Chapter 40: Party Time

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March 5th 2017
ARYN: "okay, i'm letting you two go under one condition.... Aryn you need to stay by Hannahs side the entire time. And call me if she starts acting weird okay? No drinking. No smoking and you best be back before 1AM." Elise explains to us for the fifth time in a row. "I'll be fine" Hannah reassures as she grabs my hand and walks out. Today is the day of The party at the beach house and since we're going to be gone without adult supervision for a whole week Elise is really making sure we are safe. I admire her concern though, my mom never worried about me going out. It's almost as if she didn't care. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by Hannahs tight grip on my hand as she squeezes it and gives me a soft smile. I smile back at her and can't help but lean in for a kiss. Samia is going to pick us up from the coffee shop down the street so me and Hannah make our way over there.

We walk into the coffee shop laughing about some funny video on youtube but immediately lose the smile as Samia gives us a death stare. "Yall are late" she states crossing her arms. "S-sorry, we got a little sidetracked" if by sidetracked she means we ended up making out in an alleyway... then yeah, we got sidetracked. Samia stands up and lets out a quick "mhm" before handing me the keys. "I ain't driving now, I'm tired from waiting for your slow asses" she deadpans as she walks out. Me and Hannah follow behind her as she shakes her head and says, "sidetracked, sidetracked my ass their horny asses was probably fuckin" under her breath making me and Hannah laugh. "Somethin funny?" Samia deadpans as she turns around. Me and Hannah both shake our head hiding back a giggle as we interlock our fingers. As we get in the car Samia screams "road trip bitches!" Sending all of us into a fit of laughter. "So, who's bringing the stuff?" Samia whispers as she puts her seatbelt on in the back seat. "Stuff?" I ask as Hannah giggles. Hannah kisses the top of my head with a big smile, "the alcohol babe, and the weed, and you know 'the good stuff' god babe... you're too innocent" she whispers in my ear. I shake my head and try to get out of the car, that's just a recipe for disaster. I've never been high before and I don't think tonight will be the night to do it. I open the car door but of course Hannah pulls me back and into her lap. "Baby, you don't have to do any of it" she says kissing my neck. She knows how I feel about drugs, she knows what it did to my brother. "Hannah let me go" i say squirming in her arms but she just tightens her grip. "No, babe you're coming okay. Everything will be fine I'll keep all the drugs away from you just... please come? I need the moral support" she whines as she trails kisses down my neck. I can't resist moving my neck so she has more access, her lips just feel so good. "F-fine" I give in holding back a moan as she starts sucking the skin. She releases her lips and wraps her arms around me. "I'll drive baby. You just stay here thinking about me dancing all up on you tonight" she whispers in my ear making the dirtiest of thoughts instantly cloud my brain. "Shut up and move over" I say as she picks me up off her lap and then places me in the chair. "I love you." She whispers as she leans over her shoulder for a kiss. I bring her face closer to me as I deepen the kiss, "hello! Come on man I'm ready to get drunk. Let's gooooooo" Samia says with a slur. Tell me this bitch already drinking. I shake my head and turn to Sam, "Samia, what's in the cup?" I ask nodding to the coffee cup she has in her hand. "N-nothing, it's coffee. Hence why it's a coffee cup" she mumbles as she waves the cup in the air. I take the cup out of her hand, "so you won't mind if I have a sip right bestie? I'm really parched" i say as Sam shakes her head profusely. "Give me back my Wh- coffee!" She exclaims as i hold it out of her reach. "Babe, stop being a bully." I hear Hannah say as we pull out the driveway. "She's the one drinking before 1:00 PM" I deadpan as she places her hand on my thigh. "Hey, look at me baby... i love you. And everything is going to be okay. We aren't addicts. We're just having some fun. We aren't going to turn out like Danny" she says as she presses her forehead to mine. "We're going to turn into Danny if you don't keep your eyes on the road" I deadpan as she gasps and goes back to driving. I cross my arms and stay silent for the rest of the drive.

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