Chapter 37: Movie Night

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March 2nd 2017
HANNAH: i get out of the bathroom and put my hair in a quick bun before walkinn to the door. "Hey Sam" i say as i open the door, she hugs me tightly for a few moments and then pulls back. "Girl what took you so long?" She deadpans. "I was in the shower" i say closing the door behind her. We walk over to the couch and she immediately lays down on Elis bed. I hold back a laugh and my eyes go wide, "you may not wanna sit there" i say looking down. She looks at me puzzled for a second before her jaw drops and she springs up on her feet. "EW EW EW!" She exclaims, "on your brothers bed!?" She wipes herself off. I just nod my head with a smile still looking down. "Where is the lucky girl anyway?" Samia asks looking around. "In the shower" i say sheepishly. "Oh my god... THAT'S what was taking so long!" She exclaims. How is she so smart? "Sorry, couldn't leave my girl with blue lips" i say under my breath. Samia cringes before walking over to the bathroom, "you, get your ass out here" she shouts over Aryns music. "Coming!" Aryn shouts as she turns off the shower. She comes out looking sexy as ever with her dripping wet body and short shower that barely covers her thighs. She whips her hair into a top knot and goes to sit on the couch with me and Samia follows. "You two have six hours. For your date. So like.... go get ready" Samia says making sure to give Aryn the stink eye. I get up from my seat, "i have the cutest dress for today" i squeal as Aryn looks down. "Babe i didn't bring dress clothes... i didn't think we were going to go on a date" Aryn whines. Samia smirks at me and then at Aryn and says, "come on, we're going to the mall. I'll find something for you" she says pulling Aryn off the couch. "We'll be back in an hour-" "tops." Aryn adds to Samias sentence. "Okay, love you!" I say as they head out the door with a quick "i love you more" from Aryn. Before i can rebel against that they are gone and running to Samias car. I start to walk into the room but am stopped by Aryn running back and turning around. "Sorry babe. That's no way to leave my girl" she says laying a big passionate kiss on my lips. "See you soon" she whispers in my ear before pecking my lips and leaving out the door again with a giggling Samia behind her. I touch my lips as i collect myself from that kiss. Ebony starts crying so of course i walk to her room and take her out her crib. She's definitely hungry she was supposed to have her bottle like an hour or two ago. Luckily she has a bottle in the fridge that i made earlier so i get it out and give it to her. She drinks it rather quickly and then goes back to sleep. Wow this child is an angel. I place her in her swing and then head to my room. I get in and immediately start going through my clothes. I have a special date planned for Aryn. Yes, we're going to the movies but we're also going somewhere else afterwards. I put on my dark purple sun dress and then my flats and of course put a towel in my bag along with sunscreen, food and two swim suits. That's right... we're having a beach date. I text Samia to tell her to try to hold Aryn there for as long as possible. I'm going to the hairdressers across the street for my hair to get done since Izzie works there and will do it for free. I text her that i'm on my way and she sends me a tumbs up before i put Ebony in her stroller and roll off to 'Sandys salon' Sandy is Izzies boyfriends sister so that's why she gave Iz a job there.

"Hey, i'm here!" I shout as i roll the stroller in. Sandys salon is so pretty like damn it looks like a luxery suit hotel but with hair shit instead of bedroom shit and they have three specific colors for the whole salon. Pink, white and pastel purple. It has massages, mud masks, face masks, nails, hair and even some very EXPENSIVE dresses hanging up on one of the walls. Ive been eying one of them since i first came here a year or two ago. It's a short burgundy dress that would go down to probably my thighs on me. Its tight so i just know it would show off my curves which just makes me want it so much more. It has a deep vneck and spagetti strap straps. It seems simple but it's just so pretty. I go to the dress and touch it, as i do everytime i'm there. "What is with you and that dress?" Izzie giggles. "I don't know, it's just so beautiful" i say following her to one of the seats. "So how's life? You still crushing on that Aryn girl?" She asks as she fluffs my hair. "Actually, we're together now" i blush at my words, "together" feels so good to finally be able to say that. She gasps and turns my teat around to face her. "Why did i not know this!? You're supposed to call me about these things little cuz" she says. "How's Nadia?" I say trying to lose the topic, she smiles and turns my chair back to face the mirror. "Nadi is amazing. She is running around the house now and we're trying to potty train her. She's an adorable little 3 year old. And Liam has been doing pretty well taking care of her. He got a job finally so we are thinking about buying a bigger apartment in a bit" she says as she curls my hair. "Can i take Nadia for a bit on saturday?" I ask as she nods her head. "I want her to meet Aryn" i say looking down trying not to blush. "How are my little sisters?" She asks while keeping focus pn my hair. "They're good. Still a little bratty as usual. Especially the twins. Going through the terible two, ya know how that is" i say as i open up my phone. I can feel her looking over my shoulder as i text Aryn a quick "can't wait for tonight!". "What's tonight?" Izzie asks. "Date night" i say under my breath as a smile appears on my face. "Awe, no wonder your finally getting you hair done!" She exclaims as she plays around with my hair. "Up or down?" She asks, i feel like up would look good with my hair right now. "Up, ugh Izzie i miss her already" i whine. Izzie giggles and shakes her head, "that's love for ya! You miss them every second of everyday... good luck." She says with a smile.

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