{𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓} Brotherly Love

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Warnings: none

I'm excited for the next chapter! It is one of my best written chapters I think. Until then, enjoy this chapter!

Vote please!!

Words 769


"Do you want to come to lunch with me and my brother?" Jenna asked, and Tyler shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Sure. If you want me to tag along." He peered inside the glass case, attached to the cashier desk. There sat a Scarlett microphone, a Scarlett AMP, and a few different types of wires.

"I do. Also, Brennan wanted to get to know you a little better. Since you work with me." She shrugged, and Tyler slightly smiled at the thought of getting to know her family.

"Yeah, that'll be great." Tyler replied, running his fingers through his hair before leaning his elbows back on the desk. "Y'know, I might buy a keyboard soon."

"Oh, really?" Jenna lifted her eyebrows, revealing her interest.

"Yeah. y'know, for recording and stuff." He shrugged as he looked at all the keyboards behind him. "Even though I haven't finished my song, which is frustrating, I still need something to record on."

Jenna smiled at his passion. "Yeah, that would be cool."

"So..." Tyler began again, leaning his body weight on his left elbow as he thought. "Could you maybe... I don't know... ask your mom for a discount?" Tyler's eyes were pleading for a yes, and Jenna furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why? You've had this job for a while, there's no way you still can't afford it." Jenna shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I'm sorta saving up my money for something else, but I also really need this keyboard." Tyler wasn't going to tell Jenna the full story of paying his dad back. He didn't want Jenna to know he was in juvie. If she didn't already know, that is. He didn't want her to see him differently.

"Well," Jenna leaned back in her chair, as she picked up her magazine. "I'll see what I can do." Tyler was about to thank her but she quickly added. "But you need to do something for me too."

"And that is?" Tyler asked.

"I'm not sure yet." She shrugged as she began to read the magazine in front of her.


"So, you're Tyler huh?" Brennan, shook Tyler's hand firmly. Tyler was never one to shake hands like a man, so it sorta hurt, but he wasn't going to complain. Not in front of Jenna. Or anyone really.

They sat down at the semi-clean KFC. They were just done ordering, and now were waiting for their names to be called.

Jenna sat beside Brennan, Tyler across from both of them, inside a booth.

"Yes, sir." Tyler nodded his head, and Brennan chuckled.

"I'm not her dad, Tyler. You don't have to call me sir."

Tyler's cheeks became rosy, and he nodded. "Right."

Jenna then started up a conversation with Brennan about college, leaving Tyler to think about other things. It's not like he could join their discussion when he didn't know half of the things they were saying.

After the conversation died down, and the food had been called, Jenna leaned her head on Brennan's shoulder. She really loved him, and Tyler could see it. It made him happy.

Tyler could tell she had an uneasy feeling around men, and even though he didn't know why, he sympathized her. Jenna only showed affection towards her brother, everyone else making her feel uncomfortable.

"So, where do you go to college?" Tyler asked.

"All the way in California." Brennan used his hand to gesture towards what he assumed to be the way to California. Tyler nodded, mumbling a soft 'oh.'

"I never see him anymore. He used to be the big brother who'd help me through anything." Jenna chimed in.

"Used to be? I am your big brother who helps you through everything." Brennan teasingly punched Jenna's shoulder and Jenna laughed.

"Whatever." Jenna smiled.

Tyler grinned at their small bicker. Jenna's smile is so beautiful.

Brennan took his last bite of his chicken leg before nudging Jenna to get out of the booth. "We should get back to the music shop, mom will kill us."

As a small side job, Brennan picked up working in the record section. He was on spring break, so he decided to fly back and see his family in Columbus. It was better to get a job than to sit around all day in his parent's guest bed, which used to be his own until he moved.

"You're right." Jenna agreed. Tyler just nodded as they all threw their trash into the bin, set their tray on top of the garbage, and walked out the door.


School is literally NEVER mentioned in this book.

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