{𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓} What Ever She Wants, He'll Give.

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Warnings: one S-word

Words 645



"Jenna should've came with me! It gets very lonely on the plain rides." Debby explained as she walked into the dressing room.

Pontiac Michigan. It was November 14th. Tomorrow they were traveling back to Ohio for a show in Cleveland. Tyler made sure to get Jenna a backstage pass, and access to the food table. He was excited to finally see her, but also a little bit nervous. This was the first time they would see each other face to face since their 'break-up.' Tyler wasn't sure if he could call it a break-up, but he definitely thought it was over.

"I wish she could've come too, but she has a job that she loves." Tyler explained. "I'm still sad about her demotion though. That was her dream job."

"Yeah, I hope someday it'll change."

Debby and Jenna has gotten really close, and they began to tell each other everything. Debby even knew of Carter. However, she didn't know the story to as much detail as Tyler. It was a bit easier to talk to Debby about it, though. She was a trustworthy friend that would listen to whatever you had to say without judgment. Jenna was happy to have her in her life. She needed someone like her.

"Five minutes, boys." A man with a wire to his ear said. He looked like a secret agent, and that tickled Tyler's heart. He even had those black sunglasses.

Josh flung his shirt back on his body, and buttoned it up. He had a patterned shirt on. Tyler, on the other hand, had a plain baby blue button up.

If Tyler was honest he hated the fact that he had to dress up for the crowd. They didn't come here for a fashion show, they came here for music. He should be able to walk out there naked if he wanted— which he'd never do, but that's beside the point.

Tyler did his quick check up of his hair as he heard Debby give her small love speech to Josh to maybe boost his confidence. Josh was never the center of attention type. He was always the one hiding behind people, looking emo as ever. But now he was going out there and he was inspiring people. It was some crazy anxiety shit.

They both walked out to side stage as they waited for their cue. Soon Ode To Sleep's intro started to play and the cheers of 100,000 were roaring through the venue.

Josh ran out first, getting the feel of the beat. He did a huge drum cue, and Tyler hopped out, doing his annual twists and turns.

This was the life he wanted. The roars of the crowd, and the feeling of being wanted. The thought of all 100,000 of those people going through the same thing he struggled with the most. It made him feel safer in some way. Of course, he'd never ever want them to feel like he did in his darkest times, but it was also somewhat comforting to know he wasn't alone.

This show was different from all the others though. This was the first show since tour that he could call Jenna his own. His smile widened as he imagined her smile. He wasn't doing this for himself, he was doing it for her. Yeah, he loved playing shows, and he felt great doing it. But Jenna was really the one he was doing it for.

These shows had given him ample amount of money that he could spend all on her. He wanted to give her everything she wanted and adored. It was almost dangerous to the fact if she said jump off a cliff, he'd do it. That was the fear behind love though, right?

Whatever she wanted, he'd give.


This is just a filler, honestly.

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