Episode 16

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[EPISODE 16: Sweet]

Y/n's POV:

I went to the emergency room with a blushing face. Seulgi saw me and laughed her ass out, like seriously? She gets really scary but annoys me for real.

"Fine I like her~" Seulgi said mocking me.
"Oh shut up you bear." I said rolling my eyes.
"Who the hell told you to call me that?! Only my Baech--uhh...Irene! Can call me that!" She said glaring while her arms crossed.
"Ohh...Irene unnie? You guys in a relationship?" I said as she playfully rolled her eyes at me.
"Oh, how dare you ask me that? How about ask it to you and Mina!" She said smirking. Damn you Seul! She smirked knowing she won at our argument.

I saw a kid trying to open the door, so I came to help him. He looks...pale?

"P-please....help m-me" he uttered out before collapsing.
"Seulgi help me out here!" I called her as she nodded placing the kid at a bed.
"Umji! Call the others!" Seulgi yelled at the girl as she nodded running quickly.

"I'm gonna get a nebulizer!" She stated running to the nurse counter. I pulled out my stethoscope then placed it at his chest. It seemed like there's something blocking his trachea that he can't breathe!!

"Seul, don't get the nebulizer! We need to operate on him!" I said as she looked at me.
"We need to scan his chest first!" She said as we saw Mina and the others at the Emergency room.
"Whats happening?" Mina asked getting closer as my heart rampaged. Ugh there's no time for this!!

"There's something that is blocking his trachea. He can't breathe!" I said and looked at his vitals. Its still normal but it may drop soon.
"Seulgi, where are the other nurses?" Jihyo asked.
"They're off duty. Only Gfriend and Itzy are here." She replied back.
"Alright, call those two groups to stay here. Seulgi you will come with us." Jihyo ordered as Seulgi went tot he phone and called the two groups.

They arrived quickly as we went to the OR, we can't scan his chest now. His vitals may drop and he may die. So while running to the OR we applied his nose an oxygen so he can last until we arrive.

After the boys settled him at the OR, we went to the washing area to clean our hands to avoid infection.

I noticed Seulgi beside me who is nervous.

"Hey Seul, why are you nervous?" I asked after drying my hands before patting her back.
"Its just...my first time operating on a patient, all I do was assist doctors but never help to operate." She said looking down.
"Don't be nervous okay? Just relax...don't panic, and besides! You get a chance to operate a patient, so lets do our best okay?" I said comforting her. She smiled comfortably and nodded.

What really happened in this hospital? Its looks like...they were so strict that even other nurses didn't get an experience to do an operation. Because in a hospital, it is required for all staffs there to experience like this! Because who knows when you get to a public place and something happens and your a doctor or a nurse but you don't know this thing? Then, its just like...you lost in a fight.

I remembered the doctor at the subway when the kid was fallen by a debris and he conducted an operation that is wrong. Wait...he's kinda familoar tho. Oh right...Jimin huh? Anyways, my point is that...they should train staffs for this experience since its needed whenever and wherever..

We went in after washing our hands, Seulgi looked calm which is great. I went beside the patient, he's really having a hard time breathing.

"Seulgi, vitals?" Mina asked, Seulgi looked iver the monitor and looked at Mina.
"89 to 97 Dr. Myoui" oh I forgot, I can call Ms. Myoui Mina. As for the others, maybe it needs to be formal.
"Ready Dr. Choi?" She softly said making me feel chills run down to my spine.
"Of course, Mina." I said as she smiled. But it can't be seen tho because she has a mask.
"Alright everyone...." she said pausing looking at all of us then she smiled.

"Let's start!!"


"He's now alright maam, the coin slipped at his trachea but good thing he held off. He's a one strong kid" Mina said at the Mother smiling while I was beside her smiling too at the Mother as she continued to bow at us.

Mina smiled again at the mother and told her to stop while I, just stared at her side profile. She's so beautiful. I'm so whipped like hell.

I didn't noticed her waving her hand at me because I was daydreaming. Until, she smiled while staring at me. Suddenly, I felt a soft lips touch my nose. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Mina smiling as I just stared at her shocked.

"You were not listening, I called you many times. So, I have no choice but kiss you at the nose." She said and smiled one more time before leaving with her hands at the back. She has this victorious smile while leaving me dumbfounded.

"Hmm...not in a relationship eh?" I heard Seulgi whisper at my ear as I shooed her off.
"Aishh you--" i was cutted off when she left with a smirk...

Oh God....

I'm sorry for mistakes and so sorry for updating late.

Can I get some comments about the story? To motivate me to update more...

Thank u guys~ love u guys!

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