{𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞} Battle Scars of Past Tribulations

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Warnings: mentions scars.

Words 1379



It was very dark when Tyler pulled into the driveway. Jenna was almost asleep. There's no feeling better than driving up in your driveway after a long tiring trip.

Jenna yawned, rubbing her eyes and pushing open her door. Tyler did the same, meeting her at the front of the car and grabbing her hand. Jenna looked as though she was going to pass out from tiredness.

The apartment was quiet and dark. If Jenna was alone she would find it eerie, but she had some sort of comfort having Tyler there.

They both slipped their shoes and jackets off, before heading down the hall towards Jenna's bedroom. Tyler's hand was still in Jenna's until he finally let it go.

He walked into the bedroom, beginning to unbutton his shirt. He shook his head as he looked behind him seeing Jenna watching him. "Is it okay if I don't wear a shirt?"

Tyler turned, revealing his bare, scarred, chest. Jenna's tired facade soon sprang to life as the blood drained from her face. "Ty..."

Tyler gulped as his body stiffened. He looked down at his old scars that painted his skin like permanent marker. However, these marks couldn't be washed off. No matter how much he tried. "Oh— um... no, it's okay." He stuttered. He didn't really know what to say in the situation. He didn't know if he should comfort Jenna, or just brush it off.

Jenna stepped closer, her eyebrows furrowed in a sad, worried look. She let out a breath. "No, you're right. It's okay. We can fix it— We'll fix it." She shook her head as she took another deep breath.

Tyler shook his head, grabbing Jenna's shoulders gently for her to focus on him. "No, Jen. We don't have to fix it. You already have, okay? I haven't cut in a long time, there's no need to worry."

Jenna let out a stressful sigh, but nodded her head. She covered her mouth with a few of her fingers as she thought. Just the thought of Tyler in a dark enough place for that made her heart ache. She couldn't imagine seeing him in a situation so low.

Tyler tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist, bending down just enough to lean his head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Jenna leaned into his embrace, her own head leaning against his shoulder. "No, don't apologize." Jenna kissed his shoulder. "It happened in the past. So, don't apologize."

Tyler only nodded, hugging her closer to him. He didn't want to let her go any time soon. "I love you so much." He whispered.

"Where's the ring?" Jenna whispered back, her fingers playing with the small amount of hair on the back of his head.

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