{𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗} I'd Never Hurt You.

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Warnings: conversations about sex.

Words 1024




Tyler shut his truck door, quickly dashing into the bushes. He stumbled slightly due to his slight hangover. The living room light was on. Tyler assumed his parents were still awake waiting for his arrival. He was way past curfew and didn't want to just waltz in to angry faces.

He also didn't want to explain where he was, because if they knew what he was doing they'd look down on him with disappointment.

He skidded across the bushes to the side of the house where he could climb into his bedroom window.

He checked inside the window to make sure the coast was clear, before lifting it up and easing himself inside.

He slightly smiled at how easy it was to escape his parent's grasp. The smile soon faded though when the lights turned on.

"Where were you?" Someone asked. Tyler jumped suddenly, but soon relaxed at Zack's appearance.

"I was out." Tyler replied shortly, losing all his intentions to care. He shrugged, as he flung himself on his bed.

Zack scanned his brother for any sort of hint of his whereabouts. On his neck sat small blemishes, immediately recognized as hickeys. "Wow, you've been busy." His brother came to sit on the bed beside Tyler.

Tyler snorted out a laugh. "I have, yes. And they aren't just on my neck." He smiled proudly, and wiggles his eyebrows teasingly. Zack shook his head in disgust.

"Gross, man."

Tyler shook his head, tsking the poor fourteen year old. "You're to young to understand the beauty."

"Mom is gonna kill you."

Tyler hushed Zack. "She'll never know." Tyler flung his shirt off revealing more noticeable hickeys around his collar bones. Zack couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, she'll never know." He teased.

"Shut up and go to bed." Tyler threw his shirt at the boy, flinging the covers over himself.

Best first time ever.




"What do you think of sex?" Jenna asked suddenly as they drove to the lake.

Tyler's heart began to race at the question. "Are you asking me?"

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