Episode 2

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[EPISODE 2: Myoui Mina]

3rd Person's POV:

Y/n went in as soon as her name was called. She was nervous, knowing that this hospital has so many good doctors.

"Hello I'm Choi Y/n the new Doctor here!" She said bowing 90 degrees.

Mina who was looking at the girl intensely, heard murmurs by her members.

"Wait...Y/N?!?!?" Nayeon said.
"Why you know her?" Sana said. Nayeon nodded.
"She's my cousin..." Sana just formed an O.

'Isn't she the girl who went to the OR just minutes ago?'Mina thought.

Suddenly, The CEO went beside with Y/n.

"She's our new resident everybody, let's just think on what department she is in. Anybody?" When nobody raises their hand, He sighed.

Until, Mina's hand raised.

"Yes Dr. Myoui?" He said, Mina sighed before speaking.

"Let us have her in General surgeon department.." she said, The CEO smiled and patted Y/n's back.

"Well, y/n. Welcome to General surgeon department. Nayeon?"

The girl that looks like a bunny stood up, "yes doc?"

'Its my cousin...*sighs*' Y/n mentally said.

"I leave her in your hands and Mina? I assure you, she's a great doctor."

'Yes, I know' Mina mumbled.


Y/n's POV:

They led me to our quarters, its neat I must say.
I put my things down and went to our office.

"So let us introduce first... I'm Park Jihyo, the head nurse here. Leader of Twice and you can ask me anything.." said the girl with big eyes.

"Hey cous!! Didn't know your here but uhh...I'm Im Nayeon! General surgeon!" She said cheerfully. I sighed.

"Yoo Jeongyeon, General surgeon" she said as we fist bumped each other.
"Minatozaki Sana! General surgeon!!" She said then winked at me. Jihyo smacked her head.

"Kim Dahyun, Nurse department!"
"Son Chaeyoung, Nurse department!"
"Chou Tzuyu, Nurse department." She said plainly while the other two are saluting with a big smile on their face. I giggled a little at their cuteness.

Then, I turned to the girl who looks like a penguin. The girl who raised her hand back then.

She stared at my soul. Damn, I'm gonna die here!
"Myoui Mina, Head of General surgeon." She said with crossed arms. Damn that was sexy..


So now, here I am. Being told by the rules by Ms. Myoui. I meantally groaned.

"Are you even listening?" She said, I looked at her. She sighed before placing a paper infront of me.

"That's the rules you need to do okay?" She said with a strict voice.

•Patient is your first priority
•Never go to the OR without permissio--

"Ms. Myoui, I know all of this.." I said cutting her off. She rolled her eyes.

'All doctors please go to the emergency room quickly... I repeat all doctors go to the emergency room quickly..'

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