
159 7 10

Warnings: none

Words 473


The world is crazy, I'm sure you can agree. And life itself is crazy.

If we looked down on life, and saw every aspect of it we probably wouldn't live. Think about it. Everything in life happens because of a decision. It doesn't even have to be your own decision that changes the course of your life. It could be your best friend or your mom, or a total stranger.

When do we ever have complete control over our lives? We don't. It's all a mystery. And you know the saying, 'the unknown is the greatest fear of all'? Well, I believe that's true.

The reason we fear of living, and pursuing careers is because it's unknown to us all. We never can get the full picture. We're always uncertain to what will happen next.

I've written this story down to maybe help wrap my head around the questions I've been asking myself for years now:

Why do some people have good lives, and others don't?

Why are some people happy without effort while others are struggling to keep the smile on their face?

Why do people do wrong even though they know it's wrong?

Why don't they try to be good?

Why do people keep making the same mistakes over and over again?

And as I tried to figure out answers to these questions, I began writing my life story for you. Not every single event of my life, just the important events that changed my life. This story starts when I was sixteen. However, most of this story will take place in my seventeenth year on this earth— that's when I met Tyler.

I can truly say that I've answered the questions now. However, I won't be telling you the answer until the end. I don't want to throw my opinion out there without giving you my reasoning behind my theory.

This story is a little all over the place, I apologize for that. But it's true events that I struggled to pull out of my brain. Just know that my thoughts and memories will be fully accurate to what I remember.

Plus, after nagging Ty to write some of the story that I wasn't apart of, he finally agreed. Man, I love him. He's also a great writer. I'm sure you'll be able to tell the difference. I'll put our names at the top of the page to show you who wrote what.

So, with that said, here's the story 'We're Human.' written by me, Jenna Black and Tyler Joseph.


Prologue! I am really excited. I'm sorry haha. I'm serious when I say: this has to be the best book I have ever written. I put so much effort into it, and I really hope it makes sense to you all.

The story will be a little different than most, but hopefully it isn't so different that it's hard to read. Just stick with me here.

We're Human •Jyler• 1/2Where stories live. Discover now