Chapter 38: The Perfect Date.

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March 2nd 2017
ARYN: "come on!" Hannah says as she guides me to some sandy place. I feel the sand in my toes as i giggle at her child like voice. "We're almost there babe" she says as i ruffle the blind fold trying to peak. She clicks her tongue before stepping in front of me with a pout. "No peeking" she says trying to hold back a smile. I sigh and put back on the blind fold. "So bossy" i say as she chuckles, "you know you love it" she whispers in my ear making me gulp as my breath hitches. "Okay... you can look now!" She exclaims as i rip the blind fold off. I'm immediately in awe as i look at the beautiful view. Of course we're on the ocean's shore. She is so cheesy. There is a few blankets on the sand, some candles, her laptop, a guitar and of course a picnic basket. Of course me being the fat ass that i am goes straight for the food, i giggle as i find nothing but candy in there. She knows me so well. She sits down motioning for me to come sit next to her. I gladly do as she opens her arms for me to walk into. "Do you like?" She says just above a whisper. I am soeechless, how could she do this on such short notice. I lean in for a small but passionate kiss before pulling back and wrapping my arms around her neck. "I love it" i whisper as her smile grows. She opens the laptop and asks me what i want to watch. I just smirk and nod over to the guitar. "Shouldn't you be asking me what i want to hear?" I say with my arms crossed as i lay back. She sighs before kissing my neck and getting up to grab the guitar. She sits back down and shakes her head, "don't judge me. I'm rusty" she says with an awkward smile before strumming a few notes. "H-here" she says stopping and opening a video on her laptop. She hands the laptop to me and smirks, "just watch and listen" she says playing the video. As the video plays i see a short clip of me and Hannah a few years ago when we first met. My eyes start to prick up as a bunch of pictures of me and Hannah show as she starts singing a familiar song.

"When your legs don't work like they used to before, and i can't sweep you off of your feet.

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?"
Her eyes are closed as she sings with passion as she smiles into her words. She opens her eyes and stares at me with a big grin as tears rush down my face. God, this is all so beautiful.

"And darlin i'll, still. Be lovin you, till we're seventy.
And baby my, heart. Could still fall as gard at twenty three" she pauses for a quick second before cupping my cheek and wiping a tear before continuing.

"And im thinkin bout how, people fall in love in mysterious ways... maybe just the touch of a hand"
She sings beautifully as a familiar picture comes up. It was the first day of school this year. She looked flawless as always and i can't help but notice the blush on her face that i hadn't notice before when i out my arm around her. I look up at her and give her a smile as i sniffle and another tear shoots down my face. God i have never felt this special before.

"Well me i fall in love with you every single day, and i just wanna tell you i am"

she says just above a whisper as she places her lips on my forehead.

"So baby now, take me into your loving arms. Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart. I'm thinking out loud, maybe we found love right where we are"
she says as she strums the guitar some more. These pictures are beautiful, how she fit all of them in one video i will never know but this is like all the memories coming back as one. I feel arms around my waist as im pulled closer, Hannah kisses down my neck and whispers in my ear. "Reminicing?" Just the sound of her husky voice makes me have to bite my lip to calm down. I nod my head before tuning in her arms so im facing her. "Your voice... why don't you sing more?" I ask as she sighs. "Me and my mom- singing used to be our thing. The one thing we would always do together. The one thing that brought us together. I guess when she died I couldn't bring myself to do it without her. Everytime i sang her voice would pop in my head and i'd start crying. After a while i just stopped singing all together" she confesses as a tear rolls down her cheek. I kiss her cheek where the tear is and she pulls me into a hug. "If you don't like singing, why'd you sing for me?" I ask genuinely curious. She laughs dryly before looking at me and smiling. "You're worth it" she whispers before pulling me back into her arms. Just those simple words make my tears well up again. After everything i have put her through she still thinks im this perfect girl. She can do so much better but she chooses me. "Don't cry mi amor" she says pulling back from the hug. She sighs contently before lying down. "What movie do you wanna watch?" She asks as she opens netflix on her laptop. I look at her dumb founded before she sighs and kisses my lips putting on the only thing we both always agree on. Its safe to say me and Hannahs movie preferences are... different. She likes scary, action, sci fi movies where as i like the cliche, romantic, humorous ones. The one thing with 'bad at love' is that there is a mixture of both. Jordyn is a spy so there's the action, but its also about her problematic love life. Which is the romantic and partly humerous side of the show. There's about 5 seasons and even though me and Han have watched the entire series already we enjoy rewatching it. She puts on 'bad at love' and i settle in her arms. She smiles at me before kissing the top of my head as the intro starts.

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