Chapter 43: Positive And... Positive?

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March 6th 2017
HANNAH: i must have fallen asleep with Aryn because it's almost 5:00 AM now. Samia had a little panic attack when they were doing the rape kit so now she's staying for observation. The results haven't came yet but i'm still praying to the god that hates me to let it be negative. I told Aryn that her parents didn't pick up but i lied. Or at least with one of them. Aryns mom answered the phone and basically told me and her to burn in hell before hanging up. There's no way i was going to repeat her words to Aryn or tell Aryn about how much her mom doesn't give a fuck about her... she's already been through enough. I rest my head on Aryns stomach and fall back asleep for a bit.

I must have gotten a good sleep because i woke up rather refreshed, especially since Aryn is grazing her hand back and forth on my bare back and making circles with her other hand on my neck. I hum a quick, "good morning" before the doctor barges in. It didn't look like Aryns doctor so i furrow my eyebrows as he walks to the bed. "Your friend is requesting you." He says with a smile, i peck Aryn quickly before following him. It must be Samia. He walks into a room down the hall and i am completely horrifed when i see Zander lying on the bed barely even marked up. I can't tell the doctor he's not my friend or he's going to tell him i beat him up. Plus i want some alone time with this guy. He's tied to the bed with cuffs which is rather satisfying for me... but not as satisfying as it would be to see him lying in the morgue. I walk to the bed and grab his hand trying to look like a supportive "friend" so the doctor would leave. He did and first thing i do is bend Zanders fingers back. He moans in pain but quickly shuts up when he sees my "don't say a fucking word." Look. After a rather satisfying moment of him silently begging me to stop my hands got tired and i realesed my grip. I sat on the chair beside him. "They caught you? Good. I hope you never see the light of day again. And if that rape kit comes back positive i will make sure you never feel the pleasure of breathing again." I deadpan. He looks at me with pure fear in his eyes as he shakes his head, "oh, now you're scared? How do you think my girlfriend felt when you held her down and stabbed her all those time? When you broke her and forced yourself in her? When you took something that wasn't yours?" I scoff. "G-girlfriend?" He asks, "My Air doesnt have a girlfriend" he scoffs making me launch from my seat. I look around making sure the blinds are closed and grab his already cut throat. "She is not your anything you understand me? And yes, girlfriend. You got a problem with that?" I ask scaring even myself as i squeeze harder on his neck. He shakes his head and i let out a chuckle. "Isn't it fun to watch people suffer like this?" I ask referring to the times he did this to Aryn. Karma is a bitch. I get two texts from both Samia and Aubri making me back away from Zander. "The test results came back... i need you." Samias text reads. I scroll down seeing Aubris message, "i'm bringing someone... i hope you don't mind i just couldn't leave her alone. We'll be there in ten." her text reads. I text back an "okay" to both of them before glaring at Zander. God i wish i could kill him right now, but people need me. I go up close to him and whisper in his ear, "have fun rotting in jail" before walking out the room making sure to punch him one last time. I run to Samias room which is two doors down from Aryns and by my surprise Aryn is already there with Samia as they both cry in each others embrace. "I-it's positive" Samia stammers as i come to hug them both. Matty just stands there looking lost as fuck, "i'll kill him!" I say as I eagerly start to walk out. Matty grabs my arm and yanks me back. He points to my bestfriend and then my girlfriend as they both sob, "they need you right now" he says pushing me towards them and locking the door. "Hey, hey it's gonna be okay alright? It'll be okay." I reassure them both as i kiss both of their cheeks. Aubri comes barging in hand in hand with some girl. She has fair skin and weird ass multi colored eyes, her hair's pretty long but she has it tied in a tight ponytail, she's pretty tall for her age if she's the same age as Aubri. I can't help but feel a little light in my heart as i look at their interlocked fingers. "Hey, guys this is-" she stops struggling to say her name, "i'm Bella" the girl giggles shaking our hands. Did Aubri really not remember her name or something? "Don't think that she doesn't know my name. Trust me she does but she has... trouble saying it?" Bella questions more than answers. Aubri just nods her head and looks at her poor sister. They whisper a few words as Aubri blushes a little before she lets go of Bellas hand and walks to Aryn and Sam. "How many Bellas are there in this world?" I ask with a smile. "A lot. I hate my name" Bella deadpans. I chuckle, "it's a pretty name" i say as she looks down at the ground and scoffs. "Isabella-Rose Lynda Ann Dack." She deadpans, "try having that name.". My mouth drops, damn that's long. Isabella is a pretty name though. "Why do you go by Bella when Isabella is so pretty?" She cringes at my words. "Leave the poor girl alone" Aubri says pulling her to her side. Hold up.... "yes, before you jump to conclusions. We're together, i'm gay" Aubri explains like it was no big deal. I drop the topic as my mouth goes agape when she pulls Bella into her lap. Bella blushes her ass off which is so cute, awe my baby gays. "O-okay then." I stammer, at least there's some light in this room. "How long have you two been together?" Aryn asks with her arms crossed putting on a front so her little sister doesnt see her in pain. "Uhm," Aubri asks looking up to think at the same time Bella says "since January 24th". "Damn, you kept that a secret for two months?" Aryn asked like we hadn't kept our feelings a secret for three years. Aubri just chuckled, "my love life ain't none of your business." She deadpans wrapping her arms around Bellas waist. "Hm, love huh?" Bella teases making me and Aryn giggle as Aubris face flushes. "Y-yeah" she stammers mentally cursing me for "making" her say it. "Awe, i love you too" Bella giggles kissing Aubris cheek. I look to Aryns lap seeing Samia fast asleep. I move her off Aryns lap and on to the comfy bed. Aryns mood had lightned up a hit from these two at least. And i'm not really thinking of spitting on Zanders grave now. I put my hand on Aryns thigh and Aubri does the same to her girl except Bellas eyes go wide. Aubri quickly removes her hand, "i never said i love you" she mutters under her breath making Bella gasp in fake hurt. "Y-you don't love me?" She teases with her bluish grey eyes. "Of course i do, i- i love you" Aubri mutters trying not to make eye contact with any of us as we all let out a teasing "awe". "I know ya do" Bella says cockily in victory. Something tells me these two are gonna be fun to hang out with. Aubri pushes Bella off her lap making her fall straight on her ass. Aubri breaks into a fit of laughter, "that's no way to treat your girl." Aryn deadpans helping Bella up. "I can treat my woman how ever i want" Aubri says as Bella starts blushing. She's like me, prefers being called woman over girl. Aryn scoffs and turns to me giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. "How come you don't do that?" Bella whines making both me and Aryn giggle as Aryn traces kisses down my neck. I try to push her away because of the children but she doesnt budge. "Okay, you need to do that." Bella deadpans as Aubri scoffs. "In your dreams.". Bella smirks before whispering something in her ear and Aubri turns away blushing. Nasty little girls. Not that me and Aryn were any different but still. "Yall are nasty" Aryn deadpans reading my mind. "Oh please, like you two weren't just all up on each other" Bella retaliates with a smirk. Me and Aryn both look away realizing she has us beat there. "You good there Aubz?" I ask as Aubri just stares into space. "Y-yeah... i'm gucci" Aubri says with her breath heavy. Jesus what did Bella say to her? I chuckle as Bella puts her hand on Aubris thigh and her eyes go wide. "Stop!" She whines. "What?" Bella teases going higher, OMG get a roooooooom. Bella whispers something in her ear before taking Aubris hand and telling us that they'll "be right back" i shake the nasty thoughts out of my head about what they're doing and look at Aryn. We look at each other lips and lean in but am interrupted by someone barging in. "Hello! Oh- i think i'm in the wrong room. My bad i was looking for Samia Griffen" i stop the nurse, "no this is the right room, she's alseep right now"  i deadpan. "Okay i'll come back then" "no its okay, i'll wake her" before the doc could argue i shake her awake. "Hm?" She hums, "docs here hon" i say sympathetically as she sits up. "O-okay what's up doc?" The doctor looks at me and Aryn as if kicking us out with her eyes. Samia sighs, "they can stay, what happened?" She asks folding her arms. "There's another positive... it's not from the rape kit. We tested your urine and" my mind automatically goes to the worst. Is she sick? Cancer? Some other bad disese? Oh my god is my best friend going to die!? Samia inhales deeply as the doctor continues. "You're pregnant." She deadpans as both me and Aryns mouths drop and Samia looks at her stomach in horror. "He got you pregnant!? How can you tell so soon?" I ask as tears start to pool in my eyes, this poor girl. "She's five weeks... so unless he raped her back then as well, it's not his" my mouth goes agape... no way Samia would have unprotected sex. "I-it's not his." Samia confesses... oh my god, WHAT THE FUCK!?

A/N sorry for cutting this chapter a little short, i usually do 2000 words at the least but i couldnt find a better way to end the chapter.

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