{𝕾𝖎𝖝} If I Just Lay Here

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Warning: none

Small chapter.

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Words 780



No one ever notices pain. No one ever notices the dark circles you get under your eyes.

Unless they do notice, and just don't care. That's what Jenna thought. No one cared about her health, or well being. Or at least she thought.

She felt Tyler's eyes on her as she turned onto the highway towards Wendy's.

"How did you sleep last night?" Tyler asked, trying to start conversation.

"I'm fine." She replied rather quickly, her eyes not leaving the road. She mentally slapped herself at how quickly she replied.

Tyler just nodded, kind of confused at her answer. He looked out his window, the silence taking over the car.

"Do you listen to music?" Tyler asked, fiddling with her radio.

"Some." She replied shortly.

"Can we turn it on?" He questioned.

She sighed. "Pick whatever you want." And she handed him her phone. His fingers brushed against hers and she quickly retaliated her hand to the steering wheel.

"Okay, this is called Cancer by My Chemical Romance." Tyler said, and Jenna smiled turning to face him.

"Wow, I love that band!" She said, forgetting slightly of the fear she had.

"Same, what's your favorite song?" He asked, and she looked at the road.

"I'm Not Okay." She replied, her smile faltering. "It's relatable." She added.

"I agree." Tyler said.

After a few seconds the familiar beat began.

"Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say" Tyler sang in a high pitch voice, and Jenna slightly giggled. "I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way"

Jenna looked over at the boy rocking it out, before she was forced to look back at the road and turn into the Wendy's parking lot.

Jenna turned off the music once she was driving into the drive thru.

"Hey!" Tyler fake complained.

"To bad, I need to order. What do you want?" She asked, and he chuckled.

"6 piece chicken nugget, and a spicy sandwich." he gave her an adorkable smile, and she quickly turned her head to the window. "Oh and a coke."


After getting their food and finding a nice place to park, Tyler, again, tried to make conversation.

"So, what other bands do you like?" Tyler asked, and she smiled slightly as she thought.

Although her insides were screaming at her with anxiety, she kind of trusted this boy. Not so much trust that she'd tell him her darkest secrets, but enough to talk to. I mean how could she not trust him? He liked the same music she did. That was always a nudge for her in communication.

In Tyler's eyes it was progress breaking down the wall she had so strongly built around herself.

"I do like Green Day." She took a bite of her sandwich.

Tyler's smile grew bigger. "me too!"

"What about you?" She asked, and Tyler was sort of taken back by her question.

He didn't think she was actually that interested to get to know him. He saw no signs of her interest. Maybe he was really getting somewhere.

"Well, I like snow patrol." Tyler shrugged, and Jenna's smile faltered.

"Yeah, I used to like them. I used to relate to Chasing Cars." She looked down and fiddled with her hands. Oh god, she said to much, he's going to ask questions.

"Me too. My dad used to take me fishing and one time we looked up and stargazed, and it reminds me of the 'if I just lay here' part." Tyler shrugged as he chomped a nugget down.

"Stargazing is boring." Jenna said as she took a sip of her milkshake.

"Excuse me?" Tyler fake gasped and held his chest. "Stargazing is fun if you have someone with you."

"Yeah, well it's to quiet for me. It makes me think about life, looking at the stars. and I don't want to." Jenna replied honestly, staring out her window. Tyler stared at her for a moment, before slightly smiling.

"Yeah, I understand that." He looked down at his coke. "But sometimes you gotta think about it. Let it out, you know?"

Jenna kept her stare on a tree in the distance. As soon as she felt a tear escape her eye, she started the car and began to drive out of the parking lot.

"We're late for work." She said in a shaky voice.

Tyler decided to remain quiet, and give her space on the way back to the music shop. But he couldn't help but steal glances at her to make sure she was ok.

He was really growing on this girl, and it seemed like she was too.


Chapter six. I have nothing to say so Vote, and Comment ;)

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