{𝕺𝖓𝖊} You Can Start Over Each Morning

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Warnings: none

Dude, I love the chapter one thingy up there. ^😂 I feel so smart rn.

Vote please!!

Words 1732




"Stop hitting yourself!" Tyler screeched as the long, thick, stick hit the branches of the oak trees, making the leaves fall gracefully to the ground. He hit it like an excited, impatient child hitting his piñata for all the tasty goods to fall. But all Tyler received was leaves and tiny twigs. He was fine with that. It was fun.

"Son! Let's go, we're going to miss all the good fish." Tyler's father, Chris, demanded as he lugged his duffel bag, full of fake rubber bait and hooks, into the trunk of the truck. He was taking Tyler fishing. Tyler was really excited. He's never been fishing, and he was ecstatic to learn how.

"Be safe, honey. Don't let him out of your sight!" Tyler's mother, Kelly, rambled nervously to his father. Tyler was only 10. Plus, he was hyper, dumb, and loud; As normal 10 year olds are.

Chris placed a comforting hand on his worrying wife's shoulder, before pecking her cheek. "He'll be fine. Trust me, I love him just as much as you. I'm not losing him."

"Come on, Dad!" Tyler cheered as he jumped into the front seat and hurriedly clicked his seat belt around him, just like his mother taught him: Be safe.

Chris hopped into the car, and started the engine. Kelly crossed her arms over her chest as she watched them drive away. She then heard the shriek of her youngest, Maddy, so she rushed inside to tend to her needs.

Tyler was the oldest of 3 kids— however, his mother was due for a baby soon.— Zack, being 8, and Maddy, being 5. He never really cared for being the oldest, he quickly learned that being the oldest meant he was expected to grow up a little faster than he wanted. Even though he was only ten he still missed the times where it was just him and his brother, Zack. Zack was only 2 years younger than Tyler, and they were very close. Tyler saw it as somewhat a betrayal when they found out Maddy was a girl and not a boy.

He had nothing against girls. 'They are just gross' as Tyler liked to put it.

Soon Tyler was bounced out of his thought as he heard the car park and the click of his father's seatbelt to the left of him. He watched as his father got out of the car and went back to the trunk to retrieve his equipment.

Tyler hopped out of the car and looked around.

They were at a lake. It didn't seem like a lake normal people would go to. It was just a forest and a body of water. No picnic tables, or pathways in sight. However, there was a fishing deck. Tyler sighed. It wasn't what he expected. Well, he wasn't sure what he expected, but he knew this wasn't it. He's seen a lake before, it was nothing new. But in all reality, he was only here to learn to fish. Not ride water slides in water parks.

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