Episode 8

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[EPISODE 8: the kiss]

Y/n's POV:

A new day!! I yawned and looked around eventually I saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon hugging each other. Sana has her mouth open, Momo munching her mouth maybe dreaming of eating. But I didn't saw Jennie nor Mina.

I went down of my top bunk and went to the bathroom.
After cleaning, I wore my robe and went out. I guess I woke up too early. I looked at my watch, damn its just 6 in the morning.

I was about to go out to our dept. Office, when Mina appeared infront of me.
"Holy sh-- you just scared me." I said while holding my chest. She just stared at me coldly then walked passed me. Weird.

"Good morning?" I asked her as she stopped walking then turned around.
"Say Good morning to that Jennie of yours." She said and turned around leaving me dumbfounded..

Is she.....jealous?


3rd Person's POV:

Y/n went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast, she saw Twice at a table eating. She waved at them and Tzuyu saw her. Y/n went there and ate.

"Guys? Mina seemed weird this morning." Y/n said and explained the situation a minute ago. After explaining, they looked at each others and smirked.

"She li--"

"Good morning y/n!!" Said a voice from the door of the cafeteria y/n looked and saw the one and only Jennie, she smiled at y/n as everybody looked at them.

Jennie sat beside y/n and clinged to her arm.

Suddenly, "Dr. Kim, Get your hands of her." Said a cold and stern voice.
Y/n gulped and looked at Twice. Sana was smirking with Jeongyeon since they know Mina who seemed to liked Y/n.

Jennie smirked, "why? Is she yours? I thought she was single." Mina's answer made everybody shocked.
"Yes, in fact she's my Girlfriend." She said staring intensely at Jennie.

'Oh oka--wait WHAT?!?' Y/n thought widening her eyes. She looked at disbelief in Mina. But thb inside, her heart were beating rapidly. Y/n blankly stared down the table processing what is happening.

Y/n.exe has stopped working...

Nayeon, saw Jimin sulking at their table as she chuckled since she knew that he has a crush on Mina.


A few days later, Mina was at the garden relaxing since after what happened at the canteen it was a busy day.

"You really have to say that she is your  girlfriend?" Said a voice behind.
"I did what I had to do Jimin.." she said not turning around to meet the boy's gaze.
"Oh, even the girlfriend thing?" He said.
"Shut up" a tint of pink color was crept to her face.
"You like her don't you?" Jimin said sighing since he don't have any chance to the girl.
"I think so..." Jimin looked down his fists clenching.


Jimin went to his friends looking down, he was angry at Y/n.

"She likes her...I don't have a chance" Namjoon patted Jimin's shoulder.
"Even so, your still the King here. How about teaching her a lesson?" Yoongi said. Jimin smirked.
"Just don't kill her Jimin" Namjoon sternly said. While the others looked at Y/n at the surgical dept. Office.
"I won't.." Jimin said.

Meanwhile, Y/n sat at her seat bored since they don't have any patients right now. Well, the other doctors have.

"I'm bored..." y/n mumbled. Nayeon heard it and giggled at her cousin.
"Oh By the way, Mina wants you at her office. There's something you two need to discuss" Sana said smirking.
"Like hell we need to discuss it." She said leaning to her chair.
"Well, you don't want a scary Mina calling you later!" Sana said then focused at her phone.
Y/n groaned and went inside to her office.

Y/n's POV:

I found her, typing at her computer.
"Good day Mina, I heard you called for me?" I said bowing. She looked up.

"Can you get me a coffee?" She said pouting.
'Am I her personal assistant or something?' I thought.
"Please?" She said pouting with her puppy eyes. I looked at her in disbelief, I sighed.
"F-fine.." Damn Myoui!!


So now here I am, at a coffee shop. There's no coffee at the canteen so I went outside.
'Wait, she didn't asked what kind of--nevermind' I thought.
"2 americanos please" maybe a drink would help tho.

I walked to the street, admiring the view. Well, its the sun is setting.

While walking, My thought occupied my head.

'Mina seemed really weird, she was cold this morning now all cute to give her a coffee?! Unbelievable..' I thought while walking and arrived at the hospital.

I went inside and saw Mina sitting at her table while reading some books. She noticed me and stopped reading.
"Why did you bought 2?" She asked, grabbing the other one.
"Well, a drink won't hurt right?" I said sipping at my drink.
I saw her eyes sparkle when she drinks the coffee.
"How did you know that americano was my favorite?" She said looking at me.
"I saw you once pouting since the canteen doesn't have americano. So, I bought you this. The shop selling this is a really good at making americano." I explained. Suddenly, she hugged me surprising me.

"Thank you...its been a while since I tasted this good coffee" she said snuggling at my neck.

I smiled at her. "Your welcome.."

I was about to leave when I felt a warm kiss at my cheek. I looked at her surprised but she just showed me her gummy smile. I went red, what the-- I'm gonna die Myoui!

I went out of her office holding my chest while panting heavily. I held my cheek blushing again.

"Hey y/n you look like dumb doing that you pabo" Nayeon said.
"S-she....I..k-kiss..me.. SHE KISSED ME?!?" I yelled as I heard a soft giggle inside Mina's office. That Myoui..
"What should I do?!" I asked.
"Marry her?"

Not proofread so sorry for mistakes! Sorry too if I updated late..

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