{𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓} Finally

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Warnings: dirty jokes

Words 764



"Oh! I talked to my mom about getting you a discount." Jenna explained as they walked in the park.

Their food was delicious, but they finished it to fast to stop the date there. So, they went on a walk.

"That's great, Jen. Thanks. I'll talk to her about it later." Tyler concluded, and Jenna nodded.

Jenna thought for a moment. About life, and about Tyler. He was apart of her life now, no matter if she liked it or not. She definitely liked it. A lot. Maybe even loved it.

After the Carter incident, she told herself she'd never love someone again. She knew the feelings she had for Carter weren't love, because they weren't mutual. But now she was afraid she was going against her rules. She was falling for this brown-haired boy.

"What's on your mind?" Tyler asked. Again with that question, yet she oddly wasn't bothered. Nothing Tyler did bothered her anymore. She trusted him more than her own self, which was dangerous.

"I want to tell you something important." Jenna answered, looking up to meet Tyler's questionable eyes.

"What's that?" Tyler asked.

"Well," she began, taking a deep breath. "We've been through a lot. And I just- I want you to know how I feel." Tyler nodded for her to continue. "I- I think I might like you. And I could easily say love but," she took a breath. "that's not a word to throw around. Especially when you've only known the person for a few months. And we're not even together so that adds to that fact. But I do. I do like you." She finished. "A lot." She added for good measure.

Tyler stood there, processing her words. A smile crept to his face as his stomach did summersaults. "I like you too."

Jenna smiled, a sigh of relief escaping her lungs. Tyler pulled her into a hug, and Jenna excepted it with loving arms. "This is probably childish, but will you be my girlfriend?" Tyler asked, rather confidently.

"Yes." Jenna replied. She never thought she'd say yes to such question.

"Can I..." Tyler stopped for a second, pulling her arms length. "Can I kiss you?" He asked.

Jenna smiled at his question, and nodded her head. He gently placed his lips onto hers, a joyful sensation spreading through both of their bodies.

Tyler held her close as he deepened the kiss. It got sloppy as Jenna pulled back. She's never really kissed someone before. Maybe she has and she didn't remember because she was drugged, but she never wanted to kiss someone.

Tyler didn't mind her awkwardness, he found it as a reason to like her even more. In Tyler's eyes he saw it as Jenna never kissing anyone before, therefore, if it comes to this, he'll be her first time. He loved the idea of that.

"I don't know how to kiss." Jenna looked down, embarrassed.

"Hey, it's alright. I'll teach you." Tyler chuckled lightly, and Jenna nudged him away.

"Ugh, so now that we're dating you're gonna tell me dirty jokes?"

"All the time yes. It comes in the huge package I came in. I still have it right here." He pointed to his shorts.

"Shut up or I'm breaking up with you!" Jenna shook her head, as she laughed. She was glad he was joking about it. In an odd way it made her feel more comfortable. Sex didn't have to be a serious subject. It can be a funny one if you're with the right people. Even though she had always viewed sex as the worst sin in the world, because of how dirty she felt, she honestly could say that it didn't oppose her to think about Tyler that way. It scared her, of course, but she was oddly okay with it. Tyler's jokes just eased the fear, because she knew he felt the same way. However, he was willing to joke about it.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I promise I'm not a creep." Tyler smiled. Jenna rolled her eyes.

They set off walking again.

The date turned out pretty good. But how was Jenna going to tell her secret to Tyler?


I'm sorry but isn't dirty jokes the best jokes? That means the person you're hanging out with is comfortable enough to open up to you.

Also I thought of that package joke and I couldn't NOT write it, so...

Hopefully you're okay with a little dirty joke. Also, it's Realistic for a relationship to talk about the subject at least once, right?

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