{𝕱𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓} You Have Me.

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Warnings: none.

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Words 688



All she felt was pain as she looked up at the stars above her. Brennan was up there somewhere, looking down at her, probably feeling bad for leaving her. He was always like that. Feeling bad for something he couldn't control. Maybe that's where Jenna got it from.

She squinted as a drop of water hit her eye, she then looked down. She couldn't believe Tyler saw her cry. And it wasn't just crying it was weeping.

She felt another drop on her head, making her look up. Tyler must've felt it too because he looked up also. It then began to sprinkle, and Jenna sighed, standing up quickly. "You should get me home anyways. I don't want my family to think something happened to me too."

Tyler stood, beginning to bunch up the blanket. More rain drops fell as they varied in size.

Tyler began his walk to the truck, wanting to beat the rain. Although he wanted to keep himself dry, Jenna stopped him with one single word,

"Tyler..." she trailed off.

Tyler turned around, his eyebrows raising to the hesitant girl. Jenna just partially smiled at him, taking a deep breath.

She slowly walked closer. Although, her nerves were screaming for her to retreat, she ignored them as she wrapped her arms around his torso in some sort of awkward hug. She let out her breath as her head hit his chest, all the nerves leaving her body with her breath. She held him so tight that her arms wrapped around themselves.

It took him a moment, but he soon wrapped his arms around her, pressing her closer.

The rain got faster, and was now making a thrashing sound to the ground. Jenna didn't care to break the embrace, it was much needed.

The embrace made it harder for Jenna to keep in the wave of tears, so she wept into his shirt, gripping the back of it with her fists.

Tyler leaned his head down, resting his cheek on the top of her now wet head, to block his eyes from the continuous rain. He ran his fingers through her tangled hair as he rubbed her back. Tears were flowing from her eyes, making his shirt more wet and warm than the rain. He didn't care.

"I told him everything." She sobbed, referring to her brother. "He was the only person who cared."

Tyler let out a painful breath. "You know that's not true."

"It is-"

"No, it's not." Tyler said a little more sternly now. He pulled her arms length, and leaned down to become eye level. Raindrops abandoned their place on top of both of their eyelashes, their hair dripping as well. "I care about you, Jenna.— Yes, you lost someone important. But he wasn't all you had, because I'm right here with you, and I'm not leaving, got it?"

Jenna nodded, another set of tears toying with her eyes. Tyler wiped them with his thumb as if it'd do any good in the pouring storm, and he pressed her closer to his chest one last time. He then took initiative to lead her to the truck, opening the passenger door, and helping her inside. He put the blanket in the back, taking a deep breath as he started the car and headed out of the lake's property.

The car was silent the whole ride, Jenna occasionally sniffling a shaky, small, breath.

Tyler parked in the driveway, turning himself to face Jenna in the passenger side. She patiently waited for what he had to say before she got out. "You call me if you need me, alright?"

Jenna nodded, sniffling as she climbed out of the car. "I will. Drive safe, Ty. Please." The worry in her voice crushed Tyler. She's probably worried sick about car rides now.

"I will, Jen. I promise." Tyler gave her a small wave as he put the car in drive. He watched as she walked inside safely, and then left.

Writers note - it crushed me to write this. Brennan meant so much to me. He's dining with the angels now.
- Jenna Black


Tomorrow is the last post day until Friday :( I always look forward to Fridays now because I love your reactions.

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