{𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓} Mowing

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Warnings: none


Another short chapter. They'll get longer I promise. I have a weird mind that makes movies in my head. Each chapter is one scene from the movie. (It isn't an actual movie sadly.) So, some are short and some are long.

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Words 1003


"Honey, why don't you go help your father in the yard? He has lots of mowing to do." Kelly asked politely, watching her son lay lazily on his bed.

"Mom, I've been working all week, can't I have a little break?" Tyler sighed tiredly.

"If you help him, we'll lower one hundred bucks from your debt." She added, and his head shot up.

The whole reason he got a job in the first place was to pay back all that his father had paid to bail him out. It added up to 10,000 dollars. That was a lot of money, especially when all he was getting was $9.50 an hour.

He jumped up, and began putting his shoes on.

"Don't break anything." Kelly warned, and Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Mom, I'm mowing." He said I'm an obvious tone.

He walked out the back door to see his father on his small seat mower.

To the side of the shed was the push mower, which was Tyler's job. He had to get into the places the seated mower couldn't.

Tyler started up the mower and began his duties. He hated the hot weather, but 100 dollars from his debt was enough to keep him going.

Even though Tyler enjoyed working at the music shop, (mostly because of Jenna) he still wanted to get the debt out of his mind. It made him anxious to think about it.

He ended up wearing his dad's yellowish glasses to help shield his eyes from dirt and sun as he marched along the front yard; Getting those hard-to-get places.

Before he knew it he was finished, and his mother was calling for dinner.


"So, how's work been going?" Chris asked, and Tyler shrugged while he picked at his grilled chicken. "Come on, son. Tell us about it."

Tyler glanced up to see Kelly's encouraging smile, and Zack's smirk. Maddy wasn't really paying attention, she was just eating. And Jay was playing with his food.

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