{𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙} Leather Leggings

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Warnings: Admiration (I don't think I need to warn you but it's kinda cringey honestly...)

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Words 739



Fear had always been a habit for Jenna. She hated not knowing what was next. She hated planning something ahead of time because she knew it'd never go as planned. I mean, life was life. You couldn't see the big picture like God could.

Her whole life was a mystery to her, even her past. She never understood why Carter did what he did to her. Out of all the girls he could've chosen to ruin their life, he picked her.

She sometimes accused her own self for this. She was the one wearing that dress and high heels. She was the one that took the drink. She was the one that followed him upstairs. And she was the one that got hurt.

She hated to think of Tyler doing such thing, but sadly it had crossed her mind a couple times. Yeah, Tyler was nice and trustworthy and he showed his love in a caring and special way, but that didn't make him incapable of doing wrong. That didn't make him a god. He was still human.

Like I said, we can't see the full picture of life. Therefore, we make mistakes to try and find the right path. What if Tyler decides he's done playing Mr. Nice Guy? Jenna hoped it wasn't true.

"You almost ready Jen? It's been half an hour." Tyler knocked on her door.

He was back in Ohio for the Cleveland show. They just got finished with their set, and they were going to head back to Josh's place for an after party. The thing is, their Cleveland show started at 4:30 in the afternoon and ended at 6:00. It gave them ample amount of time to travel back home to Columbus and get ready for the after party. That's right, a drinking, dancing, loud music, and flashing lights after party. Yeah, it'll be fun but it'll also be scary.

Jenna decided to fight against her fear because all her fear has done was hold her back. This time, she wasn't going to surrender to her fear. She was going to fight it.

"Hold on, I'm trying to get these leather pants on." Jenna said through struggles. Tyler's eyes went wide and a small smile formed on his face.

He stepped closer to the door so he could hear her better. "Leather pants?"

Yeah, he was a sucker for leather pants. Especially black ones that fit tightly. Like we've said in previous chapters, he was a badass— well, he liked to think he was.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to wear them..." she began as she let out a huff of breath. She was basically tugging with all her strength to get them on. "But my mom bought them for me—" another tug.
"—and they are my size." They finally slipped over her bottom, and she let out a sigh of relief. "But I'm pretty sure they aren't actually my size."

"Come out and let me see them." Tyler stepped back from the door, and it opened slowly to reveal Jenna in her black leather pants and a pj shirt on— she still hadn't changed her shirt.

She lifted her shirt up slightly to check them out. "I know this is odd for me but I like them. I just need a bigger size."

Tyler rubbed the back of his neck as he licked his lip that suddenly felt dry. "Wh-why would you need a bigger size?" He liked the way they fit her, but he couldn't just go out and say 'hey, I like the way your ass looks.' Or could he? They were dating.

"They barely fit!" She walked around a little bit before finally walking back into her bedroom. "I'm going to just wear black jeans. I mean, no one will care that they aren't actual leather right?"

Tyler shrugged even though he was a bit disappointed. Jenna shut the door, and began to form her outfit for the party.


Yes, another filler. Next chapter it'll start to piece together for the last chapter.

(I, uh, I also cut this chapter in half to give me time to finish the sequel. 😐 I just have to write like... 2 more chapters and then I have to proof read to make sure I like the storyline of the sequel. Hopefully I like the storyline because either way I'm going to post it.)

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