Episode 21

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[Truth untold: the Portrait]

3rd Person POV:

Y/n woke up and felt somebody embracing her while sleeping. She looked at the person and saw that it was no other than Myoui Mina sleeping at her arms. She didn't noticed that she was staring at her for too long that the latter opened her eyes.

Mina giggled while staring at an embarrassed Y/n.

Mina kissed y/n's nose then smiled, "good morning." She softly said.
"G-good morning..." y/n replied startled at the kiss.

Y/n was the first to stood up and went to the bathroom. After Y/n, Mina went inside to wash.

While y/n was gonna wear her top, she was just wearing a sports bra. Mina went out of the bathroom fully dressed. She immediately went red seeing Y/n half naked. Turning around she held her cheeks who is burning up then yelled at y/n to dress up.


After some embarrasing moments, they separated ways.

Mina went to her office still blushing, while y/n went to the emergency room clueless on why Mina is red.

'Aigoo...I'm going crazy because of her.' They both thought.

Y/n's POV:

I arrived at the emergency room and saw Seulgi, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Lisa. They were laughing and chatting.

I greeted them and sat at a chair.

"Hey y/n! Did you heard? Jennie's gonna transfer here again as Ms. Hyuna said.." Seulgi cheerfully said. God, how can she have this kind of energy in the morning?!

"Yeah, but why tho?" Dahyun asked.
"Maybe she misses annoying Ms. Myoui" Lisa said as they laughed. Suddenly, the door opened revealing Jennie but...her eyes tell something more. Like sadness and...guilt. why?

"Speak of the devil" Tzuyu mumbled. While Seulgi and I stiffled our laughs.

Jennie averted her eyes on me then looked away. Wut?

She coldly sat at the chair in the nurse's counter and started scribbling down. We all looked at each other confused.

I sighed and saw an elder struggling over something. I rushed outside and saw the old woman with blood at her back. I widen my eyes and called the others to help me.

We placed her gently at a bed and checked her vitals. It still normal which is great, if it drops down. We'll be needing to operate on her because there's some parts of the blade is stucked inside.

"We need to ready the OR!" I said.
"Lisa, can you ready the OR?" Jennie asked as Lisa nodded running.
"Seulgi, please call the others. We can't do it alone..." I ordered Seulgi as she quickly rushed outside.

"Dahyun, give her IV. Tzuyu, vitals?" I stated. Dahyun ran to the counter while Tzuyu looked at the monitor.
"76 to 88, its dropping!" She exclaimed. Gladly, the others arrived quickly.

The boys placed the old woman at the OR while we wash our hands at the washing area.

I noticed Mina would glance at me from time to time, Seulgi would look back and forth at the two of us. While Jihyo and Jeongyeon would stiffle their laughs at the two of us.


After some hectic operations, I slumped back at my chair while eating Jajangmyeon. I was about to take a bite, when I saw my Family's portrait. But hlaf of my sister's face is torn.

I sighed and finished my food. I knew that my sister died but, I want to atleast have a memory of her. Like some picture, but sadly her picture can only see half of her face.

"Hey, Y/n. Can you help me with something?" Jeongyeon asked while holding some papers.
"Yeah, what is it jeong?" I asked eyeing the papers.
"Can you give this to Ms. Hyuna? I can't give it to her since Mina wants me to finish the report so I can't give it to Ms. Hyuna." She explained. I smiled then nodded.

"Of course!" I exclaimed as Jeongyeon happily gave me the papers.


I arrived at Ms. Hyuna's office. Even I'm at the door, I can feek some intense aura from it. I sighed and knocked 3 times but nobody answere. I knocked 5 times but nobody still answered.

I decided to barge in, I peeked at the door but nobody is here.

I went to her table and placed the papers there. I looked around, its neat and its arranged well. My eye caught a portrait. It looks fsmiliar for some reason. I was about to go closer to it when Jeongyeon peeked at the door calling me.

I sighed and looked at the portrait one more time before leaving.

The portrait looks similar and the picture! Its so familiar!!

'Where did I see it? Its so familiar! I've seen it before...but I don't remember. Arghh curse this brain' I thought cursing mentally.

I sighed when me and Jeongyeon arrived at the office. I immediately slumped back at my bed plugging my earphones.

'Aishh....seriously where did I saw that picture? It seemed to be torn tho. Aishh...I hate my brain when it comes to this.'

Sorry for mistakes!!!!

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