{𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊} Taxi Cab

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Warnings: none

Words 801



"You make everything worse." Blurry taunted. And this time Tyler didn't have the strength to tell him it wasn't true.

"You're lucky Mr. Norman didn't press charges on the company, Tyler." Mrs. Black took a deep breath to calm herself. "Now, if you were working anywhere else, they would fire you right on the spot. But I'm giving you a second chance. I don't know what you have against Mr. Norman, but you better figure it out."

Tyler had never heard her voice so stern, yet he deserved it and he knew he did.

"Yes, ma'am. It won't happen again, I promise." Tyler nodded.

"It better not." She shook her head. "Do you two have plans tonight?" She changed the subject.

Tyler wasn't sure anymore. He didn't know how Jenna felt. What if she was scared of him now more than Carter? It made his heart ache at the thought.

Tyler turned to Jenna for an answer. "Yes, we're going to dinner." Jenna said, and Tyler smiled.


"Well, you guys can go now. I'm giving you the rest of the day off." Mrs. Black smiled.

No matter how nice it seemed to have a day off Tyler knew that Mrs. Black's intentions weren't only to be nice. There were a lot of freaked out customers and employees, she was probably trying to get Tyler out of work for the day so she could settle things.

As Tyler and Jenna walked out, no words were spoken.

As they took off the road towards Olive Garden, Jenna broke the ice. "Remember when you asked me for your discount? And I said you'll have to do something for me?" Tyler thought and then nodded. "Well, I know what I want you to do for me."

"What is it?" Tyler turned to face her for a split second before turning back to the road.

"I want you to listen to me right now. Take every word I say captive, and let it marinate it your mind." She took a deep breath. She didn't sound mad, nor did she seem upset. She was quite monotone with the whole thing. "What happened at that party happened a year ago. There is no reason to protect me from things I've already learned to protect myself from." She began. "Look, I know you were doing what you thought you needed to do, but that doesn't give you a right to punch him as if you were making a difference, because you only made it worse"

She was right. He made everything worse.

"I'm sorry." He sighed as he pulled into the parking lot.

"It's okay. I forgive you. I guess I can't be mad at you about it. Just forget about Carter, okay?" Tyler nodded as he parked the car. "Overthinking it just makes it worse. Trust me, I know."



Dinner was nice. It was as though the Carter situation never happened. Tyler was relieved she wasn't mad at him.

Once they got back in their car, Tyler opened the maps app on his phone.

"Josh wanted me to come over to his place and practice some songs I've written, would you like to join?" Tyler asked.

"Oh, I don't know Josh that well." Jenna fiddled with her fingers.

"He's a great buddy. You'll love him." Tyler promised. Jenna nodded her head.

When they got to
Josh's apartment, he was already waiting for them at his door.

It was one of those outside apartment complexes, sort of looked like a motel, but a nice motel.

"Hey, man!" Josh patted Tyler's shoulder. "Hey, Jenna."

Jenna smiled. "Hi."

"Come on in, I already set up the keyboard and my drum set." Josh opened the door wide for them.

He had a dark apartment, but it wasn't eerie and shadowy like the movies. He seemed like a pretty sophisticated type of guy.

"You can go sit on the couch while we figure things out." Tyler explained, Jenna only nodded and trailed to the couch.

Tyler sat down at the cheap looking keyboard. Josh said he tried to take lessons but never got the hang of it so moved to drums. It was a pretty old keyboard, that's why tyler needed that discount.

"Alright, Jen. Which song should I play first?" Tyler asked.

Jenna shrugged. "I don't know the names of your songs except Drown."

Tyler hummed in thought. "Okay, this is called Taxi Cab."

He began to play a pretty bouncy type of toon. Josh soon picked up with his drums and they were playing. Tyler's voice rang through the apartment. Josh's poor neighbors having to listen to their noise.

"I wanna fall inside your ghost, and fill up every hole inside my mind."

It was beautiful. It made Jenna feel a type of happiness she's never felt. It was new.

She was proud.


I have a headache.

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