{𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊} Noticeable Light Blue

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Warnings: none

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Words 740




One year and six months can change a lot. They were out of school, and they were doing good so far.

Last year was a roller coaster for Jenna and Tyler. Jenna met Tyler, having no interest in the boy whatsoever. Of course, Tyler wasn't smart enough to take a hint. He was glad he wasn't though.

He wouldn't be where he was now if it wasn't for pursuing the angel.

Blurry hardly talked anymore, and if he did Tyler didn't listen like his young self did.

The band was kicking off to a great start, they played in front of 7 people last week. Jenna was so proud. She was the loudest one jumping around, besides Debby, who was equally as loud.

They were 18 now— well, almost. Jenna's birthday was in a couple days. Tyler had been 18 for about nine months now.

Tyler frantically searched the fancy glass cases of the jewelry store. He wanted to get something that matched her personality. Beautiful, simple, and maybe a little bit cheap because he wasn't the richest man in the world.

Tyler quickly passed the rings, as he made his way to the necklaces. There was no way he was looking at rings. They were 18, young and brand new to adulthood. They needed a couple years.

Nothing really caught his eye. He felt that when he saw the perfect gift he'd know.

"This one is unique. The diamond is a noticeable light blue." The store jeweler's voice traveled through Tyler's ears. He tried to stop himself from turning around in curiosity, but it got the best of him.

"It is very beautiful." The young couple explained as they examined the ring on the small fiancées finger.

"Let's keep looking honey." The fiancé ushered her to continue through the store.

Tyler stepped closer, slowly walking towards the store jeweler that held the ring.

"S'cuse me?" Tyler spoke.

The jeweler looked up, smiling at the customer. "You need help?"

"Can I see that ring?" He asked, and the jeweler nodded.

"It's one of our finest engagement rings." The jeweler explained. "It's unique. The diamond is a-"

"—A noticeable light blue. I got it." Tyler interrupted in some sort of trance as he rubbed his thumb over the jewel.

It was the exact color of Jenna's beautiful eyes. He could imagine her wearing it, and how it would make her eyes pop like a masterpiece art hung on the plain white wall.

He smiled at the thought. "How much?" Tyler talked quietly. He felt like his heart was in his throat at all the changes happening with his plans. There was also some hint of excitement in his mind.

"I can give you a deal since we don't get much young couples at this time of year." The jeweler vocalized, walking behind the counter and pulling out a block of used post-it notes.

Tyler nodded as his heart pounded in his chest. He wasn't actually buying an engagement ring right? But it was so perfect. Maybe it was a sign.

The man wrote a few things down sloppily before looking up to estimate. "How about fifty-percent off? Twenty-five-hundred dollars."

Tyler felt as though someone hit him in the gut with those words. He placed his hand on his chest as he took a deep breath. That was almost as much as the 10,000 dollars he had to pay his dad. Luckily with enough concerts and days at work, he finally paid it off. The jeweler laughed, before nodding his head.

"I know it's still a lot, you don't have to buy right away. I'll put it on hold. That girl of yours is lucky."

Tyler let out a breath, before nodding. "Yeah, put it on hold."

The man nodded, pulling out a jewelry business card. "I'll put it on hold for three weeks. If you change your mind I'll put it back on display." He explained.

"Thank you." Tyler said, and he walked out of the store.

Well, he definitely was saving up for that. Maybe he'll settle for getting Jenna a pillow for her birthday. One with her celebrity crush's face on it. She'd like that wouldn't she?

He chuckled as he thought of getting her a pillow with his own face on it. That would be a comedy gift.

Writers note - I am the best gift buyer.
                            - Tyler Joseph


Yes, BIGGG skip. Hope you guys are okay with it!

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