{𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊} We're The Most Flawed In This Flawless World.

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Warnings: talks of depression.

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Words 1430



Everything comes to an end.

Everything but death.

Death is the end. There's nothing but hell after that. Or heaven. It depend on who you are.

Jenna would like to assume she'll go to heaven. Even though she was sure she was going to hell. Everything she's done in her life only makes her feel guilty. Even if it wasn't her fault half the time, it didn't make it any more of an okay thing.

She lost everything that night. Blood, sanity, and virginity. Of course, she's not crazy. But sometimes she thinks she is.

How could she not be? She was used, and then thrown away. She deserves to be able to lose it sometimes.

She never meant to lose it in front of Tyler.

"You alright?" Tyler asked concerned, his eyes followed the stray tear as it landed on Jenna's book.

She wiped it quickly, twisting her chair the other way. "I'm fine."

Through the time they've known each other, Tyler had grown confident. If he just met this girl he'd only nod his head and take her word for it, but now he knew her. Now, 'I'm fine.' wasn't an answer. It was, however, a way to block out the people who actually cared.

"Jenna, it's okay. You can talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about! I'm just having an off day." She took a deep breath, as she twisted back and forth in her chair. She felt cornered.

Tyler sighed, as he hoisted his satchel onto his shoulder. He was about to leave to go home but now he was thinking otherwise. "You don't have to talk about it. There's other ways to feel better. Can I take you somewhere?"

The question startled Jenna. If I be totally crude honest: The last time she went somewhere with a boy she got raped. But she trusted Tyler. And she oddly felt safe with him.

"Yes." She told him, picking herself up from the chair. She felt like a glass doll, like she could break at any moment, and burst into tears. She didn't want Tyler to see her that way.

She didn't know exactly why she felt like crying. I guess it's a free gift on the side of depression. She definitely had a reason for crying, but the reason happened a year ago, shouldn't she stop using that excuse at some point?

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