Chapter 30: We'll Get Through This Together.

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(Lilah above)
February 17th 2017
ARYN: i woke up around the middle of the night to see Eli gone as well as Elise and the kids. Kahlani was still clinging onto Hannah, at least she's asleep now. Her sobs were starting to get annoying. I make my way over to Hannah and move some of the hair from her face. I kiss her on her cold forehead, "i'll be back" i whisper just as Kahlani stirs in her sleep making me jump a little. I make my way out of the room and go downstairs to the coffee shop that just so happens to be open 24 hours a day. I smile as i approach the counter, a tall raven haired girl with tan skin comes to the counter. "how may i help you?" she asks all peppy and high pitched, i inhale deeply. She should know that the cheerfulness is just going to make people feel worse, you work in a hospital for christ sakes. I try to mimic her peppyness so she doesnt think im rude, "can i get a french vanilla with a shot of chocolate? And maybe some whipped cream if you have any?" i ask. Her face seems to light up at the end making me give her a questioning look, "i love whipped cream! My father used to make home made whipped cream, he taught me how as soon as i turned 17. I just brought some from home, you will be the first one to try it!" she blurts out without taking a breath. "okay then, sure" she smiled and went to the back. She grabbed a plastic bag and dumped a jar of whipped cream -i assume- into the bag. She grabbed a pair of scissors from one of the shelves and cut a little slit into the corner of the bag. It looked a bit like a mini vaccume cleaner, ive seen bakers do this before on tv for frosting but never for whipped cream. She grabbed a cup and made the french vanilla quickly, she squealed in excitement as she put the whipped cream on top and handed it to me. "here you are!" she chirped. "thanks" i say thinking she would leave and go back to making other coffees, but i was wrong. She leaned on the counter with her hands together and just started as me as i took the first sip, it was complete bliss. The whipped cream wasnt too heavy and it had a certain sweetness to it that i have never tasted in other whipped creams before, i moan as i take another sip. "mmm this, this is good." i exclaim. She jumps up and down making me realize how big her boobs are, i look away remembering that Hannah is in a comma right now and that wouldnt be fair. I chuckle trying to make a smooth recovery but she just looks at the ground and blushes. I go to take my wallet out but she quickly stops me by blocking my hand with hers. I look up to see her shaking her head with a smile on her face, "on the house, i'm Lilah by the way" she said in a quiet voice this time. "Nice to meet you Lilah, i'm Aryn. Thanks for the coffee i have to get back to my girl though." I say, she nods her head and wakes a good bye. I give her a pleasant smile before making my way out of the coffee shop and to the elevator. Just as i am about to press the button i see one of Hannahs doctors running to the elavator. "doctor, is everything okay?" i say, holy shit what if something happened to Hannah?! He chuckles and places his hand on my shoulder "everything's fine i just forgot something from my desk and my wife is waiting in the car" he said with a sympathetic smile, he must have known what i was thinking. I look down at his hand just now noticing a pretty gold wedding band, he looks kind of young to be married. "and please call me Mike. It's after hours, i'm not a doctor right now" he said quickly running to the stairs, i guess the elavator was taking too long. Just as the door to the staircase swung shut the elevator door slid open i giggled at the ironicness as i made my way inside. I clicked the floor where Hannahs room was and made my way back to the room. I looked around seeing that Kahlani was no longer attatched to her. I smile softly realizing i can finally have some me time with my girl. I crawl into the bed and lay my head on her chest making sure not to pull on any ivs or chords attached to her. I finally get comfortable and shut my eyes right as i hear footsteps coming our way. I groan just wanting a peaceful sleep as i look up seeing Kahlani in blue sweatpants and a wife beater. Her hair is in a neat messy bun and her face is no longer stained with tear streaks. She actually looks kind of pretty, my eyes unwillingly look at her from head to toe until they hit her lips which were curled into a smile. I instantly snap my eyes off her hourglass like shape and blush. "you like what you see?" she giggled, i turned around seeing that her hands were on her hips and she was posing. I laughed softly as i made my way off of Hannah, as common courtesy for Kahlani. "you're Kahlani right?" i ask brushing myself off. "in the flesh" she says as she sits down on one of the many chairs in this room. I sit in the one across from her as she sloutches forward staring at me. "Aryn i'm assuming?" she asks with her arms crossed. I nod my head slightly knowing Hannah probably told her what i did. She gives out a quick "mhm" before looking over my body, i straighten myself up so she can get a better view. She comes up to my eyes and shakes her head. "i don't like you-" she says making my face drop, "-but, you stayed with her. Probably saved her life. And i can't be mad at someone who saved my girlfriends life." she says quickly as if she was in denial with the words coming out of her mouth. I feel a bunch of knives in my heart as i go over that word girlfriend? I exhale deeply as the knives stab deeper and deeper. "g-girlfriend?" i hesitate not really wanting an answer to the question. "well if you did what we did, i'm pretty sure you'd be dating" she chuckled, i tried to play it cool and laugh along but a pool of depression washed over me. "everything okay?" she asks with an eyebrow raised still smiling. i want to tell her what happened between Hannah and I before the accident but i just can't. the last thing Hannah needs right now is to be called a cheater. i breath deeply as the words begin to spew out, "you guys had-" i begin to ask but stop when she nods her head giving me a rather blunt answer. "and you guys are-" i ask but stop when she gives me another nod. "and you love he-" i start but she stops me with an "uh" as if offended by the question. "of course i love her. she's my childhood best friend. but do i love her? no, it's way to soon for that." she scoffs rolling her eyes. What a bitch, Hannah deserves someone who loves her. I love her! I need to stop pretending i don't. I do. i open my mouth to say something but am quickly interrupted by Mike coming knocking on the door, which was weird because the door was open. "hey, i'm going away for the night and most likely tomorrow too, Dr. Flores will be taking over for me" i nod as a blonde haired woman with pale skin emerges from behind him. "hello, my name is Rose Flores and i'll be Hannahs new doctor for the next few days." her voice chirped as she held her clipboard to her chest. my eyes scan her body quickly, she doesn't have any particular curves that would make her body appealing to me but Kahlani is practically drooling over her. she has an average waist and semi wide hips with a flat chest and skinny thighs. she isn't even wearing scrubs or the infamous white coat, she's in wedges with a yellow flowy sun dress and panty hose. she looks like she's 16 for the love of god, something tells me she isn't going to be really professional. i give her a fake smile as i nod my head and turn to Mike, "enjoy your time off" i say as i stand up and shake his hand. he nods and walks out the room along with Dr. Flores. "really?" i ask Kahlani as she looks away obviously blushing. "i can look, i just can't touch" she giggles, she's got me there. "but what is there to look at" i whisper making myself laugh. "oh my god" she shakes her head knowing i'm right. She turns over to Hannah and sighs, "she looks so peaceful, minus the cuts and scratches and casts of course" she says contently. I feel my eyes prick up as a few lonely tears try to escape. I open my mouth to say something but before i can she pulls me into her arms and runs her hand up and down my back. I shiver as a few of her tears fall on my bare back since im in a spaghetti strap tank top. "i know, i know. We need to be here for eachother to get through this. It's what she would want. We both love her" she soothes. I nod my head and continue to cry as my eyes close and my body relaxes in her arms, she is a good hugger. She sniffles a little bit before lying on the little couch with me still on her. I position myself so that i'm beside her instead of on top of her and drift off to sleep. It was probably 4:00 AM right now. I hear Kahlani sigh as she too falls asleep...

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