Episode 18

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[EPISODE 18: Secrets]

Y/n's POV:

Eversince that...old man came, it became so strict here! And did I mention? Jimin is so suspicious, Ms. Hyuna too. They would observe me here and there, i tried to shrug it off but its getting suspicious.

"Hey..Y/n, you alright? You've been spacing out." Nayeon asked looking concerned.
"Yeah, I'm alright unnie.." i said as she smiled and went to her chair.

Jeongyeon and Momo went inside with foods at their hands. Tzuyu followed them while holding a box with an annoyed look.

"We got foods!!" Jeongyeon yelled. Jihyo helped Tzuyu to carry the box she's holding.
"Aishh......why do I even have to carry that heavy box?! You guys were so slow!" She complained.
"What is it just we're short huh Tzuyoda?!" Momo snapped back.
"Don't call me Tzuyoda!" The youngest replied.

"Alright you guys stop it..." Mina said getting out of her office. The two immediately shutted up.

I was still spacing out when Mina noticed. She grabbed a pack of ramyeon and placed it infront of me.

"Hey, you should eat. Stop spacing out Choi." She said then grab a chair and sat beside me.

"Hey...don't mind what Director Kuk-hwan told you." She said softly.
"Its just not that..." I hesitantly said. Staring at the pack of ramyeon Mina gave.
"Jimin and Ms. Hyuna's acting strange. They kept on observing me like I'm some kind of suspect." I said without looking at her. Mina looked away shocked.

Someone's POV:

"She's noticing us Ms. Hyuna" i said politely.
"She needs to leave here." She said her hand at her chin.
"But why?" I asked. She looked at me intensely.
"She's interfering our plans. We need to shoo away Director Choi so Mr. Kuk-Hwan can be the CEO again." She said my eyes widen. It'll be hell here again!

"What about Y/n?" I asked.
"We'll fire her so she can't come here again. Then, the hospital we'll be hell again!" She said  laughing.
Oh no...this is all my fault. Everybody here will suffer once Y/n's fired.

It'll be like Mina's Father. Wait.....are they repeating what happened at Mina's father?!

"That Mr. Myoui still alive?" Ms. Hyuna asked on the phone.
"Yes...still breathing but still not waking up." The person on the other line said. He's still alive?!

"Good..." she said and hanged up.
"Don't tell to anybody that Mr. Myoui is still alive." She threatened. I nodded then bowed leaving.

So they're plan is to claim the hospital again? They'll fire Y/n, Mr. Myoui is still alive! Then...when they'll succeed, it'll be hell again!

Y/n's POV:

I went to the emergency room, Seulgi was arranging some tools. She noticed me and waved smiling.

"Hey Y/n!!" She cheerfully said.
"Hey Seul." I said.

"Y/n...are you alright? You look bothered" she asked worriedly. I shook my head.
"Its just...I feel something bad that's gonna happen." I said holding my chest.
"Aigoo you dummy, there's nothing bad gonna happen!" She said smacking my arm.
I just sighed.

"Oh by the way. Give this medicines to Jihyo, she said she'll be needing some vitamins." Seulgi said handing me a pack of Vitamins. I nodded while smiling and went to the nurse's office.

I saw Lisa and Tzuyu at the counters.

"Hey Choi!!" Lisa called at me.
"Hi lalisa" I said and chuckled.
"Hello Yoda" I said to Tzuyu which I received a glare.
"Don't you call me that." She sternly said.
"By the way, where's Jihyo?" I asked. They pointed inside.

"Hey Jihyoo~" I said as she covered her ears. Jisoo 's with her too.
"Damn, you're much louder than Jihyo!" Jisoo said covering her ears.
"Mian~ oh Jihyo here's the vitamins you asked to Seulgi." I said handing her the pack of vitamins. She smiled and thanked me.

I saw Dahyun and Chaeyoung talking about something with Lisa.

"Hey did you heard? Dr. Kuk-hwan will be the next CEO?" Lisa gossiped.

"Yeah, I heard that Director Choi will resign next month." Dahyun said.

"So...that means it'll be hell again?" Chaeyoung asked. The two nodded. I stepped in and asked.

"What do you guys mean?" They looked at each other.
"Director Choi will resign next month. Dr. Kuk-hwan will be the next CEO." Lisa explained.


Sorry guys if there are mistakes!

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