Episode 10

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[EPISODE 10: First kiss]

Y/n's POV:

"Drink your meds okay?" I said to this cute girl. She's the patient we operated last time, she seemed to be doing okay.
"Yes unnie!!" She said cheerfully as I smiled at her. I faced the mother and bowed before leaving.


I'm here at the canteen since I'm so hungry!! I brought an extra piece if I get hungry again. What? That's me okay? No judging.

I went to our office and saw nobody, probably at the emergency room. Then, I saw Mina still working. I didn't saw her go down to eat! I sighed.. until, I went there.

"O-oh, Dr. Choi. What can I help you with?" She said. I shyly gave my extra food to her.
"U-uhh...you should eat. I haven't saw you go down to eat. And you look thin." I said. I saw her smile and took the food.
"Thank you...I'm hungry but I need to finish this report." She said continuing to type at her computer.
"You know, you should rest. Your brain might burn for staring at the screen to much.." I said looking at her eyes. I went closer and lifted her chin.
"Omo! Look, you have eyebags. Come on you need to rest. You're the head here so you need to rest. Okay Ms. Myoui?" I said teasing her a little. She giggled and stood up.

"Fine..as you say Dr. Choi" she said giggling a little before smiling at me. She was about to leave when she kissed me on the lips.
I stood frozen trying to calculate what just happened.

'Did she....TOOK MY FIRST KISS?!?!?'

Everybody, Choi Y/n's first kiss claimed by Myoui Mina.

I heard her giggle and left going to the quarters.

"T-that Myoui..." I said smiling slightly.


I went down to the emergency room to see if we have patients.
"Woah, why do you look like that dude?" I turned around and saw Jeongyeon with Nayeon.
"You look like a shookt chicken." Nayeon said laughing a little.
"And why do you have a lipstick at your mouth?? " Jeongyeon continued looking suspiciously at me.
Nayeon suddenly widen her eyes as she held my cheek checking it.
"What the-- CHOI Y/N WHAT IS THIS?! Did you kiss somebody???"


"Oh my god, why do you smell like Mina?!"


"Oh~ why didn't  you told me~" She said teasing me, I looked at her with a are-you-serious look.
"Let me explai--"

"Hey Nayeon unnie!!" Sana yelled while the others were behind her. I facepalmed
'Oh god why does it had to be this?' I thought.

Nayeon told them whats happening and yup They're teasing me right now..
"Aww...Y/n why didn't you told us?"

"Did you guys....did it?"

I widen my eyes at Sana's comment, "N-NO!! I-i mean..." i said stuttering while blushing. They all laughed.

'Oh god please help me..'


It was night when I woke up from my  sleep, I saw the others sleeping peacefully but I didn't saw Mina at her bed. I stood up, wearing my jacket and went to the rooftop to cool myself up. Then, I saw a familiar figure sitting. I went closer and it was no other that Myoui Mina.

"Why are you here? Its cold here." I said handing my jacket which she shyly accepted.
"What about you?" She said looking at me.
"O-oh, I'm fine.." I said stuttering since her angelic eyes stares at me.
"I just wanna see the stars...Ever since I became a doctor, I haven't saw it for awhile." She said staring at the sky.
"Because you're always busy.." I said as she nodded.


"Its beautiful right?" She suddenly said breaking the quiet atmosphere. I smiled and looked up.
"Yeah it is...not as beautiful as you" I mumbled the last part, I saw her smile a little.
"We should go back or else we'll caught cold." I said standing up, I offered my hand to her as she stood up. Suddenly, our faces were so close to each other. My heart was thumping really fast, as my stomach was fluttering. She looked away blushing wait BLUSHING?!

"L-lets go back.." she shyly muttered.


Mina's POV:

"Aww why's our Minari smiling? Did something happened?"

"Shut up you snake.."

"Aww...she's blushing. Did something happen between you and Y/n? Did you guys...did it?" I smacked her head.
"We didn't DO IT you pabo." I said as she caressed the part where she was hit.
"Oh, then care to explain why she has a lipstick at her mouth and she smells like you?" I froze, suddenly remembered the scene we kissed. I unconsciously smiled. Sana begins to wiggle her eye brows while smirking.

"Wiggle your brows one more time and I will rip that of you face.." I said glaring at her.
"Jeez...your so scary Mitang, but I guess you did like it based on your expression." She said smirking.
"You sna--"

"Oh hey Min-- woah what happened with Sana?" Momo said while poking Sana's cheek unconscious on the floor.

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