{𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖝} 100 People and Counting

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Warnings: none

Words 750



"You should turn off friend finder when you go gift shopping. Now I know you're getting me a necklace." Jenna crossed her arms over her chest as they walked in the park.

Tyler's heart rate sped up, but soon relaxed once he realized she thought he was buying a necklace. "Well, maybe you should stop being so nosy."

Jenna let out a giggle. "You know I can't help it. I wanna know all my gifts." She spread out her arms to justify her point.

"What makes you think I actually bought you something from there, huh?"

Jenna rolled her eyes. "No man walks into a jewelry store just to 'look'. It's not like Victoria secret."

"Okay, I've never been in that place once." Tyler spork up, defending himself.

Jenna giggled, "No, I've seen you look through the windows at the models."

Tyler huffed, rolling his eyes. "Well, I need a new bra. I was looking through the window to look at the bras."

Jenna chuckled, nudging her shoulda against his. "Yeah, okay." It's went silent for a bit as they walked. Tyler's eyes focusing on his shoes as they took him places.

"Are you ready for your concert tonight?" Jenna changed the subject.

"Well, are you ready for your birthday in tomorrow?" Tyler grasped her hand in his.

"I guess. But answer my question."

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous." Tyler shrugged. "A hundred tickets were sold. Now, if all one-hundred of them come then that's a lot to handle."

Jenna rolled her eyes. "It's probably harder to preform in front of seven than a hundred. Because the one-hundred will actually cheer you on."

"I happily enjoyed the seven fans." Tyler defended. "It just seemed quieter because there were less people."

"You just proved my point." Jenna swung both of their hands in sync as they walked.

"Remember when I told you I'm saving for an apartment?" Tyler asked.

Jenna lifted her eyebrows. "Yeah?"

"Well, I'm not doing that anymore. I'm saving up for something more important. Once I buy it I'll keep saving for an apartment." Tyler shrugged. Jenna had already saved enough for an apartment. She had her own small place. It was actually quite nice for her. At first she was a bit nervous being there alone. She felt like anyone could just barge in and kidnap her, but now she had learned to enjoy it. Tyler would've had enough but he had to pay his father his 10,000 dollars back.

"Aw, what's so important? A piano?"

"No, it's just- it's not really that important. I just want it for safe keeping." He shook his head.

"Oh, okay." Jenna stopped questioning him. She didn't want to push him.


"How's everybody doing tonight! Are we alive?" Tyler voiced through the microphone. A choir of cheers were heard. "So, I couldn't help but notice that we've sold one-hundred tickets." Another swarm of cheers erupted. Josh played a little cheer drum skit. "Is everybody here tonight? Do we have all one-hundred?"

Everyone cheered louder. It definitely sounded more than 100, it made Tyler pleased. Jenna was right, bigger crowds were more hyped than smaller ones. It didn't change the fact that Tyler loved how personal the smaller ones were compared to the bigger crowds. But he couldn't complain, this is what he wanted.

"Alright, here we go. This one is called forest. Everyone get up to the beat, now." Tyler climbed up on his piano bench as he waved his arms up. The loud music started, and people were bopping their heads to his music. He smiled.

He pressed the mic to his lips. "I don't know why I feed on emotion, the stomach inside my brain."

He listened as everyone recited his lyrics that he created. "I don't wanna be heard, I wanna be listened to. Does it bother anyone else that someone else as your name?"

"Come on, here we go!" Tyler did one of his small Tyler-dances and Jenna giggled from the side of the small stage. He definitely looked like he was having a seizure, but Jenna learned that it was him just expressing himself. She wasn't going to lie it freaked her out the first couple times he let loose.

He was so passionate with his music. He felt as though he could do anything he wanted on stage without any judgement. It was the one place where he was shielded from the thoughts of judgement and despair.

He loved it.


Happy Friday! I scheduled a day with my uncle Neil in his studio to work on this song I've been working on for more than 5 months. I'm super stoked.

Also my mom is on the phone and she's talking to someone. Duh!?! But the person called about my YouTube channel because my mom is featured in one of my videos and he/she is talking about her voice and stuff. Idk why but I got nervous. I get kinda heart racing when someone talks about me.

Oh, now they are arguing about corona. Oops.

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