Chapter 39: When It Rains It Pours.

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March 3rd 2017
HANNAH: i wake up and try to feel around for Aryn but she's gone. I open my eyes and look around seeing she's nowhere to be seen. "Babe?" I call out as i put on my dress, no answer. I shrug my shoulders and walk into the cold water, it's so hot out here. The water instantly clears my head as i dip my head and the rest of my body under the water. Suddenly i feel something pull me up, to no surprise my girlfriends beautiful face emerges from the water as a smile apears on her face. "You're getting your dress wet" she whispers in my ear, i don't really care though. The water has always been very therapeutic for me. She pulls a few strands of my hair out of my face and places a sweet kiss on my lips as she cups my cheek. I sigh contently as she pulls away and presses her forehead against mine. "I love you" she whispers holding back a small blush, i can't help but giggle at the sudden words that never fail to make my heart flutter. "I love you more" i tease as she scoffs, "sure, i'll let you think that" she says wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me into a hug. We walk back to the shore hand in hand and sit on the blankets. It's still really early so the sun hasnt come up yet, or at least barely. We lie down and watch as the beautiful night sky fades into some beautiful pinkish yellow mixutre. "It's so beautiful" Aryn whispers in amazement. I giggle as she makes her way between my legs and leans on my shoulder. What else could I possibly ask for right now? I wrap my arms around her waist and can't help but kiss her cheek as she places her hands on mine. "It's not even close to as beautiful as you" i deadpan as she looks down and blushes. We both just sit there mesmerized at the sun rise and eachother.

I wake up with Aryns head on my stomach. I look at the time on my phone and realize its almost 10:00 PM. "B-babe?" I say tiredly. She hums a quick "hm?" Before shifting her position so her head is on my legs. She opens her eyes revealing her gorgeous hazel eyes, i can't help but smile as she returns my action with a cute little blush. "As much as i would love to stay here with you in my arms... we have to go drop Ebony off at the beach house" i explain as she nods her head and gets up. She always looks so beautiful when she wakes up, like a fallen angel. Is that a cliche? Whatever. That's the best way to describe it. Today's friday which means me and Aryn missed even more of school. I'm going to be so behind. I text Samia a quick text saying we're coming as we run as fast as we can to the car because it just randomly starts pouring. God i swear torontos weather is so bipolar. We giggle as we hit the car and of course i slip trying to get the keys and fall straight on my ass. Aryn lets out a big ass laugh before holding her hand out for me to grab. I grab her hand and pull her down with me as she squeals. I giggle and wrap my arms around her neck as she straddles me and leans down to kiss me. I deepen the kiss by sticking my tongue in as we move in sync. The cold water hits our body but i don't care. Kissing in the rain is romantic as fuck anyway. "Damn it i'm soaked now" she says looking down at her outfit. I smirk before teasing, "oh wow, already? I barely did anything". She smacks my shoulder playfully before standing up and walking away. I stand up quickly and grab her waist pulling her into me. She turns in my arms so she's facing me and i tighten my grip. She bites my lip before taking it into her mouth and pulling back leaving me wanting more as usual. "Nah nah nah" i say as i wrap my fingers in her wet hair and pull her face into mine. Our lips hover over eachothers as the water pours above us. Our breath gets heavy before she finally closes the space between us. She slides her tongue over my lip asking for entrance, i let her in and she continues to explore my mouth. I slide my hands down to her ass and tighten my grip. She moans in my mouth at the suddeness before settling down in my arms. I get my keys out of my back pocket as i throw the bag that my laptop and everything else is in the back. As she wraps her legs around my waist. I place her on the hood of the car as she runs her hand up my dress. I pull back from the kiss as i start getting light headed. "You okay?" She asks as the rain drops hitting my back start feeling like electrical surges through my body. "Y-yeah i just need a minute" i say trying to make the world stop spinning. "Babe?" She asks as i back away from her. My head is spinning around and my eyes are getting heavy as an annoying ringing sound goes off in my ear. My body tenses up as i fall back and hit my head on the hard concrete ground. The last thing i hear is a gasp before everything goes black.

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