{𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓} Record Companies

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Warnings: profanity

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Warnings: profanity

Small chapter. I know.

Words 438



Tyler jolted awake as he heard his loud ringtone play through his ear canals. He blinked a couple times, before lifting his face from his desk and picking up his phone from beside him.

He must've fallen asleep writing again. "Frick." He mumbled to himself once he realized he found a dark spot of drool on his notebook.

He then returned his attention to his phone as he hit accept call. He didn't even check the caller name. "Hello?"

"Dude! Have you checked your emails!?" Josh practically screamed, making Tyler jump slightly.

"What are you talking about?" His voice was tired and raspy.

"Just read your freaking emails!" And with that Josh hung up.

Tyler sighed as he looked over at his nightstand that consisted of a book, a lamp, and his laptop.

He rubbed his eyes as he got up from his chair. Another call startled Tyler, and he yawned as he answered. It was Jenna, there was no need to be fancy.

"Oh my god, Tyler. I got the job." Jenna squealed. "You're now talking to a chef at Due Amici!"

Tyler's eyebrows lifted in astonishment. "Oh my god, love. That's great!" He chuckled, as he continued his walk to his bed.

He sat down and multitasked his laptop and his phone. "I know, and it's so well paid. God, Tyler, I've been waiting for this. This could be my break and I'm only 17." Jenna's tone was passionate and it warmed Tyler.

"That's amazing, baby." As soon as Tyler opened his laptop a buttload of emails spread across his screen. It almost glitched the poor device off. "Holy shit."

"Ty," Jenna whined. She hated hearing him cuss because it mostly meant he was shocked, or mad. She hated guessing which one.

"Holy shit! Jenna, record company emails are piling into my inbox." Tyler smiled from ear to ear.

"Oh my god, Ty! Maybe it's both of our breaks!" Jenna laughed.

"I'll call you back, love. I'm going to call Josh." Tyler didn't even wait for an answer as he hung up. He shakily dialed Josh's number.

"Did you see it!" Josh laughed.

"Holy shit!" Tyler repeated. "There's so many. How are we going to choose?"

"We should do some research on each one. Because I know that some record labels form bands to be a specific way. I've already done some research myself."

"I can't believe this." Tyler laughed out a shaky breath. He felt like he was on top of the world. They actually did it. The one thing every band desired but few receive. And they did it.

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