{𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙} The Only One To Trust

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Warnings: mentions sexual abuse.

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Words 709




Jenna eyes opened abruptly, her vision still slightly blurry.

It took her a minute to realize where she was and what was happening. That's when fresh tears started to fall.

She slowly sat herself up, her breathing becoming faster at the slight burning sensation that happened. When she looked down the sheets were covered in blood; her blood.

He ripped her to pieces, and left.

Jenna let out a hard sob, as she tried her best to stand up. She leaned herself on the bed, her legs making her feel weak.

She let out another hard sob before screaming as loud as she could.

She broke down and collapsed on the floor.

"Idiot!" She screamed to herself. "It hurts." She sobbed.

Another hard cry escaped her lips, and someone opened the door rushing over to her side.

"Jenna, it's going to be okay." Her brother's familiar voice was hardly heard over her whines.

He rocked her back and forth before she calmed down.

"Who did this? tell me." Brennan's brother defensive mode was activated, but Jenna shook her head, not even glancing at him.

He sighed and picked her up from the floor, covering her with a blanket, and quickly taking her to his car.

She stayed silent, staring at her lap, trying her hardest not to move for fear it would hurt.

"Who did this?" Brennan tried again, this time more persistent.

"What are you doing here?" She asked roughly, to embarrassed to look up.

"It's a seniors party. I heard screaming and it just so happened to be you." He replied. Brennan was her older, and only, brother. He was a senior, and Carter also fell under that category. "Who did this?" He persisted once again.

"Just drive home!" Jenna shouted, her voice cracking the slightest bit.

Brennan turned the car on and began out of the drive way, like she requested.

"You will not tell anyone about this. Not even mom or dad, got it?" Jenna demanded, and Brennan sighed but nodded.

"You'll be okay." He promised, but she wasn't to sure that was true.



"What's your favorite color?" Tyler asked.

Jenna thought for a second. She looked up to search her file cabinet called a brain. "Yellow." Jenna smiled. "It's the color of sunshine and sunflowers."

Tyler nodded. "I like red." He then paused, pursing his lips for a quick moment. "It's the color of... apples and roses." He shrugged.

"And blood..." Jenna scrunched her nose up.

"Well, it's blue inside the body, so it's not always red." Tyler smiled.

"Okay, mr. science guy." She rolled her eyes playfully, and they both chuckled.

"Hey, Jennbug!" Someone called, turning both Tyler and Jenna's heads.

"Brennbud!" Jenna squealed and jumped into his arms. "Aw, I missed you so much."

"Okay, so, first of all: who is Brennbud? and second of all: is there any way I can call you Jennbug? That's cute." Tyler smiled, and stuck out his hand to shake the man's. Well, wasn't he feeling flirtatious.

"I'm Brennan." Brennan smiled kindly. "Jenna's brother."

"I'm Tyler." Tyler replicated Brennan's smile. "I'm Jenna's coolest friend ever." He teased.

"Brennan goes to college now. I don't see him much anymore." Jenna chimed in.

"Oh, well, I'll leave you guys be. I'm sure I can man the cashier." Tyler ran a few fingers through his hair, and Jenna and Brennan headed to the break room.

"So you seemed to have warmed up to men again?" Brennan jumped right into it, and Jenna shrugged.

"No, not really. Just him." She sat down on the couch, and Brennan took a seat next to her.

"Oh? So is he your boyfriend?" He asked, and she quickly shook her head

"Oh no, Bren. I'm not ready for that." Jenna uncomfortably shifted in her chair as she shook her head.

"Yeah, I understand." He sighed. "Just know I ship it." He chuckled, and she joined in.

"Yeah, maybe." She shrugged.

"Just know that not every guy is the same. You have to step out of your comfort zone sometimes. And trust me this guy seems pretty sweet." Brennan wrapped an arm around Jenna bringing her close.

"I know." Jenna smiled into his shoulder.

And that was all that was going to be said about the situation. There was so much more to talk about, like how college life was, and how working at a music store life was.


I have no idea what it feels like after being raped. I'm thankful for that. Hopefully you don't either. So, if this isn't accurate then I'm sorry about that.

Yeah, I know Jenna has other siblings. In this story she only has one. Brennan. He's older than her and goes to college now.


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