Episode 17

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[EPISODE 17: Visitor]

Y/n's POV:

Seulgi and I went to the cafeteria after I ran after her. I'm so hungry!

While she's ordering our food, I saw Ms. Hyuna at a corner talking to some guy. I got suspicious and I was about to stand up, Seulgi grabbed my hand.

"Where are you going? Come on let's eat!" She said and started eating while I looked back at the corner, but they left.

What was that all about?

Ms. Hyuna's POV:

"Is the plan already set?" He asked. I bowed as a sign of respect.
"Yes, We just need to frame her so she can leave this hospital." I replied with respect. He chuckled and stood up facing the big window behind his chair.

"She's ruining our Hospital. She even made a nurse to help them for the operation even its forbidden." I added. He looked at me while he's caressing his ring.
"Good...good, I want to see this prodigy you are talking about." He stated then smiled slyly.
"You can see her today Sir" I said still bowing. He smiled again.
"Get ready, we're going to Ms. Myoui's Surgical department." He said and chuckled evily.

Y/n's POV:

I was at the emergency room when I heard Sowon and Eunbi gossiping.

"Hey did you heard? I heard that the leader of an organizatiom of doctors are coming here."

"Yeah, he's a really big deal."

" Well, I heard that he's a good friend of Ms. Hyuna"


I approached them as I tapped Eunbi's shoulder.

"Hey, stop gossiping!" I said as they bowed and ran away. They're still residents but They're already gossiping?! Aishh..

Suddenly, I heard running outside. I went outside and saw Eunbi and Sowon gossiping about.

He's old but scary as hell

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He's old but scary as hell. He saw me and raised his eyebrows causing his wrinkles to show.

"Bring me to Ms. Myoui. I've got something to talk to her." He said to Ms. Hyuna. Maybe it is true.
They started walking while doctors gave them way. I was just staring at this...old man. He's suspicious.

I followed them and arrived early than them.

"Mina, Somebody wants to speak to you!" I said bursting at her office. Her eyebrows raised and was about to scold me when the old man went in.

"Ms. Myoui!!" He yelled scanning the office, her found me and her.
Mina looked at me then went outside.
"Hello, Jeon Kuk-Hwan. Why are you here?" She bowed while speaking politely.

I stayed at Mina's office because when I stare at the old man, it gives me the chills. Its like...he some intention.

"Where is your prodigy?" He asked.
"Prodigy?" Mina asked raising her head.
"Don't you go dumb on me Myoui!" He said angrily.
"What do you want from her?" She asked. I got nervous... they might do something to me.
"Min Y/n, that's your prodigy isn't it?" He said while pointing at me inside Mina's office.

"What do you need from her?" She said while staring intensely at the old man.
"Hmm....i'll be watching your department Myoui, look out." He said and glanced at me smirking before leaving.

Mina looked at me then rushed inside hugging me.

"Don't leave me..." she muttered but I heard it.
"Don't worry Mina, I won't leave you." I said caressing her hair.


I was at the cafeteria with Seulgi, Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Tzuyu.

"Hey Ji, why was Mina so worried about me?" I asked eating a spoon of curry.
They looked at each other.
"He's the one who shooed away the Last CEO here. Then, he became the CEO here. That's why its really strict." Jihyo said, munching her apple.
"Is it why Seulgi haven't experienced any operation?" I asked, Seulgi looked at me gulping her orange juice.

"Not just me, but almost all staffs here. Only Twice and Bts can operate. That's one of the rules." Seulgi stated. Wait, how come I didn't read or saw that rule? I remembered Mina read it all to me. But, how can he do it to them?
"Y/n you better watch out. He's eyes are on you who knows what he may do to you." Jeongyeon said.
"Like....what?" I asked.

"He can fire you as a doctor since he has the authority to do it. Like anytime, anywhere" Seulgi said.

"And uhh..." she continued as I raised my eyebrows. She looked at Jihyo before facing me.

"You can die...."

"He hates it when somebody intereferes to his plans. Like, when you made Seulgi to have her first operation. And remember when you scolded Ms. Hyuna for Mina?" Jihyo stated.

"And you're the one he's gonna fire or worst...." Jeongyeon paused before breathing in.


I'm very sorry if this chap is sooo lame!! For the next chaps will be uhh...I dunno can't explain it but. Thank you all for giving me inspiration to update even tho this is lame and boring...


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