Chapter 47: No More Closet.

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March 11th 2017
HANNAH: "hey" Sam says coming through the door, she has a few bags... not alot. "Your room is on the right" i say just above a whisper trying not to wake sleeping beauty in my lap. "Okay" she whispers back with a small smile. The pregnancy must be pretty hard, especially since she's already basically disowned the thing growing inside of her. She still hasn't told us who the baby daddy is... maybe she genuinely doesn't know? She walks in her room and i snap my head back to the TV which is playing the latest episode of "bad at love" at the moment. I'm actually surprised Air fell asleep to it... she has never done that before with me. But i guess after this morning and then on the couch... she's probably tired. I already called the movers earlier and they're going to bring all the stuff we need from my room and everything. My aunt Elise says now that i'm 18 i can have my own place but she's still my "care giver" for whatever reason. "What's on your mind" a sleepy Aryn asks me raising her hand to me cheek. "Nothing... just, I didn't have breakfast" i smile as she rolls her eyes. She rolls off of the couch and onto the floor, standing up and walking to the kitchen. "Wow, how do you already have food in here?" She asks in amazement at the filled cuboards and fridges... I couldn't leave my girls birthday gift incomplete. "Anything for my love" i say as i spread out on the couch, "WOW you aren't even gonna help?" Aryn jokes knowing damn well I can't cook for shit. "Well i just think you're so amazing that maybe you would cook a better meal for your birthday dinner than me" i deadpan realizing it's about 5:00 PM now. Aryn sighs giving in, "fine". I turn on the TV only to have her blast some J Lo song... to no surprise she is playing the perfect song for this moment. "I ain't gon be cookin all day, i ain't yo momma" she sings pointing at me. My jaw drops, WOW. "I ain't gon do yo laundry, i ain't yo momma!" She says jumping up and down, she's always loved this song. "Mnm i ain't yo momma, girlllll i ain't yo momma" she belts out changing the "boy" to "girl" so i know she's talking about me. "When you gon get yo act togetherrrrr" i join in, "i ain't yo momma, nooooooo" "i ain't yo momma no" i grab her waist and she squeals as i step to the beat. "When did you learn how to dance?" She giggles as i continue with the beat. "Beginners luck" i smirk, beginners luck my ass. I have been practicing dance for YEARS, ever since i was 7 years old my mom forced dance classes on me. We're about to continue but stop when we hear a sizzle, "ah shit, i burnt it!" She whines taking the bacon and pan off the burner. "It's fine, just... extra chrispy" i say trying to make light of the situation as she cringes. It was definitely ruined. "Fine, i'm making pasta then... easy, and the one meal you CAN'T fuck up" she teases, "which means you're helping." I nod my head. She balances on her tippy toes trying to get the pasta in the top cupboard but she can't reach. It's actually quite cute, i'm taller than her by like 3 or 4 inches so i get it for her. I kiss her forehead as she rolls her eyes, "fuck you" she deadpans snatching the pasta. "You know you wanna" i tease grabbing her waist from behind. "I never said I didn't" she deadpans breaking out of my grip. "Go in the room or the living room or something, you're distracting me" Air deadpans shooing me with her hand. I want food so i leave her be. I turn on greys anatomy and she turns back on her music but this time it's some fifth harmony shit. "Work from home" to be exact, oldie but a goodie. "Oh my songggggg!" Air exclaims jumping up and down. Ugh today's going to be a long day.

"Babe, Sam! Pastas ready!" Aryn shouts from the kitchen. Me and Samia make our way off her bed where we were watching 'the fosters' and head down the hall. To no surprise, Air is stripped down to nothing but her boxers and wife beater that she looks so good in... she looks yummy af. "Oh don't look at me like that, it got hot" she deadpans bringing my plate in front of me, making sure to bend over so her boobs are noticeable. I close my eyes trying my hardest not to give in to her teasing. Next thing i know i feel two hands on my thighs, i look down seeing Aryn on her knees with a smirk. "Everything okay?" She asks with a grin as my body tenses up. My legs are wide open at the moment too since i don't know how to "sit like a lady" as my mom used to call it. She puts her head between my legs as she bends over and comes back up with a piece of bacon in her hand. "Oh sorry babe, i dropped this" she giggles at my shocked impression as Samia just sits there holding back a laugh. She uses my legs to pull herself up making sure to "accidentally" touch my crotch on the way up. lord, why is she doing this to me! I clear my throat taking my plate to the couch and turning on some reruns of supernatural... this should calm me down. All the nasty straight people are a huge turn off. "Okay, SN... help a girl out here" i say under my breath as i lie down on the couch. I'm about 20 minutes in to the first episode before Sam clears her throat, "so, the first sonogram is tomorrow" she says hesitantly. Me and Aryn both look at each other with big smiles before i open my mouth to say something, "yes you can come. Of course you can... it's your baby" Sam deadpans reading my mind. Me and Aryn both squeal before Sam clears her throat again, "so, around 11:30 PM" she says chomping on her pasta. "You'll be there?" Me and Aryn both let out a "hell yeah!" In unison. Sam smiles, nods then gets up from her seat putting her plate in the sink as she heads to her room not saying another word. Aryn jumps on top of me knocking all the wind out, "we're gonna have a baaaabyyyy" she sings. I lean in for a kiss but she pulls away, "we need a name!" She squeals jumping on me again. I grab her thighs as she moves to straddle me and leans down. Her lips barely hovering over mine as i close the space between us. She deepens it wrapping her arms around my neck as i slide my hand down her back side.  We stay like this for a bit before pulling away for a breath, "sorry, i just couldn't deny your kisses" she whispers with a giggle. I peck her lips as she kisses back briefly. I smack her ass as she gets off me, "who said you could leave me? Don't you wanna hear the name?" I whine pulling her into my lap before she tries to walk away from the couch. "Okay okay, what's the name?" She asks with a glowing smile... she looks just like an angel when she smiles like that. "Uhm... how about Grace for a girl... Foster for a boy" i deadpan looking up at the ceiling. Aryn scoffs and shakes her head, "Jaden for a boy, Harleen for a girl" i scoff back, "Harleen? As in Harleen Quinnzel? As in the crazy bitch from those comics?" I deadpan crossing my arms as she kisses my neck. "I like Jaden though" i giggle, Jaden is a cute name. "Okay, so Jaden and.... Purity" she gawfs at the name. "Oh my god, EW no. That sounds like a hookers name. What about... Eden" I smirk into my words as Aryn cocked an eyebrow up. "The bible? Like the garden of Eden?" Aryn giggles as i nod my head. "No. What about... Mila? mia for short, Melly and Mia... that's adorable!" I exclaim clapping my hands. Aryn shakes her head with a smile, "fine". I squeal, Mia was one of my childhood bestfriends back in Columbia. I havent seen her in years... i promised her i would name my first child after her though. "I can't wait for our little Mia" i say wrapping my arms around Aryn as she giggles. "You're gonna be in college... i'll be still in high school.... how will that work?" Aryn asks... good question. "I bet Izzie would babysit for us while we're at school. Plus, there's a daycare in her work place that she sometimes takes Nadia to... Mia would have fun over there" I whisper the last part, "and maybe we can have a little fun of our own... the daycare closes at 6:00 PM so that's at least 3 hours" i lean in, before i can tease again she leans down and kisses me hard on the lips. I take her shirt off as she flips her hair to the other side which is actually very attractive now that i notice it. Her hands roam my body as i roam hers until she hits my inner thigh. I switch our position so now i'm on top. "Fuck" she curses as i pin her hands to the couch. As she struggles to get back on top we end up falling to the floor with a big THUMP, "everything good?" Sam shouts from the bathroom. "Yeah, just a box fell" i shout back as Aryn hides her giggles. I kiss down her neck as my hands slide to her pants waist band, i'm about to rip the bitches off but of course I'm interrupted by a knock at the door. "who could that be?" I mumble, Aryn walks over to the door buttoning up her shirt as she walks over fixing her hair. She opens the door and gasps in shock seeing none other than Naomi and her dad. She hugs both of them letting them in as i pull my shirt over my head quickly standing up from the floor. "What were you doing on the floor?" Naomi questions, none of your business kid. "Just some crunches, gotta keep these babies in shape" i say flexing my abs, at least that'll explain why my shirt is off too i guess. Naomi rolls her eyes and looks at her sister, "this dum dum?" Naomi deadpans not daring to swear in front of her father. "To be fair, she's a very pretty dum dum" Aryn jokes as my face turns red, she rarely calls me pretty. It's a simple word, but also so much more than that. "Whatever, Aubri says she'll be here later. Apparently she just woke up" Nai Nai shrugs her shoulders at the end. "Oh yeah "just woke up" i roll my eyes, i bet they were fucking again. OMG what if they did it on my bed? Oh grosssssss! "Well we just wanted to come say that Aryn, mom is leaving for good and moving out to NY with grandma... so you can come home now." Naomi deadpans looking around the apartment. "Heheh, actually... i think-" Aryn starts but is interrupted by Aubri rushing through the door. Bella walks behind her a few minutes later, haha she didn't even bother running. "Babe, calm down. we got here on time" Bella rubs Aubris back as Aubri pants. "I'm gay!" She shouts, both Naomi and Aryns dads eyes go WIDE. "Yeah, uhm i just wanted to say that. Bye" Aubri tries to walk out but Bella yanks her by her hood. She whispers something in her ear and Aubri groans sitting down. Bell sits in her lap as Aubri sighs, "yeah, so... i'm gay. I like girls. I am a girl who likes girls. Any questions?" She mumbles obviously not wanting to be here. Jack is shocked but quickly collects himself, "so... she's your-" Jack points at Bella as Aryn scoffs. "Wow dad, you can say it! Yes, Bella is her girlfriend. I thought you were okay with this?" Aryn asks squeezing my hand and leaning on my shoulder. "I am... i'm not your mother girls, okay? I just... it's a lot to process. Aubri always seemed to be into guys. I mean that one guy she was on and off with... what was his name, started with a C?" I giggle before trying to answer, "Col-" Aubri interrupts... "it doesnt matter! He was an asshole and i never should have been with him" she deadpans holding Bella closer to her as Bella seemingly gets tense. She grinds her teeth looking at nothing in particular, damn she seems really jealous. Bella snaps out of it and gets up off Aubris lap to shake Jacks hand, "if you don't already know, my name's Bella." She introduces. He shakes her hand before nodding to her with a smile. "Oh, i know you. You're trouble." He deadpans as Aryn and Naomi both laugh. Bella looks down as her face flushes. "Your one of those people" she mumbles moving back to Aubri. Aubri looks pissed right now but also embarrassed. Jack chuckles, "those people?" He asks as Bella sighs. "The people who think they know me and have a right to judge me even though they don't know my life and they don't know my problems and they have no clue why i was the way i was because they didn't care to ask... they just believed whatever information was brought to them. It's getting really annoying. All parents hate me and i just don't understand what i ever did to deserve this. I'm a good person and i keep their kids out of my problems and i have helped some of those kids through a lot of shit. It's just not fair that i try to better myself for people who will never see the good in me. It hurts that even adults who are supposed to be the mature and forgiving ones... hate me." Bella blurts out in what seemed like two seconds. Jack shook his head, "i don't believe what other people hear Bella. I was playing around. I meant you must have some kind of voodoo magic in you if you're the one making my little girl smile all the time. She rarely smiles... i missed it." Jack put a hand on her shoulder, "i'm sure you're a fine young lady, i'm sorry that other people don't see that." Bella puts her hand over his, "thank you" she whispers as a lone tear falls down her cheek. Damn, this girl has been staying at my house for how long? And I didn't even know this about her. I really need to talk to her more. Hey! The whole family is together... with the added additions of course, Bella, Samia and Mi- SHIT! We need to tell Jack about Mia.

A/N the part with parents hating on Bella is one hundred percent true and her words are really my thoughts on it. Just thought yall should know.

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