Episode 23

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[Secrets unleashed]

Y/n's POV:

"Aww....They're together at last!!"

"Is Mina pregnant already?"

"When's the marriage?!"


I woke up because of the noises I'm hearing. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sana, Jeongyeon and Nayeon. Jihyo and Tzuyu are at the door looking at them in disbelief.

I looked at the three infront of me and glared at each of them.

"Can you guys fucking stop? Its early in the morning and somebody is still sleeping." I told them with my raspy voice. They just laughed and left.

I sighed and saw a cute penguin sleeping at my arms.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me smiling.

"Good morning Minari~" I said and pecked her lips.
"Good morning Y/n/n" she said while smiling. I stood up going to the bathroom to wash.

After washing, I went to the office and saw all of them stucked at their conputers like nothing happened a minute ago.

I put my arms at my waist and glared at them.

"Is Mina pregnant?!" Sana bursted beside me surprising me.
"No, you squirrel. But soon" I said and wiggled my eyebrows. Both of us giggled until we felt a dark aura behind me.
"What did you say Choi?" She sternly said as I gulped.
"Oh nothing...gotta run byee!!"



I arrived at the emergency room panting. Seulgi's laughing at me nonstop again.

"Aishh you bear" I said glaring at her.
"You and Mina are together now right?" She teasingly said.
"You and Irene together right?" I said copying on what she said to me. She just glared at me as I laughed. But, our laughter died when Ms. Hyuna and the other doctors went in.

The both us bowed as I stared at the floor remembering that Ms. Hyuna's my older sister.

She looked around as she focused her gaze at me.

"Who went to my office?!" She angrily said. I got startled then flashbacks popped at my head.

Arghh I didn't closed the drawer and just left the photo at her table.

I sighed, maybe if I'll say that its me....maybe...

I stood up and looked at Ms. Hyuna intensely.

"I did!" I yelled as she looked at me. I saw her eyes soften as she walked to me still her eyes glaring at me.

I just hunged my head low while my eyes closed.

As I heard her footsteps getting closer, My heart was beating fast because of nervousness.

When the foot steps stopped, I kept my eyes closed waiting to be hit by something or her hand slapping me.

But I didn't felt any of it, instead I felt arms embracing me. She was hugging me?

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Mina and the others smiling. I looked at the person hugging me, it's really Ms. Hyuna!

I felt my shoulder getting wet as she pulled away with tears at her eyes.

"Hello my beloved sister" she said smiling sincerely. I-i was right...
"H-how did you know?!" I asked surprise. She just smiled .
"When I came with Dr. Kuk-hwan, I saw your portrait. It was the same with the photo I have..." she explained. My eyes starts to tear up.

"Then why did you left me?! I believe that you're dead! You died in a car crash!!" I yelled at her as I start to sob. Mina came by my side comforting me.

"Now let me explai--"

"No! You've got nothing to explain! What? So you could leave that house and leave me?!" She shooked her head as I kept crying.

"Stop....." I weakly said. Mina looked at me worriedly.
Ms. Hyuna stopped and looked at me with concern.

"I'm gonna go..." I said, more like a whisper and left. Hyuna's hand stopped me by holding my shoulders but I just shrugged it off.


I went to the rooftop trying to ease my mind but its not working!

"You should've let her explain" I heard Mina behind.
I didn't answer and continued to stare at the sky.
I heard her sigh and backhugged me.
"She's still your sister" she said at my ear.
I sighed and turned around to meet with her eyes.

"Speak with her....just listen to her explanation please?" She said with puppy eyes. I sighed and hugged her.
"Fine... but i'll do it for you" I said as she sighed and nodded.

"But still....y/n promise me" she said pouting while her pinky finger is infront of me.
I sighed and smiled a little..
"Okay..I promise." I said interwining our pinky fingers together. She hugged me again as I hugged her back.

Whoooo I updated!! Sorry guys if it took long.

P.S. sorry for mistakes!


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