{𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊} I've Never Loved Her.

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Warnings: profanity

Words 617



Two weeks later

It had been 2 weeks. The last thing Tyler said to Jenna was "Be safe, okay?" And that was when he dropped her off from their 'oh-so-special' date. He'd be lying if he said he hated her. He couldn't hate her. He loved her too much, and that's what made him angry.

He never let anyone play with his emotions. He was always the one playing with theirs, but oh, how the tables have turned. 


Jenna, on the other hand, wasn't doing so great. She was struggling to keep up at work, and Mrs. Ansley decided to 'postpone the job' as head chef from Jenna. Jenna could see the sympathy in Mrs. Ansley's eyes, but she was the manager she had to do what was best for the restaurant, and Jenna in this state of mind wasn't the best.

She hasn't heard his honey-like voice for 2 weeks. Two whole weeks. She missed him, and she regretted saying 'I can't' to his proposal. Life has regrets, but this one was far worse than a regret. It was everything painful in one.

There was no coming back from this. There was no way to get him back, because they both messed up tremendously.


"So, is today the day?" Josh asked, tugging the blanket from over Tyler's fluff of hair. Tyler groaned as the sunlight hit his line of vision.

"Is today the day for what?" He snapped aggressively, turning himself over on the poorly made mattress. They were on tour now, so that meant less food, less sleep, and a hella lot of driving. They had to sleep in a van. Luckily, Mark loved to drive so he got the driving position. However, he also liked to sleep so Tyler and Josh had to take turns talking to him.

"Is today the day you're going to call Jenna?" Josh clarified.

"What the frick is wrong with you, dude! I'm not calling that b- b-" Tyler knew what he was trying to say but he couldn't get himself to say it. She was far from being a bitch. "Beautiful woman." He said quieter.

It went quiet as Josh stared at Tyler with determination. "You love her." His statement sounded more like a demand, and Josh didn't mind. He was sick and tired of Tyler hiding from his feelings all because of a fight. The thing is, Jenna never said she didn't love Tyler. She just said she wasn't ready, and Tyler was far to emotional in his own crap to understand that. Josh was here to help him understand. That's what best friends are for.

"I don't love her." Tyler shook his head, leaning back against his poorly fluffed pillow. "I never loved her."

To Tyler that seemed like a good idea. Maybe if he said he didn't love her it would come true. Maybe if he said he never loved her then the feelings of being played would stop crushing his heart. To Tyler it was a good idea.

The van hit a speed bump which wobbled them around a bit. Josh looked outside the window to see Mark pulling into a McDonald's.

"You love her and you need to get over your stupid ego and call her." With that he flung the sliding door open, hopping out of the van and making his way to the McDonald's.

"You should call her, dude." Mark patted Tyler's shoulder, before trudging in after Josh.

Tyler sighed, walking in after them.


Sorry about last week! I needed time to write my other book. But it was okay because the time jump was two weeks, so it goes well.

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