{𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖜𝖔} And We Meet Again.

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Warnings: profanity. Angst.

Words 980



"How are you feelin'" Tyler asked as he leaned his elbows on the desk.

Jenna shrugged. "Not much different from the last time you asked that."

"What? I'm just a little concerned. You've been through a lot." Tyler shrugged. He wasn't going to lie, ever since she told him her secret he's seen her in a different way. It wasn't a bad way, just more protective way. It probably wasn't healthy, but he didn't care. He wanted to make sure Jenna was protected.

"You shouldn't be concerned. It happened a year ago, Tyler. It wasn't yesterday." Jenna put down her book so she could look into Tyler's eyes. She was annoyed about this. She didn't want him on her heel 24/7. No matter how much she liked the dude, it was annoying.

"I know. I- I just don't want it to happen again." He hated to think of it that way, but it was true. He feared her getting hurt under his protection, and he didn't want that.

"It won't." Jenna picked up her book again, scanning the pages of fashion artists.

Tyler sighed, turning to look the other way. He felt like he needed to do something about it. He wished he could just make it disappear into thin air.

"Dinner tonight?" Tyler asked, turning to face Jenna once more.

"Sure, I'd love that." Jenna smiled. "Oh, Ty, there's a customer."

Tyler twisted around on his heel, and made his way to the customer.

"How can I help you?" Tyler asked.

"Oh, yes. I want this thing..." he pointed to a piano petal.

"A piano petal?" Tyler confirmed.

"right, yeah." The man shrugged. "I'm not the musician. My girlfriend is."

"Ah, okay. Yeah, that's a piano petal." The man picked it up.

"Is there like better ones?" The man asked, and Tyler shook his head.

"Those are the best in the business." He cracked a smile.

"Oh, okay." The man shrugged.

Tyler guided him to the cashier. "Jen." He called.

Jenna looked up from her book, her eye landing on the dark blue ones of the strange man. Her face drained of color, and her lips became dried and chapped.

Her lips parted the slightest bit but words wouldn't form.

"I feel like I've seen you before." The man laughed, oblivious to the tension.

She immediately looked down at the counter as she tried to hold back the tears forming in her eyes. This was so embarrassing. He wasn't going to do anything to her, but for some reason her body was saying to get away and to get away quick. She stayed still.

Tyler watched her carefully, not really catching on. She looked as though she was going to pass out, and her eyes filled with tears.

"What's wrong, Jen?" Tyler whispered, leaning over the counter for some sort of privacy from the customer. He was immediately put on alert as he saw a tear escaped her eye.

"Carter." She whispered, shaking her head as she wheeled herself back as far as she could. She was more embarrassed than she was scared. She knew Carter wouldn't hurt her again, but of course her body had to freak out thinking it's in danger.

"Wait, how did you know my name?" The man, Carter, asked.

It then clicked with Tyler, and he turned his head to look at him. He took in all of his details, from brown hair to blue eyes to a muscular body. One that could take control of a woman if he wanted to.

He could take him right? Just one punch. And he wasn't to much taller than Tyler. He definitely deserved it. Right?

Without anymore thought Tyler punched the man in the nose, making Carter step back surprised.

"What the hell, man?" Carter held his nose as he stepped back.

"You really don't remember her?" Tyler pointed to Jenna, as Jenna looked wide eyed. She wasn't expecting this.

"Dude, I don't know what you're talking about."

"I don't give a fuck about that. Look at her!" Tyler was angry. He couldn't believe scum like him could live on this planet and survive without being shot.

"Calm down, man."

"Tyler stop." Jenna's quivering voice spoke up.

Tyler turned to look at her. She seemed scared, but she no longer looked at Carter she looked at Tyler. Was she scared of him?

"What is happening in here?" Mrs. Black marched in. "People are complaining and— oh..."

She spotted the man holding his bloody nose, and Jenna curled up on her chair.

Tyler's face softened as he realized what he did. He punched someone. Better yet, an employee punched a customer. There was no way Carter wasn't going to sue.

"Tyler, Jenna, go to the break room while I talk with this man." Mrs. Black instructed.

They both obliged, Jenna more shaky than Tyler.

"I'm sorry." Tyler whispered.

"You shouldn't have done that. It wasn't a big deal." Jenna sniffled.

"You were crying-"

"It doesn't matter, Tyler! You can't keep acting like I can't take care of myself. You should mind your own business." She suddenly burst.

Tyler only nodded as they entered the break room. They both sat down on the couch. "Is it okay?" Tyler whispered.

Instead of whispering 'it's okay' back she whispered, "that made me uncomfortable."

"If you ever feel uncomfortable with the things I do or say, you tell me okay?"

"Okay," Jenna promised.

She kept her promise.

Writers note - I begged Jen to let me write this bit. It's my favorite part, but also irresponsible of me. Um, don't follow in my footsteps kids.
                            - Tyler Joseph


This is one of my least favorites written. I feel like it's more unrealistic and dramatic than it had to be, but I liked the idea of Tyler punching the guy so I had to write it in some way. Lmao

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