{𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓} What Happened?

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Warnings: none

Another 12:00 AM post. I can't wait long enough.

Vote please!!

Words 999



"Finally!" Tyler cheered, as he set his pencil down. He stood looking at the piece of paper in front of him from afar. It was filled from top to bottom, crevice to crevice with the grey pencil dust.

On the top of the page read, Drown.

Tyler grinned as he picked up the used page and read the lyrics over and over, rapping and singing it inside his head until he was to tired to read anymore.

A smile formed on his lips, and he did a small dance in his room. Yeah, he was excited. He deserved to be able to dance like a 3 year old.

He was so happy it was done. He had been in his room all day, today being his day off from work, operating on it. Making it perfect. And he finally has done it.


Now he was going to work on the song Jenna gave the tune to. He already had a few lyrics in mind.

He grabbed his phone to call Josh, to tell him about the awesome news. He received an immediate monotone 'dude.' from the other end.

"I finished the song." Tyler ignored his rough greeting.

"You need to call Jenna or something." Josh said, not even paying attention to Tyler's excitement.

Tyler's lips dropped into a frown. "What for? Is she okay?"

He must be honest, he was worried about her. When he dropped her off yesterday he hadn't heard from her since.

"I don't know, dude. She was crying when I came to search for you in the music shop— I didn't know it was your day off." Josh sighed. "I tried to comfort her but when I touched her shoulder she jumped away from me like I was a murderer. Then her mom came over and calmed her down, but her mom also looked like she had been crying or something." He rambled, "Dude, I don't know, just call her."

Tyler fell silent as he thought. "Okay." He said quietly. Josh hung up and Tyler immediately dialed Jenna's number.

"Hey, Tyler." A voice was heard on the other end, but it didn't sound like Jenna's normal voice. It was quiet, sad and broken.

"What happened?" His voice was equally quiet, and he sat down on his bed, staring at his wall, waiting for a response.

Jenna sniffled. "Uh..." she thought for a moment. "Will you pick me up and take me stargazing?" She asked, avoiding the question at hand.

Tyler nodded, but realized she couldn't see him. "Of course. I'll be there in a minute."

If anyone was listening to their conversation they would've found it awkward at how quiet the two were. But in their situation it was far from weird. It was needed. Whatever Jenna was going through, she needed to talk to someone who was calm and able to listen, and Tyler was the perfect person for that job.

He grabbed his car keys, hollered to his parents he was going out, and shut the door behind him. It was after work, the sun was setting, so it was another perfect time to head up to the lake.

While he pulled up in the driveway, he was hit with a different feeling than last night. Even from inside his car, he could feel the mourning the family was going through. Whatever it was it was bad.

Jenna got up from her spot on the steps, where she was waiting for him. She opened the door and slid in, sniffling as she buckled her seat belt.

"What happened?" Tyler asked again, but Jenna shook her head.

"Later, Ty. Just drive." That was all Jenna needed to say for him to be pulling out of her driveway and down the road in the direction of the lake.

Tyler glanced over as he saw tears drop from Jenna's face silently. He forced his eyes back on the road. "There's tissues in the glovebox."

Jenna nodded, opening it up and wiping her face. She kept silent as she watched the trees pass.

Tyler turned onto the dirt road, the tension in the car relieving the slightest bit at the sight of the lake.

He put the car in park as he grabbed the blanket from behind his seat like last time.

Jenna climbed out of the car, following her memory to where the blanket was last night.

Tyler flattened the blanket on the ground, the crickets already crackling around.

Jenna sat first, setting the tissues, which she brought, into her lap.

"What happened?" Tyler repeated, this time just above a whisper.

Jenna bit her lip, her eyes fixated on the stars in the sky. "My brother is up there now." She managed, as she reached her hand up to point to the stars with a shaky finger.

Tyler let out a small sigh, as he looked down. "What happened?" He mentally slapped himself for saying those words over again. He was like a broken record—as though those words were his only vocabulary.

"Car accident." Jenna shrugged, as a tear fell onto the blanket. She tried to hold it back but that only seemed to make the urge to cry worse. She took a quick breath as a sob escaped her lips. "He was all I had." She croaked, covering her mouth with her hand.

Tyler reached over to pull her closer but quickly stopped himself. He didn't want to make her jump like Josh did. "I'm so sorry." Tyler let his body fall limp, his hand the only support he had to keep himself up.

Jenna let out a few more cries until she sniffled and shook her head. "I've cried so much already."

Tyler nodded, taking a deep breath to maybe relieve the tension. "I'm here for you whenever you need me, okay?" He assured.

Jenna nodded, looking back up at the stars.

Writers note - he didn't deserve it. And neither did you, Jen.
- Tyler Joseph

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