Chapter 44: Baby Daddy Who?

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March 6th 2017
ARYN: as i look deep in Samias eyes she looks down at her stomach and places a hand on it. "I-i can't have this baby" she says as tears pool in her eyes. Was she raped before? "S-Sammy... who's is it?" I ask. She takes a deep breath in. "It's no ones... or it's mine. I don't want it. Can you just... give me a pill?" She asks the doctor. The doc shakes her head, "it's too late for that... you could always get an abortion. But i think you should sleep on it. A baby could really change your life... for better or worse. It's a hard decision" Sam shakes her head at the doctors words. "I can't have a baby! My parents would MURDER me if they found out i even had sex!" She starts sobbing in her hands. I carefully pull her into my arms and Hannah does the same. "We'll help okay? Just, don't kill it right away." I ask tears in my eyes. As much of a feminist as i am i don't like the idea of abortion. Yes it's your body and you should do what you want with it... but it's still a thing with a chance at life. Hell, i'd raise the thing myself if it meant she keeps it. "What if- what if me and Hannah took it? You wouldnt have to raise it... you could stay with us until the pregnancy is over and then pretend like nothing happened. You can go back to your life and your parents will never know." Even though it's a big deal, i'd rather have the baby as my own than have Samia raise it in that toxic house hold. And knowing Sam doesnt want it just makes me want it more. God, what am i thinking? I'm only sixteen... Hannah turned 18 in january which means she would be old enough... i know what you're thinking... 18 year old still in high school? Yeah, she skipped most of her classes and failed the first time and was held back a year. "Y-yeah, Sam don't worry... we'll raise it as our own if we have to. Just don't be so quick to terminate it. Please." Hannah practically begged. Abortion is a big decision... how could you live knowing you deprived a baby of life? I shake my head at the thoughts... "Would you guys really? You're pretty young to be moms... i don't want to spring a baby on you when you're barely graduating highschool" Samia say with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "We're positive. We'll give it an amazing life okay?" God what are we thinking? This is going to be hard. "I'm tired.." Samia sayd looking at her belly. "Okay... get some rest. Me and Hannah need to talk anyway" i say running my hand down her head. She nods before smiling as we walk out and falling asleep.

We're back in the room now as i sit in her lap, "are we really going to do this? We're so young" she deadpans wrapping her arms around my waist. "Do you love me? Do you want a baby with me?" She asks with a smile i just nod my head, of course i do! "Then... we're doing this." She says. "I have an apartment downtown we can live there so it won't be so crowded for the baby and Sam can live there till the birth" she makes the plans. She has an apartment to herself but she makes me stay in that crowded house where we can never get privacy? "O-okay" I hesitate with my words... i'm really gonna have a baby! Ive always wanted one, Aubri and Naomi were like my own little daughters... but then they grew up, got all attitudy. I really wish this one's a boy. I get a text from Sam, i thought she was asleep "i'm good with leaving the baby with you two... but i can't stay in a house with Eli. And i don't want the baby to either" the message reads. What did Eli do? I tell Hannah that Sam said we can have the baby but leave out the part with Eli since it seemed a little too personal. What if... nah, there's no way. Eli's not her type. But what if he- OH MY GOD NO! Eli is not Zander, Aryn! Get that thought out your head! Hannah snaps me out of my thoughts, "i can't wait to have a baby with you." She whispers in my ear kisisng down my neck. "You know when the baby's born we aren't gonna be able to do this though right?" She whispers seductively as her hand slides up my hospital gown. "What do you mean? Do what?" I ask but stop to bite my lip to cover my moan as she hits my boxers. "That" She whispers. I jump off her lap and onto the chair which I instantly regret as my chest starts hurting. "No... we can still do that. Just not as much" i say trying to collect myself. "Flustered are we?" She says inching close to me. God even her walk is seductive. I back away from her as she backs me into a corner. "B-babe, we're in a hospital! Eli's on the other side of the room" i exclaim just above a whisper as she feels up my boxers. "No. Get your hand away from me." I squeal childishly. God i want her but i'm not fucking in a hospital room. I have more pride than THAT. "Horny ass lil girl" i whisper making her cock her eyebrow up. "I'm older than you." She whispers in my ear sending those familiar shivers down my spine. I peck her lips and break out of her trap. "I'm tired" i say fake yawning, it's still day time but i enjoy day sleeping anyway. "Fine" Hannah gives up and crawls into the bed with me. As she spoons me from behind i run my fingers along her arm. I can't help but start over thinking about the Eli thing. What if it really was his baby?

I wake up around 2 or 3 PM to Eli pacing around my room... "ya good bro?" I ask him. He engulfs me in a big ole bear hug squishing my little body. "Thank god you're okay, how long did i sleep?" He asks scratching the back of his neck. "Long" i say getting out of the bed for some water. The doc told me to try to stay off my feet for the next two days but of course me being the stubborn girl i am, i don't listen. I walk over to the water and see Aubri and Bella cuddled up close to each other sleeping the same way me and Hannah were sleeping. I smile at their cute smiles while they sleep peacefully in eachothers arms. As much as i think they're cute i still don't like the idea of my baby sister in a relationship. She seems anything but ready, but... Bella seems to have changed her a bit. I'm also glad i'm not the only gay one in the family... that would be a real disaster. "Is that Aubri?" Eli asks following my gaze. I nod my head as i pour the water, "hm, never knew she was lesbian" he says with a smile. "Me neither" i chuckle, if there's one thing Aubri could win a gold medal in either than track and every other sport... it was her crazy ability to hide anything from anyone. She must have wanted us to know because she isn't dumb enough to walk in a room hand in hand with a girl and not think that everyone is going to notice. My sister was actually pretty smart. While Naomi was a good sister, she never really got me the way Aubri did... i mean, who's here right now? Aubri. Although im sure nobody even bothered telling Naomi anything about it since she's always out of the house and rarely answers her phone. With that thought in mind i text her, "hey sis, if you havent heard what happened you probably will in a bit. I got shot, im okay and am going to have to stay in the hospital for a few days but i'll see you for my birthday... it's on the 11th, don't u dare forget!". She replies with a worried text but i assure her that im okay and she doesnt need to come see me. I put my phone in my pocket as Sam comes in the room. "Oh shit- El i didn't know you were here... Air, my room please" she asks practically begging for me to follow her so she doesn't have to stay in the room with him. "He's the dad isn't he?" I deadpan as we walk into her room. Samia nods her head shamefully looking at the ground. Holy shit! "You two-" i ask not being able to find the words, she nods her head thankfully picking up what im putting down. "It was brief, there was no protection but... he said he was gonna pull out" she cries. "You need to tell him", "Air... i can't. We ended things badly. We promised to never speak to each other again. Promise me you won't tell him. And promise me you'll keep the baby away from him... he cheated on me Air! He knocked me up and then fucked someone else. I don't want my baby to have that kind of influence in his life. Thinking it's okay to do that stuff" she blurts out. As bad as i feel for Eli because he has the right to know... i feel for Sam more. I nod my head, "and please... don't t-tell Hannah about this, okay?" I nod again. I'm going to hate having to keep the father of our baby a secret from her but if it's what Sam wants then i respect her wishes. "Of course" i whisper before pulling her into my arms. It feels good to say that though... our baby. I'm really going to be a mom... at 17. "How did it happen? Did he force himself on you?" I ask dreading the words coming out of my mouth. I trust that Eli would never do something like that... but then again, i thought the same with Zander and look how that turned out. She shakes her head, "i was hurting when Toby broke up with me and i went to him for comfort and it just... happened. We started dating secretly and then he just fucking cheated on me. I didn't know i was pregnant... god are you sure you can keep this a secret?" She asks. I feel so bad for her, my heart aches for her. Eli didn't seem like the player type but who knows, guys can surprise you. "Can i ask what happened with Zander?" I say in a whisper. Sam inhales deeply before nodding and starting, "we were talking and drinking and he pulled me into the water, we swam for a bit but then he dragged me out and over to a corner. Me being as shit faced as i was didn't think anything of it... but then he pulled my pants down, along with his and- he, well you know what happened. Hannah came and beat the living shit out of him... is it true he did the same thing to you?" She asked with tears in her eyes. I flash back to the day, the marks on my wrist from his hands, the breath i was breathing that was so heavy, the blood stained clothes on my bathroom floor, my sister telling me everything was going to be okay, the lies i told the doc about how i got the scars from doing knife tricks, the utter discust i felt, the feeling that my body was no longer mine, how my soul darkened, how the sting felt with each of the stitches, and the loss of sleep ever since... it all came flooding back in an instant. I hold back my tears seeing that Samia needs me more than i need to cry right now, i nod my head. "Worse" i say under my breath. At least he didn't reach climax in her like he did with me, the feeling of him between my legs will forever haunt me. She pulls me into a life threatening hug by how tight it was. "We'll get through this together." She whispers. Her words are actually pretty soothing and it eases my mind for a split second... a well needed second.

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