Chapter 42: Please Be Negative.

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March 5th 2017
ARYN: as i hop out of the shower i see that Hannah isn't here, god please tell me i didn't scare her away. I got dressed as quick as possible and headed out of the beach house to go look for her. I scan the water which she's ususally in at these parties but i can't see her, god how could i let this happen? I was supposed to be looking after her... it was my ONE job! But she ended up taking care of me. "Fuck" i whisper to myself. What if she went off on Zander by herself? Oh my god, she could be lying on the ground bleeding out right now just like me. I shake those thoughts out if my head as i call out for Hannah. "Han! Babe! Are you here!?" I shout but am interrupted by a guys voice in a corner. I slowly make my way over to see what the fuss is about, "shut the fuck up and give me the money!" He says roughly. As he changes his stance i can now see a gun being held to someones head. I try to get a closer look without drawing attention to myself. The jawline... skin tone.... body.... it's all familiar. There's no way, is it.... "ELI!?" I shout as i run to his side. "Get the fuck away from him!" I say standing in front of him. "Who are you talking to right now? I'll blow your brains out bitch!" His voice is shaky, like he doesn't know what he's doing. "Oh please, do you even know how to shoot?" I question crossing my arms. "O- of course i do! Now get down on the ground NOW!!!" He shouts while pointing the gun to my head. I kneel on the ground with my hands up in surrender as i start thinking about Hannah again. A tear rolls down my cheek, "please this isn't about her. Leave her alone!" Eli shouts getting a blow to the stomach, "please... we have family okay? We have parents who you are going to break if you kill us... i can tell by the way you're shaking that you don't want to do this... are you being forced? We can help you" i say as i go to touch his shoulder. He cocks his shoulder back and moves away, this time his hand is shakier as he tells me to get away from him and not to move. He points the gun at me just as we hear yelling from the other corner, it's Hannahs voice. Why's she yelling? Tears stream down my face as i want to move and run to her but i know i can't. I start thinking the worse as tears pool in my eyes, i lean over to Eli. "I-it's Hannah. I know her voice. I think she's hurt E... what do we do?!" I exclaim just below a whisper. Eli suddenly starts panicking. Then we hear another shout and knowing it's Hannah he goes to run after her with me behind him. We get two feet away from the shooter before a loud gunshot vibrates through the walls. I check Eli and he's fine but he looks at me with his mouth agape as the guy runs away, fucking coward. My throat starts to close as electrical shocks surge through out my body making me weak. I notice blood on the floor below me before i look to my chest. I'm bleeding... so much. My knees buckle as my breath becomes rapid as i fight for air. It feels as if all the air from my body has just flew out and into the wind. The wind i can't breath in. Hannah emerges from the corner just as i drop to my knees. Hannah runs over to me, "o-oh my god!" She exclaims as tears start to pool in her eyes. God i can't die, I haven't even been with her for a year. I can't leave so soon! "Babe... baby it's okay, w-we're gonna call 911... it's gonna be okay. You are not gonna die!" She sobs more reassuring herself than me. "I-i'll be fine" i say managing to cup her cheek with my hand. My eyes are slowly closing but i need to stay awake. I need to tell her even if it's the last time, "i-i love you" i stutter as i gasp for air. There is blood all over her hands and body but she doesn't care. I'm glad to see she's fully dressed... Zander didn't get to her! With knowing that and reassuring myself that she's okay i let my eyes take over as my body goes limp... maybe i'll wake up and it's just a dream. "Air bear come on baby... i need you to stay awake" is the last thing i hear. I want to fight for my life and for her... but it's just so tiring.

I half wake up as i hear sirens and flashing lights flash through my eyelids. "T-they're here baby. Come on" she says holding onto my hand with her grip not daring to loosen. She's holding on like she's gonna lose me... shit, what if she does lose me? I can't die! My birthday is in six days for fuck sakes! I havent even turned 17!!! With the power of my worrying i start sobbing. Hannah holds me close to her before i'm ripped away by someone and out on what feels like a stretcher. Not having the strength to open my eyes i feel for Hannah. When i can't feel her beautiful soft skin i start to get worried. Did she leave me already? Like i might leave her to deal with this cruel world by herself? Just the thought of a life without her is enough so send tears shooting down my face. "W-what happened!?" Samias voice echod through my ears as a ringing began. The ringing got louder and louder before she speaks again. The ringing over powers her voice but i manage to hear the sincere concern. She must have sobered up. "H-Hannah?" I manage to get out of my mouth as my throat pricks with thirst. "Hey baby, don't worry... i'm here okay. I'm right here I'm not leaving you. Okay?" She reassures grabbing my hand as i'm rolled into the ambulance. "Only two passengers please." A guy says from my right. Hannah and Eli come with me as Eli stammers. "Oh my god it's all my fault. Han i'm so sorry. Aryn please fon't die okay?" He sobs, ive never really heard him cry before. I nod my head instantly regretting it as pain shoots through my body. I havent even made a fucking will! I can't die. "I-if i die-" i start but Hannah runs her hand down my hair shushing me. "Don't say that okay? You're going to he okay! Every thing is goigg to be fine okay? We're gonna have a beautiful baby girl and get married and get a stupid dog with an overly big house and a big pool. You're going to write your heart away in your little office and we are both going to die at the same time holding hands. Don't die, you hear me? I-i need you." She stammers, her voice breaking at the end. I nod my head. I need something to get my mind off of the pain so i say the only thing that comes to mind. "W-what's the name? Of our daughter?" I ask out of breath. She chuckles, "Melanie" she giggles holding back her tears. I can't help but notice she's trying to stay strong for me. "Hey, it's okay to cry" i say as the ambulance starts moving. I open my eyes seeing her smile as she rests her face on my hand. Her eyes starts to stream with tears and i laugh. "Let it out babe" i whisper. She copies my rapid breathing as she starts sobbing. Suddenly there's a man on too of me holding a towel or something over my chest. He applies presssure which hurts like a bitch but i continue to talk. "M-Melanie Star Cortez" i stutter as i think of Hannahs moms mame "Starla"... it's pretty but Star is what she always went by. Hannah starts to cry more, she's probably guilty about missing her birthday this year. She doesn't say anything she just hugs me. "It's perfect. I can't wait" she whispers in my ear. "Hm... who's getting pregnant?" I ask trying to change the sensitive topic so i don't have to see her in pain again. She giggles, "me. I'm not dealing with a pregnant, always hungry, 1 million times more moody you than you already are for 9 months" she deadpans cupping my cheek. I put my hand on hers as she leans down for a kiss. It's brief since we can't deepen it in front of all these people but it's still just what i need to want to fight like hell to survive. I close my eyes feeling the pain take over as she rest her head on mine. Suddenly sleepiness takes over and i can't even try to fight it. I feel like I havent slept in years. She kisses my cheek one last time before i fall asleep.

I wake up in the ER on one of the beds with Hannah by my side. "The bullet went through you so there's no reason for surgery... they are waiting to get you a bed since it's a little crowded today. The boys will be here soon, Matty is driving Samia and everyone over here to check up on you. As for your parents neither of them picked up. Aubri said she'll be on the nearest bus tomorrow" she explains knowing it's the first thing i was going to ask. I look at my chest seeing quite a few stitches, i sigh. "Great, more scars" i mutter under my breath as she chuckles emotionlessly. She looks at me longingly before smashing her lips into mine, we move in sync as she deepens the kiss running her hand down my stomach. "I thought i lost you" she says just above a whisper as some lone tears run down her beautiful tear stained cheeks. I wife the tears with my thumb and frame her face with my hands. "I told you i'll be okay" i whisper with a smile. I look around the room noticing Eli spread out on a chair with a tear stained face holding himself while he sleeps. "He cried himself to sleep. He thinks it's his fault. He told me what happened... we're gonna get that guy babe" she says through gritted teeth at the last part. "What happened with Samia?" I ask just as Hannahs phone rings. "Speak of the devil" she chuckles putting Sam on speaker. "We're almost there. I'm so sorry. If it wasn't for my stupidness you would be beating up the shooter instead of beating up that guy" she deadpans through the phone. "Hey, it's not your fault. That guy is discusting and he took advantage of your drunkeness and not being able to fight him off... I need to know how far he got with you. D-did i stop him? Maybe you should get a rape kit when you come here" Hannah says running her hands through her hair. Shit, Z got to her too didn't he... i feel my eyes start to pool in fear of the worst possible thing. "I don't remember much... i was wasted Han. Yeah, i guess a rape kit would be a good idea" Samia sighs. "Okay, i'll tell the nurse to watch out for you when you get here" Hannah deadpans. "I love you Sam. I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you in time" Hannah says as her voice cracks at the end. I rub her back as Samia lets out a sigh, "we're here! And it wasnt your fault hon. It was mine for getting so drunk" she whispered through the phone. Hannah nodded her head and hung up wiping her tears as she looked out the door. Samia, Matty and the boys all came rushing in looking at me with sympathy. "What happened?" Matty asked sitting next to me. Hannah took Samia and they talked in a corner a but before Samia left the room. I looked at her in concern, please be negative. I don't think i could live with myself knowing Zander has touched my friends too. Hannah walked to Matty and shook her head signaling for him to drop it. Tears start pooling in my eyes as i start thinking about Zander holding down poor Samia with the same force he used on me. Hannah hugged me and rubbed my back being careful of the stitches, "she'll be okay." She whispered as Matty sat there fidgeting with his fingers. "I really hope so" he mutters under his breath. I signal for him to join the hug and he happily does. God poor Sam... please be negative rape kit.

A/N couldnt leave yall waiting any longerrrrrr

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