{𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓} Funeral

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Warnings: none.

Words 685



Three days later

Tyler hated funerals. They were always so sad. You could practically feel the sadness in the atmosphere.

"Why are you even here? You don't even know this dude." Blurry heartlessly bickered.

"I'm here for Jen." Tyler mumbled, as he looked down to avoid being seen talking to something that wasn't there.

"Forget about her. She probably wishes you said no to her invite. This is a time for family, not awkward friends." Blurryface made a good point.

"If she didn't want me here then she wouldn't have asked me to be here."

Blurry scoffed. "Yeah, whatever."

Jenna waved Tyler over to sit beside her in the close family pew. He wasn't going to lie, he felt awkward being here. He didn't know anyone, but that was beside the point.

He was here for Jenna, and whatever Jenna needed he would give.

"Thank you for coming." She whispered. She wore a black dress, with a small colorful barrette in her hair.

"Of course." He whispered back, rubbing her shoulder.

Soon the service started, and the preacher spoke his speech. It was now time for the family to speak their remembrances.

Mrs. Black went first, gulping down her tears as she sorted her notecards.

"Brennan was our first child. I remember praying so much for a boy, and we got one!" She smiled at the memory. "I remember one time when he was really young like 2, before Jenna was born, he would run around the house with his underwear on top of his head. I had to snatch him up and put them on right or he'd go out like that." Everyone laughed.



After a few more people, Mrs. Black asked if Jenna wanted to go up.

Jenna shook her head, looking down. Honestly, she did want to go up. She wanted to go up and tell everyone how he saved her at that party. He saved her from insanity. But she didn't want them to know. She also couldn't just drop the bomb at her brother's funeral. How selfish is that?

"You sure?" Tyler asked, and Jenna nodded.

"He knows exactly what I would say if I go up there, and that's enough for me." She replied.

Tyler nodded.

After the funeral they went out to dinner, Sonny's was always their go-to place after events. Even sad ones.

"I have a question Tyler." Jenna's father spoke up. Tyler had never met her father.

"Yes, sir?"

"Are you still vandalizing?"

Jenna's brows furrowed, as she looked over at Tyler for an answer. "No, sir. I- no." He took a deep breath, avoiding any eye contact.

"Okay." He nodded, and then pointed to Jenna. "If you hurt her, I'll hurt you. Keep her safe." Mr. Black nodded, noticing the tension, yet not really caring. It was something he had to say and rather difficult for him to say after the day they had.

Jenna looked at her lap as she thought about it. He's vandalized before? She never saw Tyler as the bad type. She wasn't sure how to feel about it. She knew it was wrong to be mad, because she was keeping a secret from him as well.

She just couldn't help but be confused on why he didn't just tell her.

"Is it okay?" Tyler whispered, nudging Jenna's side so she could listen.

"It's okay." She replied with the same quiet tone. She picked at her baked beans.

Well now she knew his secret. Now it was time to tell him hers. She needed to tell someone anyways. Brennan was the only person who knew of the incident. But now he was gone. She could never go to him and rant about her thoughts anymore. But that was okay, because she now had Tyler.

"Let's go stargazing tonight." Jenna suggested, and Tyler nodded.

"Okay." He was gentle with his words. The sweetness of honey dripping from his mouth as he spoke made Jenna want to tell him even more. He was so understanding and reassuring.


Alright, next week is my birthday!!! May 8th!

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