start reading and am instantly confused. "What the fuck?" I say out loud, this grammar is really fucked. "1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth" i scoff at that. I am not a god believer nor a science believer... i don't know how we were created but i refuse to believe that we were built off of star dust and all that other weird shit. As for god, he doesn't seem like a bad guy. His "worshippers" are the ones that make him out to be bad. Twisting his words, making the bibles words into whatever they wanted. It pisses me off quite honestly. Never in the bible does it say "you should burn gay people" last time i checked. But i've done my research and that's exactly what they did for decades. I continue reading as Aryn stirs in her sleep. "2 now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of god was hovering over the water." This is some next level gibberish. "3 and god said, "let there be light," and there was light." I scoff at that too, i don't understand this guys power. If i had the power he has, i would not be worrying about a damn book or church... i'd be changing this fucked up world that my people have tainted with their hatefulness. But then again... no church, no bible... no religion... no rules of life... no sins.... no good deeds... no judgemental people... no shame. i'd just let my people decide who they want to be and who they want to love... and what they want to do. God is rather controlling if you ask me. "4 god saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness." Now i know this some bullshit. I'm sorry but cristians must be so uneducated... what do they think the damn sun is? What do they think makes the transition from day to night? God sure doesn't ... that's the one thing i really do believe about science. I mean come on, give the sun some credit here. "5 god called the light "day" and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning— the first day" i read aloud quitlely making sure not to wake up sleeping beauty in my lap. I can't help but giggle... again, these poor children that their parents force this religion on must be struggling so much in school. How can a teacher be christian? How can you teach science and shit when you don't believe it yourself because you have this "god creates everything" delusion in your head? I shake the thought out of my head and continue my read, "6 and god said, "let there be a vault between the waters to seperate water from water" i laugh again, "water from water" Aryn pulls me closer to her making butterflies go off in my stomach, how could something so wonderful be a sin? I can't wait to get to the homosexuality part... see the lies in that part as well. "7 so god made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so." I read, i hate when people finish their sentences like like that. "And it was so." Ugh, just reading it makes me cringe at the wording. "8 god called the vault "sky" and there was evening and there was morning— the second day." I can't help but giggle, so the sky is water now? But as i laugh i still cringe at the repeating of "and there was" lord, it's so grammatically incorrect. I giggle at a thought that enters my mind, the bible is like gods diary... but instead of from his point of view its from some other person who thinks they know god better than he knows himself. Or herself... it never really said if its a he or she it just said "god" maybe god is a woman? I giggle at the thought, she must be up in heaven looking down cussing at the people who made her out to be such a hate filled person. Im about to continue but am interrupted by my darling brother, "reading?" He asks sitting down beside me. I nod my head, he could probably tell by the focused face i always make when i read. "The bible" i emphasize the last word. "The what now?" He questions peeping over my shoulder. "I don't know bro, i'm bored. It's actually funny though... the whole "god created everything" concept." I deadpan as i scroll down. Most people find the bible as rules of life, where as i find the bible a funny FICTIONAL story to read when i need a laugh. Almost like a cartoon but bossier. Eli shakes his head. "Going to sleep so soon big brother of mine?" I ask not taking my eyes off the screen. "Yeah, i'm really tired" he yawns before curling up on the pull out bed. It was originally pulled out for me since the other young happy couple happened to steal the couch. But i have no problem sleeping with my girl in her bed as she did with me. I nod and go back to "the holy bible" as Aryns mom always called it. "9 and god said, "let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so." But was it really "so" considering that there are many bodies of water when it was just supposed to be one? I giggle at my very true counter, whoever wrote the bible needs to be medicated. "10 god called the dry ground "land" and the gathered waters he called "seas" god saw that it was good" little full of yourself there, god. "11 then god said, "let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so" i laugh hard at the first part... who the fuck says "vegetation"?! I continue, "12 the land produced vegetation: plants bearing seads according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And god saw that it was good" i chuckle as i imitate what i think god would sound like there, "this is very satisfactory" i say with my hands on my hips, my chin up and my voice sounding like a less raspy version of the godfather. "13 and there was evening, and there was morning— the third day." I read still cringing at the over use of "and there was" needless to say i'm a bit of a grammar police. I start reading again but stop when Aryn drops her hand to my crotch. My body goes tense as i feel paralyzed, "come on... tell me you don't know you're doing this." I say moving my hand as she lets out a tiny giggle. I knew she was up. "Sorry, you just seemed so focused and i'd rather you focus on... something else" she whispers suggestivly in my ear. I kiss her with as much passion as i can without hurting her and she moans in my mouth as i reach my hand up her hospital gown. Sorry god... hope you sheild your eyes for this one! I throw my phone on the night stand making sure to turn it off so she doesn't see what i was reading. I'm not ashamed of my curiosity but i don't want any teasing or questioning looks from her. In fact that was the furthest thing from my mind right now as i focus on her quiet moaning as i start to work with my fingers.

I wake up to a smirking Aryn sitting up looking through my phone. I snatch my phone back as she looks at me knowingly, "the bible?" She says with a smirk. "Don't judge my curiosity... i was bored because someone fell asleep too early" i said turning my phone off. "Well, i woke up and made sure to give you a pretty good night did i not?" She whispers in my ear as she kisses down my jawline. Thank god i'm wearing clothes now because i cock my head to the couch seeing Aubri staring at us both in discust. "O'oh hey" i say getting away from Aryn before she can try anything. Aubri just shakes her head as she runs her hand through Bellas hair looking at her longingly. "Ew, oh my god you're such an Edward... why are you watching the poor girl sleep?" Aryn chuckles st her own words as Aubri kisses Bellas cheek with a smile. "Because, she's- she's pretty" Aubri retaliates as she rests her head on her hand not daring to look away from her girl. "Damn, i never thought i would say this about you Aubz... but you're WHIPPED" i exclaim with a big smile on my face as Aubri runs her hand down Bellas bare arm. "Whatever" she gives up knowing i'm right. I sigh, "why don't you watch me when i sleep?" I pout turning to Aryn. Aryn shrugs, "because it's creepy and i'm not tryna pull an Edward" she teases i sigh. Her constant twilight references are annoying. I know she's talking about the times Edward would sit on Bellas bed and just stare at her because he didn't need to sleep. Haha "Bella and Bella" damn... now all we need is for Aubri to turn into a vampire and change her name to Edward and then we'll have a twilight of our own. "Damn" Aubri says with a smile more to herself than us as Bella backs up into her more. Bella gives a smile that Aubri can't see from her angle but i can see quite clearly. Bella was definitely awake. I nod over to the two of them so Aryn can see what's going down right now and she just cringes. "Yall are children." She deadpans as Aubri chuckles. "Shhhhh if you wake her up i'll kill you. Or maybe she will... she's really moody in the mornings" Aubri sends Aryn a death glare. Aryn furrows her eyebrows, "how do you know how she is when she wakes up?" She questions folding her arms protectivly. God i hope she isn't like this with the baby, all over protective. I giggle as a quick panic look washes over Aubris face before it turns into a smirk. "That's for us to know and you... to NEVER find out." She deadpans as Bella opens her eyes. Bella looks at Aubri and grabs her neck pulling her down and into a brief kiss making sure it's nothing too intense which i mentally thank her for. They both pull back smiling, god they remind me of me and Aryn. But minus the s- nevermind, who am i kidding. Aubri is not one to follow the rules... of course they've fucked. I shake the nasty image out of my head and hug Aryn. "Look at the baby gays" i tease as they both glare at us. Guess they don't like the praise. As much as i want to get back to the bible i'm also in need of a long hot shower. I kiss Aryn and bid a short goodbye to the girls as i head to the bathroom that has a small shower since i made sure to get the somewhat luxery room for my queen... god... queen? Aubri isn't the only one that's whipped!

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